I was not sure where Nursey was comming from on this it seemsed uncharicteristicly like taking a moral stand. Then Hmmm.... Phat look out I think Nursey has the hots for ya. Better wear your chastity underwear as her heat seaking love missile is aimed right at your bunghole. Pimp you should be worried about this.
Looking and acting on those feelings are where the line is drawn. Every human on the planet has desires and thoughts. Acting, or not acting, on those desires is what seperates us from Monkeys. So who cheated on you?
why? i'm the one she's faithful towards, she has a bond with, and still has the hots for... and the feelings are mutual.... agreeing with someone and wanting to fuck them are on two seperate planes.. as are disagreeing and fighting.... unless of course you are nursey and i.. but then the fucking and fighting is allowed
I think what separates phatboy from monkeys is a fire hose and a tazer. Once he gets a grip, he's tough.
No worries Pimp just could not resist the urge. I'm an asshole that way. I knew you two were some "fuckin fighters"
That'll learn that monkey...... Of course if I was from Alabama it would have to be related to me before I fucked it........BEYOTCH
The only person I know cheated on me for sure, I left. But that was because the cheating was the culmination of a lot of problems in the relationship. Have you considered the alternative hypothesis though, Phat, that maybe I've cheated on someone and am now busily rationalising the behaviour? Hmm?
That does make sense. But did you tell? Or are you just making up for it by being the best 'partner' you can be? But if you are the one, then something pushed you to it. I dont think slathering someone in vegimite and giving them a good 'rogering' is bad, but if you were willing to do it once, then chances are you'll do it again.
Hey it works for me, I have issues with commitment, and looking to keep my options open, I am not dishonest about it, they women know where they stand, and so do I.
Which proves my theory: that a man can slut about and be looked upon as a hero, whilst if a girl proclaimed the same she'd be a hooor. That being said, I'm envious; how about a threesome?
Only men who are insecure and jealous feel that way about a woman exploring her sexuality and learning what makes her happy in the bedroom. Me personaly I can't hold someone to a higher standard then I hold myself at the momment. Threesome sounds great, I am in London UK, so there may be some travel in your near future.
Ive done things a bunch that I have decided to never do again, however that doesnt mean I havent done them again. It just meanst that at times I wish I hadnt, or wish I wouldnt again.