Flight 93 gets blasted

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by smurfslappa, May 1, 2006.

  1. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    That's why your opinions suck Joe. I see it quickly becoming a religious issue and that's all it'll be about when things really kick off.
  2. smiles

    smiles New Member

    smurf all i have to say is WOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSH.....

    and joe i don't think it's US vs islam.... i see it as: US best interests vs the best interests of whoever else, American politicians wouldn;t hesitate to bomb any colour or creed of man to get what they want even when they have so much
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    There you go Smiles tell us what you really think. Because it really makes you look stupid.

    Smurf it will likely get to that eventually but I would not be to sure. It’s more likely that religion gets blamed for all things bad and becomes "politically incorrect" it’s a slow process where from there more government laws are written slowly tightening down on religious freedom. Meanwhile the Muslim countries will switch from whatever their government style is to theocracy and forbid all religions but specifically Islam.

    As for my opinion sucks...Don't read it :wink:
  4. smiles

    smiles New Member

    so joe... america wouldn't bomb a christian country? the christian countries america has bombed don't have people who would like to see american politicians suffer just as badly as people from muslim countries do? please..... my stupidity...... specify
  5. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Christian vs Muslem monotheistic repressive systems

    Oilconsuming vs oilproducing conglomerates

    Developed secularized rule vs primitive myth-rule

    Degenerate depopulation vs vibrant population surplus

    Caspar Weinbergers qute smile and brilliant analysis vs
    Henry Kissingers newlydone curls and shiniest glasses.

    Peanutbutter and jello on white toast will beat that pita anyday

    Thanks to the gods that we are in safe hands :twisted:
  6. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Smiles ! The bombing of the serbs was as such just a prelude to bombing the arab muslem backward poor ones. The serbs were just the christians available that most resembled muslems. A dry run, so to say :wink: And it gives the line of: "Its not the MUSLEMS we are bombing".

    Culturally, the serbs were caught on the wrong side of the Austrian-Turkish border.
  7. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    And in truth: If it were the muslems that were targeted, the USairforce could easily implement a total colapse in infrastructure. All the way from Karthoum to Teheran.

    It could cut down on the production of cute educationals :wink:
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You paying attention Smiles?
  9. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    You're forgetting that this is a very delicate process, turning Christians against Muslims and vice versa. Should anything ever look too fucked up, the people will quickly unite against the common enemy: hate, and the apocalypse it will bring.
  10. smiles

    smiles New Member


    joe is your comment in reference to xerx post? which part specifically? you seem always elude to a point but never really make one.... kindly specify if you have something meaningful to contribute.... otherwise quit jeering from the stands

    xerx i now america could destroy the infrastructure of all muslim nations, which is another point that supports my claim that this isn't a US vs Islam war, destroying muslim nations doesn’t fit their plans, it's not profitable, this isn’t a religious war they've just gone after a goal they can capitalize off of...... demonizing the enemy in the media by warping his persona is a tactic the west has known well since WW1

    and with relation to the whole reason for destroying Yugo had to do with them being able to later say that they do support islam in other parts of the world…… wouldn’t that mean that they’ve been planning something along the lines of this current bullshit since at least 91?
  11. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    So what you're saying is that the Christian nations of the world will be pitted against the Muslim nations of the world? So eventually we're going to have a full scale conflict including all christian and Muslim nations? Sounds highly unlikely. I don't see Brazil getting involved in a conflict against the United Arab Emirates and Dubai. If anything if there is another "world war" and it is fought in the middle east it will be the Capitalist west vs. the Petro-dictatorships of the middle east. Religion is merely a premise used for stirring up the masses in the middle east. Terrorism is the adhesive that is being used to solidify the west. I don't see this turning into all out unlimited warfare though. All sides have too much to lose from such a conflict.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member


    You’re forgetting that it was the US that was provoked here with the current conflict. As for the Yugo war against Milosevic I won't argue you on that point you are correct. Clinton should not have got US involved in that Clinton truly is a walking talking shitbag. Notice though that you will never hear anything negative about him in your press also where were these peace protesters you see now during the Clinton administration?

    Where am I supposed to start? That was stupid plain and simple and it points out your bias. We were provoked multiple times from terrorist group no specific country. These terrorists groups attacked US embassies tried to take out buildings before the twin towers at 911. So why don't you just jump in bed with Smurf and his idea that the "Shadow" government orchestrated all of this in order to have an excuse to get oil.
  13. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    I think this is where Nursey got pissed and left the ballgame. Without a central conspiracy the analysis fragments. I like conspiracy-theories myself. They hold central info on belief.

    I believe future muslem scholars will view the politics of Islam in the 1950-200? as a tragedy. All those mujaheddins wasted on the altar of spilt blood.

    And the same goes with Jugoslavia. Nobody "plotted" the downfall of the federation. Even blaming it all on Tito, ( Though understandable ), is an intellectual defaitism. And blaming ONE ethnic group ? I MEt a few serbs back before all that jazz. Haughty and proud warriors are not the best diplomats.

    In the humanities the opposite scientific rule applies. Its never the easiest solution
  14. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    And yes. The wars that are, and will come, are all about resource-alocation. No matter the war-paint.
  15. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    It will be because we've lost so much that it turns into an all out war. You'll see things sliding downhill soon enough. Everybody will be scrambling for their piece of the pie, and with all of our awesome first world equipment, we'll get more than our fair share. This is when the Muslims/third worlders see us for the evil that we are, and attack us.

    There'll be a few obvious signs that God is pissed with all of us, which'll direct all that rage everyone will have to be feeling by then. Some powerful lightning storms and earthquakes and millions of people dying from cancer when the food shortages begin and BAM, you have all the signs that those crazy Muslims will need that God is angry with us for raping his children.
  16. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    There is a big and beautiful network of gringoes and sympathisersall around the world. They ,( We ), are despised, feared and admired. The cutest chicks all dig it

    Smurf: Its not collapse, its assimilation into the genetic plethora of the world. 8)

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