That's reasonable enough, but I still think it should be up to the bar owner. The state of California bans it outright, and that's rediculous. And the bars I go to don't serve wine. That's for pussies and commies.
Don't take that to personal Chester it has probably been five min. since his last smoke so he was a little edgy.
No offence taken. The red wine was only an example. I drink beer, as my comments in many other threads will attest.
Also thought I'd mention, going to bars is a voluntary activity, therefore assuming that you should have given rights over what people choose to do there is an assumption one can't make.
Bull. I choose to go to drink, not breathe someone else's second-hand smoke. As I said, a separately ventilated area, and we're all happy.
Not if there are no other options available. See above. This argument is getting rather circular. Let's talk about beer.
Becks. I'm about to go to the pub to get properly written off for my birthday. I'll have a Hennesy for Smiles, then probably stick to Tooheys New. Hasta la vista!
Xerxes , severus et clemens, libertatis, pacisjusticiaeque tribunus, et sacre Romane Reipublice liberator. Just telling you . Thats all.
sever abd clense, liberate, contribute to, the sacred Roman republic liberation. ? Just guessing Babelfish has not a clue.
It probably is pigs latin from around 13??. This dude tried a revolution in Rome. Some success as well. More than emperor Norton anyway :lol: