Fascist America In 10 Easy Steps

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Nursey, May 10, 2007.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The whole point of editing Wicipedia, Wica.. whatever was simply to make a point. I'm somewhat perplexed were you assuming I really meant that as an insult?

    Yeah I can see that Nursey is actually considering other angles than the typical one I see her coming from. There is a commonality though and that is the whole anti-Bush admin. I have my own grading card and I do not score him straight A's myself. There are a few D's in the mix and perhaps a failure for not using his executive privilege like he should.

    I have studied up on Leo and replied making a few points. Now how about those questions regarding Watergate?

    What about Joe Wilson, and Scooter Libby?

    Damage already done? No not at all simply acknowledging the obvious truth and restoring honor to a good mans name could reverse it all. But that would go against the whole take no prisoners anti-America must win at all cost approach.

    Look man if you cause is righteous then you do not need to depend on lies to win.
  2. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    I was going to say.. this site has become too 'nice' for want of a better word, there is not much hate here any more and any that is left is fueling political bias.
    Feel free to explain what happened in my absence. Why did this place become so politically correct? :-\
  3. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    It started a year ago when I came in. I'm sorry but, dammit, I love you, man :-*
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    So, what do you think? You should look into it, but don't rely on Straussians to tell you what they're about, as that would go against the whole Straussian ethos:

    *I'll tell you what that type of thinking basically amounts to...

  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Nursey step back farther for a broader approach. Look at the conspiracy theorists they are some times the tool of use and on some occasion the master craftsman. Your getting (and you do this so quite often) caught up in the philosophical equivalent of a double agent.

    It is similar to two Jerry Springer contestants one a con artist and the other legit. Let’s say one is posing as a physician while the other is actually a physician. Both are involved in a debate about whatever medical issue of the day. Simply a conversation that would in no way require that the persons be physicians however the con artist is leveraging this false premise to add weight to his or her opinion. At some point the con artist who thinks as a con artist does concludes he is beginning to loose influence I the debate. He immediately accuses the real physician of being a fraud. He does so in a legitimate manner and it sounds feasible. The end effect being he now has again the upper hand and advantage. The real physician could try to turn tables and accuse the actual fraud. Would not have the same effect though he is not eloquent enough to pull it off and the crowd would just see it as a lame attempt to discredit someone who exposed him for what he is. So he simply carries on with the debate credibility damaged none the less not acknowledging the absurd accusation.

    You are the one sitting in the audience fully taken by this fraud. Regardless of weather he is right or wrong that point is not relevant to the issue which is the tactic used to affect the outcome.

    In the arena of political debate and philosophy I have seen this on innumerable occasions it really annoys me to no end and is the utmost insult to honesty.

    A habitual thief who losses something of importance to themselves will automatically assume someone stole it from them. It is their mindset how they think that causes this impulse. Take that a little further the same thief either having been exposed for his dishonesty or not is keenly aware of how effectively having a “Scarlet Letter” of dishonesty attached to his persona would hinder his influential ability in general not to mention his capability as a thief. He may be the best person to know when to use the implied dishonesty of another to affect the same means.

    Your socialist movements, MoveOn.org the Democratic party here in the US, Communist in France, George Soros’s little minions running around spreading propaganda. They are all dishonest as hell. I have noticed how quickly they will not hesitate to use character assignation as a tactic. The conservative always hesitates as if it is his duty to not make accusations that are not absolutely unequivocally and positively irrefutably proven and then not so either. So they trudge along trying to survive simply in superior ideal which they certainly have in great measure. But the victims are the people who are taken by the scam. And the ones thrown to the wolves like Scooter.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah and I figured it was a dead giveaway you know that picture being of such a looser and all :p

    Interpritation/reply :

    Remember the good old days when people were serious assholes?

    • I started posting on Fugly with the "Jews Gone Wild" thread when I was blown away by the ignorance, misconception, mindless group speek. and ahh well it was sorta that way I guess. It still is to a lesser extent probably mayby a slow change is not as easy to percieve.

    Joe Nursey is being nice I and others know her personally as you only wish you could she is a rose that I appreciate while you only seem to see the thorns. Besides you are an ass Joe.

    • WTF do you want assholes or not cause I'm confused? Ok I loose my temper half as much as others and I try to not get personal I can tell what quirks or little switches people have and have been guilty of using them true if provoked. I think however it's in bad taste I personally would rather not take it to that level

  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  8. Emetic

    Emetic New Member


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