I think this stuff is supposed to be art like the photoshop stuff. I don't believe she really believes anything she posts.
the demoncraps staged a fake burglary at their own national convention to frame the republicans as buggerers... unfortunately the dirty left wing media bastards of the washington post colluded with the demoncraps to turn it into a giant scandal.. poor old nixon decided to resign rather than have his beloved country tear itself apart.. and good old gerald ford pre-emptively pardoned him to heal the divided nation..
Nursey, People BELIEVED the Watergate conspiracy and it created a public outrage that resulted in the ouster of a sitting President. The same Americans are still here Nursey. Why did they suddenly become gullible and silent?
I have no idea what your point is Nursey. I saw the video and from what I could tell there is a reporter calling out Howard Dean for being an ass. And George Bush deciding to take the high road and not join the hateful rhetoric. Actually defending Dean by saying basically "that’s politics". Then you go on to read the posts below they are laughable to say the least. But all of that aside the idea that you would run to youtube and grab this video clip and throw it out on FuglyForums fully confident that you have the evidence to shut up for once and for all anyone who would argue against your America and GW hate rhetoric. It's just comical that’s all “comical” is the best word to sum it up. That video does nothing to promote your position but it does show that apparently you must be smoking crack.
Americans BELIEVED 9/11 was instigated by an enemy of America and it created public outrage alowing a terrorist to call for more restrictions against his own people. The same Americans think the same. Why were they always gullible and stupid? ..there you go, you just hit the nail on the head, the nation will believe whatever the government tells them, even lies.
It's a video, of Bush sounding guilty as hell. I found it late last night just before i went to bed and thought it would be a fun response to phatboy's retarded line of questioning. I didn't expect it to be treated as if it's evidence to be used in a court of law. Perhaps i should always put a little wink or smiley face next to the lighthearted stuff so Joe doesn't self-pulverise into a heap of micro-fine particles.
;D So I guess we have to wait till 08 for this dumbass thread of nurseys to go away? Yea, cuba is paradise, GO THERE PLEASE!!! :
I thought it looked as much like Bush had to leave his script and choked. Nasty reporters shouldn't toss curve balls like that.
The quickest way in the journalism field to up your status among your peers is to ask a question to damage a conservative president, or if there is a liberal democratic president in office to point questions in a specific light to benefit the president. A very conservative estimate would place journalist in an 85% pro liberal stance. When they go to work they are going to fight on the front line for their socialists beliefs. The day that the Bush administration proposed a script for his press meetings you will be reading the headlines across the world. Bush is not a very eloquent speaker. ....And that means what? I know used car salesmen who are very eloquent and will finagle every last cent of your meek old grandmother’s pension by having her car brought to the garage for scary and imminent repair needs. While trapping her for agonizing hours in the sales room so he can then pound away at her until she is scared enough to sign on the dotted line and buy another car. I personally do not want that in a president. The question asked did not need to be answered for reasons of national security. If he did (and btw if he did he was handed information from Clinton who did nothing to stop it) the terrorist do not need to know. And if he did not also the terrorists do not need to know.