Once again Nursey, I live here. "Record" damage to rigs does not mean much, since little damage has ever been reported to oil rigs in the past. "Record" does not necessarily mean "massive." "Rigs adrift" is an hassle, not a loss. Damaged and sunk rigs are part of the cost of doing business in hurricane alley. If 100 rigs were lost, that is still a small percentage. There are THOUSANDS of rigs in the Gulf. They are freaking everywhere. If you look out into the ocean at night, it still looks like a darned city. Go think some happy thoughts Nursey dear. TEOTWAWKI has been postponed. Barry
Oh, and one other thing. I stated that no damage has been reported to refineries and pipelines. Those are land based facilities. I never said that the rigs were spared any damage. The rigs simply pump oil and natural gas from the under the seabed and send it to shore to the refineries. Each rig supplies just a small percentage of raw material that comes to each refinery. A loss of several rigs will not affect capacity at a refinery, nor will it really effect total availablity. Oil dropped in price again for the second day in a row. You know that supply and demand drive prices. Does that sound like a shortage? Barry
Interesting article about oil rigs in our local paper today. http://www.al.com/news/mobileregister/index.ssf?/base/news/112789905291350.xml&coll=3 Barry
barry.. oil dropped in price because the refineries are down.. has the price gone down or up at the pumps?
OoOOo, what an idiot. Barry... And they're keeping the prices good and low here in the US so we use up all the gas.
Around here is has dropped considerably. It is still much higher than last year, but down about .30 from last month. I bought gas for $2.49 a gallon today. I don't know how that converts into your currency. Barry
$2.50 a gallon is not low. There is only enough known oil reserves on earth to keep us going about 200 more years. I hope to God we do run out soon so that we are forced to develop other fuel sources. Have you ever heard of the TRILLION gallon reserves in Canada? http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.07/oil.html On a different thought, have you ever considered elective sterilization? Barry
It's nice and low compared to what the rest of the world is paying. It's at about that level right before people actually start cutting back. Maximize consumption and profit, I'm pretty sure $2.50 is where those lines intersect. And what's so strategic about the US using up our strategic reserves so that people can drive their fat asses and big SUV's around? "So our fragile economy doesn't collapse waaaah." Well we shouldn't be in this situation if our leaders give half a crap. And nevermind those gas reserves in Canada, those are for our military when the takeover comes, not us. It's not so much about actually having scarcity as it is about creating a false scarcity. God forbid we all actually educate ourselves in the way of this world and see that a lot more people are willing to get way more ridiculously ruthless than you think.
And on a different though... Today as our world plunges towards Total War, Global Weather Chaos, Catastrophic Earthquakes and a Flu Pandemic estimated by the World Health Organization to cause the deaths of over 100 Million human beings, no one people, no one nation, will be more devastated than those of the United States. Not for their not being warned of these events, and like the German people of last century were also warned, but rather because they would not listen, or in listening they would mock, and while laughing off the warnings given to them failed to prepare
100 million, in a flu pandemic. That many people die every 20 years from malaria. That's hardly the end of the world scenario you predicted smurf. More people are born than that every year. I doesn't add up.
Oh yes, because those numbers aren't woefully underestimated, or because I'm solely depending on this flu pandemic to bring the apocalypse.