Enough people on the tv saying "There were no weapons&q

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. smiles

    smiles New Member

    have you actualy seen any of the televised proceedings at the hague.... they're quite humerous that man is giving thema run for their money.... anaywas i can tell you one thing about that war... it was baught and sold over and over again.... i actualy drank with a guy that was a member of arkans tigers in sarajevo, over the summer .... the man told me that they'd lose men... take a city, no resistance left, only to be called back and retreat .... there were no concentration camps.... but dont take it form me, read a neutral source like Scott Taylor... a former canadian soldier and journalist, i believe he was even held in iraq by insurgents for a while.... anyways he has a book called Inat where he tells the story from what he saw and what the candian soldiers that were there told him

    tell your friend from srajevo i lived on Pofalici before the war
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Actually it would be interesting to see. But the media in America has decided not to show it. Quite frankly like I said months ago in the Jews gone wild thread I am sympethetic to the Serbian nationalists. I do not believe we needed to be involved in that region. I think Slick Willey just wanted to direct some attention off of his situation. Like exactly what is the definition of a humidor, or whats with this new term Oval Orface. And the media did support that jackass in his little endevour. Just like that Sheehan bitch never said a word or had a complaint about us involve ment in Haiti. Fact is your anger is missguided and you do not even know it. And another point that shows some obvious hipocracy. What about the U.N.? Did the U.N. not invade your country. All this is what I'm talking about when I say all your bitching is totally illegitimate. You want America to appease the rest of the world. Well just look at France and the fine mess they have got themselves in. Try reading this thread.
    Maybe that should enlighten you.
  3. smiles

    smiles New Member

    but regardless of what problems other nations have.... and regardless of what problems they cause no single nation has waged so many different wars in the last century with such little reason against enemies that are clearly infreriour.... all the while claiming a righteous cause
  4. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    An Army-vet had a good argument about this a year ago. He said; The fact that USA is involved in a war in a region, does not mean it would not have been a war there if USA bailed out.

    On the other hand. The timing of the Rightwing is often criticized by the left, for creating unneccesary suffering and anti-american sentiments.

    Ex1; Chomskys critique of US-support to Saddam in the eighties. Support of anti-democratic saudi regime. Result-Current arab sentiment.

    Ex2; The murder of Allende and support of conquistador-class dictators in south and central-america. The use of terrorism in same areas. Result-Current latin sentiment.

    It will be wrong to blame ALL of this on USAs greed. Any leader, or electorate has a responsibility to their people. But to what degree should one exploit a weakness ? Know allso, that a weakness historically is to morrows strength.

    Hi Smiles !
    "no single nation has waged so many different wars in the last century with such little reason against enemies that are clearly infreriour.... all the while claiming a righteous cause".

    That is right ! But if you put together the warshaw-pact, PRC and all those semi-marxist groups that wanted to fight against the classical western imperialism, then maybe they have just as many. Maybe more. Hoi Chi Minh was undoubtedly a great hero and a military genius, but in the end, Vietnam ( And Laos and Campuchea ) ended up in the loosers camp. Countryside full of mines and population and land crippled. The outcome might have been different if the Communists had started of with the same resources the west had. But the naive idea that the richest individuals in the world willingly should give up what they have was a theoretical trashcan for practical amputation.

    The serbs can be a good example. Once having a just cause. Their cause grows to become a religion. Ruining their homeland and setting the world on fire ( 1914 ). Even if they did not have consentrationcamps, they used genocide. Pretty close to the tactics used by germans 40-45. Its the danger of fighting. You become what you do not want to be. You become like your enemy. You go mad and evil. Even if your cause was just. Just like death-penalty. Seen american media. People in mourning being dragged onto television and used as "infotainment". Even if the perpetrator deserves to die. The victims deserve to stay better. And so does the judicial system that protects.

    "Stupid is as stupid does , sir!" Forrest Gump
  5. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    And for Joe that cares about the media ! Today I saw a moustached journalist with meticolus hairdo supporting the decision to stay ( At least until elections ), then they swiched to that dear dead John Lennon and an interwiew the moustache had done with John and Yoko in the 70s. Using John Lennon to back and support the war in iraq was a new low for fox"news".

    I know many ways they could make good journalism while supporting the decision to stay. Why do you need DonaldDuck in the studio? Are they afarid of brains ? This alienates those that have a few cells left , while retaining a minimum of moral integrity.

    "stupid is as stupid does, sir!" Forrest Gump
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I'm not going to try to defend Fox news and Geraldo Rivera has always been two things a loose cannon and a liberal (an interesting point since everyone keeps saying that Fox is extreme right) The only thing is Geraldo (am I assuming to much to believe you are referring to him? Is that the setup?) is very much convicted to his defense of the Jewish position in the Arab Jew conflict. Any ways I have a question that I believe disserves its own thread since you may have some input.

    Now that General Ante Gotovina has been arrested in Spain. What do you think will happen to the Bosnian Serbs' wartime leader, Radovan Karadzic, and his military commander, Gen Ratko Mladic. Sine they are also wanted. Will the Serbs give up there location? Or should I say will the Bosnian Serbs give up the location of these two individuals.

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