Enough people on the tv saying "There were no weapons&q

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. smiles

    smiles New Member

    you seem to be under the impression that the world cares about american politics, we don't, when we do start to care is when there are uranium depleted bullets lodged in our cars and homes........ i don't care about America enough to hate it but when you try to justify their actions as correct and even necessary for worldwide stability it makes me wonder.... you've tried to dismiss every piece of irrefutable evidence presented here (e.g. NO BEATING) as some sort of conspiracy to discredit the government and yet you accuse me of dismissing evidence?....... what i find amusing is that you can apply a certain set of standards to one country, bomb the living shit out of it and then go and do the EXACT SAME THING yourselves, and then JUSTIFY it (e.g. torturing POW's and 'suspected' terrorists)

    had you ended your post at "We will just have to disagree." i could've respected your stance more and recognized that perhaps your perspective is based on one much different then my own...... but that you recognized that my perspective also comes from a different set of experiences... but alas you continued... and further perpetuated my belief in the ever infamous "ignant merrrican"
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So I almost had ya then I screwed it all up and went too far? :x I'll never get through. Ah hell life is to short. I believe what I believe. Trust me if it were the other way around and the country was way too far to the right and the world media were making it worse. I would be terrified and I would do my part to expose the truth the other way around.
  3. smiles

    smiles New Member



    heh homeboy now even GB JR's people say they were wrong .....
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Great artical Smiley I think we should all read it. ..... Past the third sentance that is. lol
    Hey really thanks for making a really good point for all of those who actually read the artical.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Just an excerpt from the article from Yahoo news :

    Just in case anyone missed that. ROTFL
  6. smiles

    smiles New Member

    hmmm pint out to me what i'm missing......

    Prez says:OOOOOPSW sorry guys... our bad on the weapons there werent any.


    Prez says: Naw i swear we thought there were weapons, other countries thought so too go yell at them.

    ..... isn't that about the jist of it?
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Smiley got a question. Did Iraq ever have weapons of mass destruction?
  8. smiles

    smiles New Member


    according to Hadley.... no
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Despite the fact that thousands of Kurds were gassed and the fact that tons of chemicals were identified and cataloged by the inspectors. Tons of enriched uranium were identified by the inspectors. You have chosen to take the belief that, Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction? And you are admitting that you take this opinion all on the word of national security adviser Stephen Hadley? Well this can be easily resolved then it seems that you have taken what Steve said out of context. If you do not believe me then just read on. There is a whole page of quotes to read there and collectively conclude that there was no deception. Then anyone but your most simple moron knows there were weapons. I mean sure there are some America haters out there who know the truth and claim different both in and outside of the country both in and outside of elected office. But in the end everyone knows Saddam had WMDs. The simple fact that he had them coupled with the fact that he was attempting to hide them and deceive inspections and the simple fact that he kicked inspectors out of the country. That is all you need to know.
  10. smiles

    smiles New Member


    hahaha how do we know this? the NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR says there arent any.... why wuld one of the men with most to gain by finidng these weapons say there arent any ... if there are??????? i honestly dont see how much more evidence you need... YOUR SIDE admitted they were wrong.... why do you cling to this so hard?
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Also: Iraqi cancers, birth defects blamed on U.S. depleted uranium

    DU - The Stuff of Nightmares

  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Nursey your links all come from the same group of American haters also liars to accomplish there desired end meanwhile, I could round up birth defect photos anywhere. Would it interest you to know that Saddam had buried toxic waste from his Nuclear research all over Iraq? O that’s right in your fairytale land that never happened.

    Guess what first of all white phosphorus is not napalm. Second of all why don’t you accuse the Americans of using Diesel and Gasoline cause that’s right your reading it right here on Fugly I'm here to say that we used gasoline and diesel also. As well as high explosive, c4, tnt, magnesium sulfate, av gas. What other hundreds of substances you can switch to.
    By the way as far as I understand Gasoline or Diesel are closer to Napalm than white phosphorus. If white phosphorus is a wmd then maybe there is your proof the insurgents had huge bunkers of white phosphorus loaded into bunkers where they also stored there families how about that since we are going way out on a limb speculating. It was only a matter of time before the US bombed these bunkers. Only a true scumbag would sore up there own family in the same bunkers that the military was using knowing it to be a target. But then again the Insurgent terrorists are scumbags of course you do not see it that way you admire them apparently.
  15. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    you're right joe.. they haven't used napalm in iraq.. they've used mark 77 firebombs...

    the difference between those and napalm of course is that mk77's use kerosene mixed with polystyrene as opposed to.. ahem.. 'gasoline'..
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    And what of the white phosphorus? How about making up your mind for a change which is it?

    Here is a Quote for you to read. You will love the source on this.

  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    And what of the white phosphorus? How about making up your mind for a change which is it?

    Here is a Quote for you to read. You will love the source on this.

  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Conventional Terror...

    It sat on my PC desktop for five days.

    The first day I read about it on the internet, on some site, my heart sank. White phosphorous in Falloojeh. I knew nothing about white phosphorous, of course, and a part of me didn’t want to know the details. I tried downloading the film four times and was almost relieved when I got disconnected all four times.

    E. had heard about the film too and one of his friends S. finally brought it by on CD. He and E. shut themselves up in the room with the computer to watch the brief documentary. E. came out half an hour later looking pale- his lips tightened in a straight line, which is the way he looks when he’s pensive... thinking about something he'd rather not discuss.

    “Hey- I want to see it too…” I half-heartedly called out after him, as he walked S. to the door.

    “It’s on the desktop- but you really don’t want to see it.” E. said.

    I avoided the computer for five days because every time I switched it on, the file would catch my eye and call out to me… now plaintively- begging to be watched, now angrily- condemning my indifference.

    Except that it was never indifference… it was a sort of dread that sat deep in my stomach, making me feel like I had swallowed a dozen small stones. I didn’t want to see it because I knew it contained the images of the dead civilians I had in my head.

    Few Iraqis ever doubted the American use of chemical weapons in Falloojeh. We’ve been hearing the terrifying stories of people burnt to the bone for well over a year now. I just didn’t want it confirmed.

    I didn’t want it confirmed because confirming the atrocities that occurred in Falloojeh means verifying how really lost we are as Iraqis under American occupation and how incredibly useless the world is in general- the UN, Kofi Annan, humanitarian organizations, clerics, the Pope, journalists… you name it- we’ve lost faith in it.

    I finally worked up enough courage to watch it and it has lived up to my worst fears. Watching it was almost an invasive experience, because I felt like someone had crawled into my mind and brought my nightmares to life. Image after image of men, women and children so burnt and scarred that the only way you could tell the males apart from the females, and the children apart from the adults, was by the clothes they are wearing… the clothes which were eerily intact- like each corpse had been burnt to the bone, and then dressed up lovingly in their everyday attire- the polka dot nightgown with a lace collar… the baby girl in her cotton pajamas- little earrings dangling from little ears.

    Some of them look like they died almost peacefully, in their sleep… others look like they suffered a great deal- skin burnt completely black and falling away from scorched bones.

    I imagine what it must have been like for some of them. They were probably huddled in their houses- some of them- tens of thousands of them- couldn’t leave the city. They didn’t have transport or they simply didn’t have a place to go. They sat in their homes, hoping that what people said about Americans was actually true- that in spite of their huge machines and endless weapons, they were human too.

    And then the rain of bombs would begin… the wooooosh of the missiles as they fell and the sound of the explosion as it hit its target… and no matter how prepared you think you are for that explosion- it always makes you flinch. I imagine their children covering their ears and some of them crying, trying to cover up the mechanical sounds of war with their more human wails. I imagine that as the tanks got closer, and the planes got lower- the fear increased- and parents searched each other’s faces for a solution, for a way out of the horror. Some of them probably decided to wait it out in their homes, and others must have been desperate to get out- fearing the rain of concrete and steel and thinking their chances were better in the open air, than confined in the homes that could at any moment turn into their tombs.

    That’s what we were told before the Americans came- it’s safer to be outside of the house during an air strike than it is to be inside of the house. Inside of the house, a missile nearby would turn the windows into millions of little daggers and walls might come crashing down. In the garden, or even the street, you’d only have to worry about shrapnel and debris if the bomb was very close- but what were the chances of that?

    That was before 2003… and certainly before Falloojeh.

    That was before men, women and children left their homes only to be engulfed in a rain of fire.

    Last year I blogged about Falloojeh and said:

    “There is talk of the use of cluster bombs and other forbidden weaponry.”

    I was immediately attacked with a barrage of emails from Americans telling me I was a liar and that there was no proof and that there was no way Americans would ever do something so appalling! I wonder how those same people justify this now. Are they shocked? Or do they tell themselves that Iraqis aren’t people? Or are they simply in denial?

    The Pentagon spokesman recently said:

    "It's part of our conventional-weapons inventory and we use it like we use any other conventional weapon,"

    This war has redefined ‘conventional’. It has taken atrocity to another level. Everything we learned before has become obsolete. ‘Conventional’ has become synonymous with horrifying. Conventional weapons are those that eat away the skin in a white blaze; conventional interrogation methods are like those practiced in Abu Ghraib and other occupation prisons…

    Quite simply… conventional terror.
  19. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    you're right joe.. they aren't outlawed... for illumination purposes... but they ARE outlawed when used against personnel.. which.. as your article points out in it's correction.. is how they were used...

    but also if i remember correctly.. they are absolutely outlawed for any purpose in areas populated by civilians.. which describes fallujah...

    and anyway i don't think the US is a signatory to the anti-chemical weapon rules so it's a moot point.... same as they don't recognise the ICC either...:roll:

    and what do you mean make up my mind?... i didn't bring up napalm or white phosphorus.. i cleared up the fact that mark 77's.. which are pretty much napalm.. has been used in iraq.. and i never mentioned them being used in fallujah so you can retain that article back up your anus where it belongs
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    Hahaha! I think i hear the sound of desperate scrabbling. Remember what i said about Joe striking me as the type of person that would rather lose his sanity than alter his position? Give it up Joe! The U.S. has already been caught out lying and been put in a position where it had no option but to admit it!

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