because that's where most of the energy is passing through, that low ass pressure area. The moving electric current causes the spinning around it. It takes a lot of energy to suck up all that water underneath it and create a 30 foot storm surge like the one Wilma had, over an area of about 200-square miles, that's heavy, and it happened faster than I think the warm water underneath it could provide...
Xerx Its impossible to do the math on the weather. Rule of increasing complexity. Slap No it's not, you're an idiot. They don't have to figure out every fucking nook and cranny in a hurricane to know what it's doing as a whole. Xerx But the small parts work back on the big picture bigtime. Thats why Its impossible to do the math on the weather. Rule of increasing complexity. You are into that conspiracyshit seriously scheck Reich and Tezla :wink:
Why would electric current pass through the eye, which has the lowest amount of conductive material? Electricity needs something to transmit through, it doesn't just move without a conductor.
How the hell does electricity from the sun get transfered from there to here to outside the solar system? Moves through that vaccuumous space, nice and smoothly. Less shit to get in its way and thus increase the resistance. There's large lightning storms out in space too. If that's not the case, why the hell is the shit spinning all around it? Why the hell was the electric field above Emily, one of the hurricanes with the most lightning, so damn intense? I'm sure Katrina, Rita and Wilmas was much much more, but alas, they conveniently didn't test those. It's a fine and dandy excuse that the storms were too intense to fly in and it's true, but come on, lots and lots of lightning around the eye wall. All I'm saying is I'm pretty damn sure these beasts are electrically driven, you look at them and you know there has to be lots and lots of energy flowing through those ho's, way more than the stupid warm water theory can provide, and it's most likely through the eye. So this is why we can't know how they work, because understanding them would extend to many other fields of science, and would make us question their impact on our magnetic field, climate, yada yada. It's not impossible to do the math on weather, that's a stupid ass rule you're trying to quote, and I'm pretty damn sure somebody already has and that's how these beasts of hurricanes came about. Vertical winds my ass.
Smurf said... If space was full of electricity we wouldn't need to put batteries on Satellites, now would we. Space is full of high energy particles, which release electrons when they collide with other particles. The same reason the water forms a vortex around a small circle of air when you drain a bathtub, it facilitates the vertical movement of fluid in a viscous medium. It's the same way a tornado air intake works on a car. A vortex improves the efficiency of movement in a fluid medium. If that was the case then the wind of the storm would continue to be electrically driven after it made landfall, and it wouldn't lose energy in a consistent pattern after making landfall. The ocean harbors an amazing amount of heat energy. Do some research on wave generated power.
Well it's getting through there somehow. Electricity still confuses many, many people. Space is full of high energy particles, and when they hit our atmosphere they release their energy in a number of different ways. No bitch, not everything that spins spins for the same damn reason. Water spinning down the drain is not wind spinning around in a hurricane. Water spinning down a drain is in it's little container, and is forced to go down the hole. The wind around a hurricane refuses to disperse, and is in fact drawn to the eye. Alrighty, while I'm doing that, read this...
Crap, I just ate my own shit... The energy must be getting pumped out with the way the shit is spinning.
Smurf really if it was anything, The Goverment would doctor the pics so you would not know. They would never release anything that would give hard proof to anything they are hiding
I'd like to see some 3rd party validation on that story. Smurf said... yes, all vortices behave the same way, otherwise they would not be defined as a vortex. You notice hurricanes lose energy when they make landfall, and that's because the vortex is disposing of most of it's energy in it's circular motion and also dropping a tremendous amount of heat energy onto the land, which is no longer being replaced by the ocean. Do your own research and thinking smurf, and quit looking to the internet to think for you.
This was my thinking, bitch. That's why I started looking for what I was looking for. Well no fucking shit. But they don't behave the same way for the same damn reasons is what I said. No no grim, those are just simple pictures of a flowing electric current (the straight line) and the magnetic field it generates (the spinning circles around it). I was pointing out with the way a hurricane spins, energy must be flowing out of the earth and into space. Hurricanes lose energy when they make landfall for a number of reasons. The resistance is greater over land than it is over salt water which is able to draw energy over a greater surface area of the ocean floor; one of the components that a hurricane built itself around was water which screeches to a halt when it hits land because of the previous reason and because it's so damn heavy. I would think it'd be interesting to see what happenes to the electrical field above a hurricane when it hits land. Perhaps the plug gets pulled and pllbbtt it craps out.
What's awesome though is that hurricanes tend to spawn a lot of tornadoes when they hit land. You know, those electric vortices of the land?
I started to read this and my eyes glazed over. I caught bits and pieces. Lightening is ground to air. Current in the form of electrons travels from negative to positive. (that’s the questionable common theory anyways) in electricity opposites attract each other. When positive charged clouds travel over negatively charged land the difference of charge becomes great enough to overcome the distance across a dielectric substance (air) a spark occurs (lightening) Lightening also occurs between positively and negatively charged clouds. Where I was raised in East Texas lightening storms were very common. I love to sit out on the porch and watch them come through. I have not lived any other place where they were so very spectacular. I understand the most concentrated lightening however can be observed in some plateau or valley in New Mexico. Off the top of my head that’s my understanding. Watching you guys discuss science is like watching a bunch of monkeys all trying to fuck a football at the same time. Somewhat amusing at first then just plain pathetic.
Well then you're an idiot Joe. I watched the simpsons tonight and I loved what Bart told Lisa about a fight Homer and Marge were having. "Come on Lisa it's natural, we don't have to understand it like hurricanes or going to war."
I think you pretty much summed up my position Joe. Does anyone know if magnetic fields flow in the opposite direction when you cross the equator? That would be evidence of truth in smurfs position.
Interestingly enough they say when you cross the equator the toilet will flow in the opposite direction. IE clockwise on the Northern hemisphere and counter that on the Southern. While in the Military I spent time on the other side of the world. Actually flushed a toilet to see then my dumb ass figured out hell I never took note of which way it went before. Its still a mystery to me Sometimes mysteries are better that way; I successfully solved the mystery of what Vegemite taste like wish I had not though. I am keeping the jar around as a novelty thing in case someone wants to try it. I could also use it for catfish bait in a pinch.
Magnetic fields flow the same way whichever side of the equator you're on. I've never really noticed water swirling either way around the toilet bowl, but it does when I pull the plug out of the bath. Can't remember which way, though. And I doubt any self-respecting catfish would eat Vegemite. You have to start from a very young age to like it: my kids were eating it by nine months.
Hurricanes spin opposite directions on opposite sides of the equator, so unless someone proves me wrong I'm saying smurf is full of shit.