
Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    You getting all spiritual on us now Smurf? I thought this was a result of a man made faschist conspiracy. Are you turning and saying it's the Earth itself that is now going to seek retribution on the human species?
  2. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Nope, I'm saying those in control, those who really are, are very spiritual themselves. Or at least understand the importance of having a balance. These people aren't dumb, they don't discount the ways of the ancients but rather have a much deeper understanding of where we need to go. They promote tons of sensory input and distractions, short attention spans, junk food, little excercise, all sorts of unsafe medications, and unhealthy practices. Seems like someone is setting us up for failure.

    Before you go and defend our way of life, remember, it's still very, very new to the human race. And I'm supposed to believe all that "extra" DNA in my body is junk and mostly unused. Bullshit, all of that serves a purpose, and I believe it does more good to the person who takes care of theirself.

    These people aren't trying to get whips and chains on us just for the fun of having them there, and then live a lavish life on the top. They really are Purifying the Earth, of both unhealthy, shitty bodies and spiritually bankrupt people. It's necessary for our progress and for our survival. Eugenics was a good idea, sorry people. Ideas spread like a cancer in our world, look at how the whole hiphop thing blew up, one of the worst movements to hit mankind, if you think about it.

    And so they'll need to wipe out any and all bad ideas, including those that put a hamper on their plan. The system will be set up to deal with people like me. There'll be good Citizens who'll rat me out for favors or food. Or maybe I'll have my name on a list of those to kill immediately. Or maybe they just don't give a damn about the people at all, and we all need to go.
  3. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    You may be right.
  4. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Actually, i think they're a bunch of perverted, paedophiliac satanists at the top. And eugenics is the equivalent of modern orthodox opposed to holistic.
  6. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    True that, but holistic medicine never had to deal with junk food or any of the other modern day shitty ass habits. Desperate times call for desperate measures, unless there's some way all 6.5 billion people of the world can have the ideal diet and lifestyle. It'd be kind of tough to impress a holistic style on everyone in time to save the world. I know of a quicker way to solve the problem, don't you Nursey?

    And true that, those at the top are probably perverts and pedophiles. But I hope for my sake, and yours, that they're not. Otherwise we're all screwed to the max, and not just halfway screwed.
  7. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    My reference to an old prayer, "It is as it shall always be" is this: we are exactly where we need to be: there is a Divine purpose to everything . Everything.

    Relax. It's out of your control.

    MEDICVET New Member

    thanks, Sam. I feel the same way.

    But like a broken clock is right twice a day, smurfslappa does have some points when he mentions the methane releases and signs that new madrid may be building up to something big.

    But the fact that we can do anything about it other than pray and prepare is ludicrous. And things are as they madrid fault has shaken things up before and doubtless will again...should we cuddle in a litle ball and cower and shake becuase the earth might soon? While that is one of my favorite pastimes, it's not very helpful. We should just do what we can do and leave the rest up to the great spirit.
  9. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    No, you should cuddle up and shake in fear because the earth and these forces causing this apocalypse are very powerful, and we've been very bad. Seek the truth, apologize for your misdeeds, PREPARE, and do what you feel is right. The Great Spirit is pissed, dude. Otherwise this wouldn't be going on, right?
  10. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Looks like the quake you said was gonna hit wound up on the wrong side of the planet smurf. Pakistani ministers are saying that Allah sent it as punishment for the sins of man. What do you think smurf?
  11. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    It's still coming over here, dude. We'll get our piece of the action. If God sent it, He sent it to fuck Pakistan up so that India will be on His side when the wars start. Also to create more global instability. George Dubya is mentioning whooping Pakistan's ass, so if God is sending these quakes then maybe God told George to attack Iraq after all.
  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Right, so the powers that be are in league with the creator to destroy. I don't think that "God" has anything to do with any of this. You're not religious anyway, or that's what I thought.
  13. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Don't make sense! It's SOOO unFugly-like.
  14. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Betting damnantion from a horrible earthquake hitting california, is like going to a roulette wheel and betting "black" everytime... Eventually you will hit , the you jump up like a moron and scream "SEE I TOLD YOU BLACK!!!!!". Scintist already agree, cali is on a fault line, they will have earthquakes. As the east coast will have hurricanes, and nor-easters... its just gonna happen. Why live worring about the storm thats gonna kill you? Why not enjoy the time you have now?
  15. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Well, I was trying to point out how stupid it would be for some of you to consider that God sent this earthquake, since I believe it was either made or just a side effect of the making of this quake that's going to hit the US real soon. By saying that God must be in league would Bush and that God told him to invade Iraq after all should of sounded too ridiculous for it to be considered true, like the first time I heard it.

    Notice the IF's and the hints of sarcasm? Please, don't use your brains! It's sooOoOo unFugly-like. It's when I hear these assholes talking about woohoo these fucking assholes are getting what God sent 'em is when I get pissed.

    So when you say OooOO I don't think God has anything to do with this but OooOo God sent the hurricanes and earthquake well what about OooOOo who sent the plague and made the famine and this apocalypse?

    I see these people getting it all ready.
  16. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I bet you have a job at a porno store mopping up the little booths in the back don't you?
  17. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    It's better than having a job sucking dick. If I wanted some comeback I would of whiped it off your upper lip Dwaine.
  18. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Hey a man who takes pride in his work... Who am I to judge?
  19. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Yeah, sure Dwaine. All I got to say is damn I hate stupid people that put all these events into separate places with no meaning or context given as to how they all interrelate. People like you think oh it's just hurricane season, or oh there's been pandemics throughout history, while you fail to realize that these are mere parts to the much greater event occuring on a global-wide basis.

    It's the same people who are like, "Oh ok, these people said these tests were being done on these other people by this government, but since they didn't say what it was for, it's sloppy journalism or must be false. Not enough proof, yadda yadda I'm a dumbass."

    It's like we got to tap dance for you idiots to even slightly get this point across to you fools. It's not just that Cali is on a fault line, or saying the end is coming long enough that I might be right. It's about the fact that while maybe God is commanding this apocalypse like some of you believe, I see people down here getting us ready for this apocalypse in the worst way so as to maximize the body count.

    I just hope the whole divine purpose of all this isn't supposed to be our extinction. Because I think we kind of got out of hand somewhere in our past, like the whole Tower of Babel and confusion of languages thing. Or the smashing down of Mars.
  20. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member


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