Why does everyone worry so much about smurf. He's posting about it, but do you actually think that when the time comes he's going to do it. If he really thought all of this was gonna go down, wouldn't he do something about it. If what he's saying is true, and he really believes it, hasn't he already taken the refuge of the weak, which is to do nothing. Sure, he's sat and crowed about it, but what good has that done.
The path of pyschosis is fairly predictable. What starts as a thought grows to an obsession. The obsession births paranoia, which feeds the drive for self preservation. The drive for self preservation gives rise to agression (first strike). First Strike agression fueled by psychosis = Columbine.
Oh yes, first strike = columbine. Actually, I don't think those guys were paranoid, I think they were trying to get revenge. If they believed in the end of the world at all, then I think they were a little early with that. Although you were pretty spot on up to the self-preservation part. No, when the time comes I'm not sticking around what will soon to be known as the Anus of the Earth Austin, Texas. Not even to deliver skulls to my Gods. I got a spot that I may or may not go to out in the country, mountain-biking my way, depending on if there are storm troopers blasting fools with lasers or not. If I have to blast some ghetto fool myself on my way out because he wanted to fuck with me, then so be it. If I don't go, it'll be because I was heading south with all my passports and shit to try and steal a boat and get my ass to a rainforest. But what I really want is to be able to sit down and meditate my ass for a good year and see what these ancient civilizations were talking about. The spot out in the country has a good 5 months supply of food, an underground spring that'll be worthless if the quakes cause it to dry up, and a pond I could filter and drink up. I'll hunt and forage until I can't anymore, then I'll eat that food up. After all that, maybe I'll try to cross country my ass to a rainforest. The main problem is that I sat through all these chemtrailings like everyone else here in Austin. I was paranoid about them, but not enough to get the fuck out. I was paranoid enough though to buy food, seeds, essentials for survival, and a gun. But that won't stop the bird flu pandemic, which is on it's way right now with all these damn migratory fowl. So while I haven't done nothing, I really don't know what the fuck I want to do besides live. Live without having to get a soul-sucking chip, mind you.
Smurf, you are so messed up it is no longer fun to tease with you. I swear on a stack of Bibles that I am concerned about your mental health. Check your PM's Barry
I'm half Native, you fucking tool. You're as much a part of the toxicity as global warming is for the environment. Mother Nature has a way of taking care of her own: what she doesn't need, she will eradicate. Learn to swim, tripe.
I don't give a damn if you're from timbuktu, if you live in fucking city or eat processed foods or watch a fucking T.V. you're going down, and going down hard real soon here. Because if you really followed your ancient damn roots, you'd be somewhere praying to the Protectors of your People waiting to be picked up into the heavens. Half Native Americen my ass, that won't save you, you're part of the toxicity that will be purified. Me too. Sometimes you have to pray to the God you have, not the God you want. I know you would all love to believe he is going to save all who believe in him as we ride in our big expensive boats or ride in our huge ass cars or eat DNA damaging and mind-numbing fast food. He'll save all of those who believed in him and what our role on this planet was supposed to be. I'll give you a hint, we weren't meant to be bald, fat obtrusive family therapists who love to flaunt their second-rate psychology skills on Fugly.com's forum. The United States will have it the worst because we like to believe that God will RAPTURE us or "Take us away on a Unicorn!" You'd love to believe God has a plan for you that's much greater than yourself, and that you won't have to suffer the same fate as me. Only how many are supposed to be ascend into heaven? Some look that up in Revelations. I think it's more than all the babies or innocent children combined, what of them? Aren't they pure enough to ascend into the heavens? Nigga please, anyone caught posting on here probably isn't being saved this shitty, shitty fate. Moral of my story: You feel like you have to attack me, and push my into a corner so that you can forget how fucked up your life really is, compared to where you should be. No one likes being reminded of how they haven't quite lived up to God's expectations. But someone's gotta say it, so that none may perish without first knowing the tr.uth
The Earthquake Cometh; As reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled "Lake Erie burps and nearby residents smell it" and which says, "State and federal environmental officials are trying to determine the cause of a big stink reported along Lake Erie. Hundreds of residents called authorities or the National Weather Service yesterday to report the smell, which has been variously described as like gasoline, natural gas or even decaying garbage and rotten eggs. The smell was strongest yesterday morning when a cold front swept through the area, churning up larger than normal waves from Erie to Dunkirk, N.Y., officials said." As reported by the Washington Post News Service in their article titled "Mysterious Stench Nauseates Northeast" and which says, "Olive Taylor first noticed the odor Tuesday night outside her Northeast Washington home. By yesterday morning, the smell had turned into a stench so bad that it woke her up. "It was so unlike anything that should have been in my home," said Taylor, 71. "It wasn't really a gas smell. My son said it was a propane smell, but a neighbor said it didn't smell like propane. Maybe it was kind of gassy. It was in fact giving me a headache. "Scores of people in the District called authorities yesterday to complain that a similar odor was invading homes, businesses, a dozen schools and two police stations." As reported by the Thunder Bay Television News Service in their article titled "Strange smell in Longlac" and which says, "Municipal officials are urging Longlac residents to exercise caution as they investigate reports of 'gasoline-type' odours in the towns sewer system. The problem first cropped up about ten days ago in a variety of homes and businesses...and is reportedly most noticeable in basement areas. The Municipality of Greenstone says it still doesn't know if the smell is from sewer gases, natural gas or an industrial solvent. But its called in both the Ministry of Environment and the District Health Unit to try and track down the problem." Methane used for industrial purposes, or that which is present in mining operations is almost always odorless, but methane from tectonic plate fracturing is accompanied by odors from decomposing organic materials and whose main outlet into the earths atmosphere is primarily through outgassing through mud volcanoes. One of the top research scientist concerned with methane is the American Dr. Thomas Gold of Cornell University, and whose theories much of the world’s science in this area is now based upon, and as we can read from this 1978 report by the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks titled "Goldian Methane" and which says: "Natural gas is mostly methane, normally more than 80%. Composed of one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms, methane is the simplest of the hydrocarbons. The hydrocarbon compounds that form the world's oil and gas reserves have long been thought to form from decomposition of vegetable material many millions of years ago, and thereby to be in limited supply. But now a bold new idea is circulating about the source of methane. Dr. Thomas Gold of Cornell University suggests that a vast store of methane was trapped deep within the earth when the planet was formed. Under high pressure from the weight of overlying rocks composing the solid outer part of the earth, Gold's methane, according to his suggestions, is trying to move upward and to seep out of the earth, a process called outgassing. Gold's idea has major implications about the world's available fuel reserves. If he is right, new exploration and deeper drilling methods can yield a huge supply of energy that might last a million years at the current usage rate. The idea has special interest for Alaska and the Canadian Arctic, too, since the upward migration of methane can be stopped by permafrost. Alaska's frozen North Slope and other Arctic regions with extensive permafrost may be major methane traps Professor Gold's heretic concept also involves new thoughts on how tsunamis, earthquakes and earthquake lights are generated. His new ideas may be right or they may be wrong. Like many other highly respected and innovative scientists, Gold has been wrong before: years ago he predicted that when the first lunar landings were made the spacecraft would sink out of sight in a deep layer of dust. If he is right this time, future historians will probably acclaim him as a scientific hero of our times." But as we have all too often seen in our scientific community, the theories put forth by Dr. Gold have been met with increasing scorn in his own country, but to Russia his theories have proved invaluable, even to the point that Russia is now one of the world’s largest oil producers and the predictive value of major earthquakes has reached 70%. So concerned have some of the lower levels of our Government become, due to the continuing series of micro-quakes occurring in the New Madrid Fault Zone Region, that they are now calling for massive preparations to take place, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled "Congresswoman Emerson Calling for Quake Exercise in New Madrid Fault Zone" But to the failing of our American Scientific Institutions warning people about the catastrophic events soon to overtake them it is perhaps best to read from Dr. Thomas Gold himself on how these scientists think, and as we can read as he has reported in his article titled "New Ideas in Science" and which says: "Staying with the herd to many people also has an advantage that they would not run the risk of exposing their ignorance. If one departs from the herd, then one will be asked, one will be charged to explain why one has departed from the herd. One has to be able to offer the detailed justifications, and one's understanding of the subject will be criticized. If one stays with the herd, then mostly there is no such charge. "Yes, I believe that because doesn't everybody else believe that?" That is enough justification. It isn't to me, but it is to very many other people. The sheep in the interior of the herd are well protected from the bite in the ankle by the sheep dog. It is this tendency for herd behavior that is greatly aggravated by the support structure of science in which we believe nowadays. I will read out just one passage here to show that other people than myself have recognized the herd problems: David Michland writes in the REVIEWS OF ASTRONOMY: I sometimes wonder if the much encouraged and proclaimed interaction among western astronomers leads to a form of mental herd behavior which, if it does not actually put a clamp upon free thinking, insidiously applies the pressure to follow the fashion. This makes the writings of our Soviet colleagues who have partly developed ideas in comparative isolation all the more valuable." Few of you are able to fully see, because in seeing, you would have to believe, and in believing all that you thought you once knew would perish immediately.
that burp was methane, smurf. It happens. Any large body of water will have a large amount of decaying material. That produces methane. On occasion that methane is released. No big deal.
You have a lot to learn. We dance for rain. We embrace the warm tears from our Great Mothers eternal breast. It is as it shall always be. Let us speak no more of the darkness that is our enemy. Let us continuously look up to our Mothers eyes. The eyes that hold all knowing. It is as it shall always be.
Samantha is hot, Smurhfhas never had an intmate relationship (or never will for that matter) so big latino Diaez will always be a bit squirly
Yes Sam, I know I do, I think we all do. But your mantra "It is as it always shall be" is kind of ignorant, since I don't think things are going to be going on like this for too much longer. You should know that too, if we're to protect "our Mother's breasts" or even to save our own asses. I think pretty much everyone can agree that things can't continue like this, and some people have seen the ground rushing up at us a lot sooner than others in this crashing world. I know that we were meant to be far more spiritual, Shamans and Rain Men brought favorable seasons to tribes. How? Maybe we controlled it with our awesome inner-light. Or maybe someone up there heard us and sent that shit. One way or the other, we weren't meant to live like this. Please, stop trying to sound mystical and wise by regurgitating something your mom told you, and so now you think you know it all. This shit is deeper than our Great Mother, although our interaction with Earth should have much more attention paid to it. I pray for the day when killing a child isn't seen as more horrible than burning down a forest.