Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by Nursey, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    All that just to say that you and joe disagree?

    The simple fact that your 'argument' is all based on 'likelihoods' and hearsay is why we dont agree with you. Quoting an anonymous source on the internet is like saying "cause I said so". I'm sure if you looked, you could probably find someone, somewhere, who says that eating fecies is good. That doesnt make it true.
  2. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    The fact is what you are saying right now is a false red herring argument. You are quoting aristotle who has been dead for a thousand years. The problem with the conspiracy theorists is that you shoot down one of there false statements and they come back with 10 more. You shoot those down and they come back with 100 more all copied and pasted from some site full of bogus information. In psychiatry there is something called delusional disorder. It is similar to schizophrenia but instead of having random hallucinations and delusions it is focused on a particular delusion. In the psych ward I had a patient who thought that the government had implanted a microchip in his nose and that they were using it to control his brain and use him as a guinea pig. He was paranoid of the government. He claimed that he had had an operation at a VA hospital (he was in the VA psych ward) to fix a deviated septum. He would not give up this belief and would talk of the microchip being used to microwave his testicles and all kinds of bull. Well anyway in treating this disorder you are not supposed to confront the falseness of the belief but to just not say one way or the other what you think of it in order to "maintain a theraputic alliance" in which the patient may ultimately give up the delusion but not likely (rare). It is said that by confronting the patient about the falseness of the belief will likely cause them to shy away from therapy. Some of the people spending most of their lives propogating all this stuff on the internet likely suffer from the paranoid form of delusional disorder. For example Mansoor Ali from Islamic Awakening has copied and pasted 1,000s of crap about the "9-11 conspiracy". It has consumed his life. It is particularly absurd in that he is posting all this crap in an pro al quaeda web site where a bucnh of jihaddist and jihaddist wannabes brag of their "operations" some of them becoming upset with him for denying the "lyons of 9-11" as per Osam bin laden did not "achieve this great thing".
  3. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Do you deny the terrorist in saudi arabia tried to blow up the oil fields and assassinate political figures: http://www.arabnews.com/?page=1&section=0&article=95566&d=29&m=4&y=2007 The fact is that the wahhabi form of Islam promotes terrorism and it had been funded by the saudi gov't in the form of money for the madras or religous schools teaching this brand of Islam and it came back and bit them in the ass and sprung up the terrorism thing after it stopped suiting the purpose of fighting the russians in afghanistan. The trade centers had already been attacked even duringt the Clinton yrs - 1993 truck bomb. Are you claiming that Clinton "was in collusion" of this supposed great terrorist scheme by the US gov't? What about the 1983 marine barracks bombing during the Reagan yrs that killed 241 us servicemen. I suppose you believe Reagan the former actor orchestrated that attack.
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    How is that a red herring? It's timeless wisdom that is relevant to any argument. It supported the point i was making, which is that despite being faced with clearly mapped out logic to support a conclusion that conflicts with yours, your prejudices prohibit you from entertaining the alternative theory even for the sake of argument. In fact, it seems that the more compelling the evidence the more closed your minds become to it, and considering you feel your sanity is hinged on the outcome of this debate, no wonder you're so unwilling to cede any ground and risk losing! I see what i'm up against.

    Kind of like how you, phatboy Joe and Barry came back with 10 new explanations as to why it couldn't be an inside job after you'd had your argument about the cause of the towers collapse getting 'shot down' by logic. Then you all come back posting links to neocon Michael Chertoff's cousin's spinjob at Popular Mechanics...

    Now it's Barry's favoured tactic of casting the opposition as suffering from a mental disorder. No doubt there are some who are mentally unstable, just as there are some who believe the official version who also suffer from such disorders. And although it is hard to visualise from your myopic viewpoint, there are in fact many millions of people the world over who have plenty of due cause to question the integrity of your government! I just attach more significance to pure logic than anything a bunch of corrupt, dual-loyalist Straussians with plans for world domination have to say. And i suppose all the Senior Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement and Government Officials who criticised the 911 commission are suffering the same disorder?



    All that tells you is that naive idiots of all persuasions (including wannabee Jihadis) believe the official version.
  5. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I really enjoy the way you find these links that quote "A NYC Firefighter" "A Wall Street Journal reporter" "A Maintenance Supervisor" "Paramedic Captain" "Police Officer Stated"

    Not Lt. John Smith, of precinct 4, NYPD stated....

    If this were true, why wouldnt they have been interviewed for the 9/11 commision? Why would a second rate website post their 'quotes' anonymously? It seems that the reason they dont do that is because they arent credible quotes.

    Some woman on the sidewalk heres to FDNY firefighters talking,

    "Hey did you hear how loud it was when that floor collapsed?" (FDNY 1)

    "it was so loud that it sounded like a bomb went off"(FDNY 2)

    "The firefighter said that a bomb went off" (Judy Gossip) to reporter from said publication.

    Very similar cut and paste used by michael moore.
  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    actually joe.. it's just the blurb on that page with all the links that describe them that way.. if you click the links (at least the ones i clicked.. i didn't click them all .. just enough of them to see if you were talking bullshit as usual or not) the 'NYC firefighter's etc are named
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Phat you have to understand the move on, Michael More, George Soros crowd has paid hacks to do nothing but tirelessly dedicate resources 24/7 with piling more garbage propaganda into the web while others tirelessly disseminate the crap onto the forums. They are oblivious to any logic other than their conspiratorial own minds just like this thread even though they have been soundly proven wrong, in their own minds they see themselves as the logical ones.

    They are helpless.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You mean they are like the 'judge'?
  9. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    I tell you I don't even believe that you believe what you area saying. I have some experience with working with people from many different countries. I was the only American in a resarch lab with a lot of Dutch, Belgian, Argentinians, Germans, Columbians, Guatemalans, Turks, Greeks, Serbs, Bosnians, a guy from Russia, Indians, and so forth but it was only the Belgians and the Dutch that truly thought it was cool to blame every damn thing that was wrong with the world squarely at the feet of the United States no matter how implausable. Coincidentally, they were also the proudest of their countries out of all the different people from different countries and it just stuck in their crawl so to speak that they had been surpassed on so many levels throughout modern history by the United States. I got to be friends with them and even went to Washington to look as some of the museums and the east coast beaches and so forth and I understand a little about the mindset and truthfully the best thing to do is just let them yak away and the more absurd they become the bigger ass they make of themselves until maybe finally if becomes apparent to them that they are playing the part of a clown. Despite my better judgment I invite you to list your top pieces of physical evidence that show that the trade centers were brought down by a controlled demolition to be addressed here.
  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    wouldn't be much of a cover up if they left physical evidence laying around now would it...

    i seem to recall talk of things being spirited away though
  11. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    2nd row 5th from the right?.. that you?
  13. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    That was taken in Utrecht. I didn't go on that trip.
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    so you just posted some pic of some people...

    great ???
  15. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    I was a medstudent back then I know all of them. I made some trips to Seattle and Chicago but not to Utrecht. If I had submitted a paper and it was presented in Utrecht I would have made the trip. Those are mostly the people from the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.
  16. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Actually, I guess I wasn't even a medstudent. I was a graduate student.
  17. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    and that has some relevance how?
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Are you being factious? Really did you just read Dan’s post and say to yourself "Just to be cynical I'll act just like the clown he described"
  19. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    though dans posts didn't actually have any relevance...
    apart from showing he can post group pictures of dutch people...
    who are according to him anti-american..
    which he knows because he spent time with a small group of them..
    which he proved by posting some random picture of dutch people..
    which proves..
    erm he can find and post random pictures of dutch people...
  20. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

    Truthfully, I don't think they were really anti-American seeing as how a lot of them wound up staying in the US. They were more just conditioned to be anti-American in their countries because that was the "cool thing" to be. So much so that they had no qualms about speaking it out right in front of Americans while visiting the US. Some of them went back but about 1/2 stayed and I think they actually liked living in the US. They weren't really that bad just kind of misled.

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