Ok people, the earth is changing, the new Earth Empire is awakening, the US wants control of the middle east because its is centrally/ strategically placed to deploy the world vader squads, aka world police, into any dissident Eurasian countries who think the mafia run 'bigbrotherhood' is a bad thing, its not just about oil, its about positioning. Fall in line DRONE, this is all we are going to be. Loss of Family values, freedoms, constant surveilance, why are these things happening, its because the all rich and powerful never want you to EVER EVER stop them, so wake up, because its time for them to realise they work for us, not the other way round. Its a multiple attack, financial stain will cause a collapse, the aftermath(reccession) will cause lots of rioting, then the pol-military will spread out to calm it and there will be lots of shit to deal with. The elites dont ever want you to know, that they are making the North American Union (yes they are, numbnuts) after this the Asian union will fall into line and the last 3 unions/misc nations will merge into the World Government. The US government is a pawn of total world control, they want an infinate war (BTW its been announed that US occupation of Iraq & the middle east will be another 30 years or so) they also lied to you, to get what they wanted; the push for military action in the 'ME'. This has happened OVER AND OVER, pearl harbour/ gulf of tonkin/ WW2, were instigated because of a lie. Take a look at the doublespeak that these countries spew fourth on a regular basis, if they really wanted to do stuff in our best interest, why dont they permanently shut down cigerette companies, instead of forcing us to stop or taxing us more? NO they want to tell us what to do and get away with it! This also includes pouring your 'dangerous' liquids away at airports (into 1 container too, where they 'dangerously' could mix, fucking lies) This is a precurser to the world control system, where they tell you what to do and you blindly obey, you will fight for them, or slave for them. Why do they keep holding back electric cars? they arnt' inefficient( in fact far from it ), they just dont take FUEL Why do they say we have to reduce CO2 emmissions? Its not causing the planet to heat up, because global warming is only 6% man made, the rest is the SUN and its been proven. Aside from the fact that we arn't the cause and they constantly lie to us, CO2 is actually essential to our survival, its just carbon dioxide, the stuff plants breath, so WE can breath, more CO2 is actually GOOD. I'm starting to get really annoyed at peoples ignorance over social/policial shaping taking place in our world, but nobody 'cares' because you're all hooked on TV, games and just want to think what you are getting for tea, or what they are doing this weekend, or what hairstyle to go for next. Its not so much a 'dumbing down' as it is total distraction. Watch the blue frilly hanky, watch it flutter around, watch watch *SLIPS other arm around side, unfastens watch and belt and removes wallet from pocket* Stop defending them.
i should rephrase that.. it gave the wrong impression.. i only READ this forum still because nursey still posts here and i like to read what she wrote and me reading her stuff makes her happy somewhat.. i only really post to annoy you.. and joe.. and are you saying that wanting to make your loved one happy is a wrong thing? electricity is still energy.. that you have to buy from people who use fuel to generate it... the thing holding back electric cars is people not wanting to buy them.
Fair point, maybe they didn't invest enough to make it work, so that the cars themselves never appeared to be efficient and not a good choice for purchase? I think the last concern was the technology, that charging took too long and the batteries didn't last, but I'm sure it would be quite good now. The hydrogen fuel cell thing might also work. It could be the elites dont want us to stop using petrol fuel because it already has the monopoly, bringing new forms of energy in would mean lots of new companies, regulations and all the other bullshit that they have already worked hard to gain control of.. Why reinvent the wheel as they say. I was also reminded of the Simpsons with the cult that Homer joins that looks like freemasons or some secret order and they sing about keeping back the electric car, always makes me think hehe.
i think you'll find that 'the elites' will also control the alternative energy sources once the technology is at a point where it is viable to be used by consumers.. after all.. who is putting the billions of dollars into the research that will get it working?.. and the hydrogen from hydrogen fuel cells isn't all that viable as an alternative energy since it is extracted from fossil fuels.. getting hydrogen from water uses up pretty much as much energay as can be gotten from the hydrogen produced.. i know that it's simply a matter of running electricity through water.. but on a scale where the supply could meet our vast demands?... and if you wanna get all conspiratorial?.. why are you putting forward as an energy supply the one that bush said we'll put research funding into in one of his speeches.. do a bit of digging.. you see whos doing the research? and it was the sacred order of the stonecutters btw
Nah. I'm just saying that you let your guard down for a bit and hit you with a sucker punch. Lets call a truce. I'm busy today.
Demand will naturally drive technology for alternative sources. If oil is peaking then there is no worries change is inevitable as petrol fuels become to expensive. Batteries have come a long ways and I think if on a large scale battery powered cars were a solution can you imaging how bad it will be when some scumbag redneck dumps one in the river? Lead, lithium, acid. Alcohol sounds somewhat promising. Hydrogen fuel even better. But if oil really is peaking then the Elites you speak of have no choice in the matter. But consider this if oil sustains a price above some threshold then all of a sudden shale oil is feasible. Anyone watching that cookie jar to see who is buying up shale rich land? But you are one of the only people to point out what I have said time and time again and that is if you take every bit of man made co2 you only have a small percentage of the total co2 output. Also there is an interesting theory about waters effect on co2 and the relation ship it has as a co2 reservoir. The earth is mostly water and water temperature is inversely proportional to the amount of co2 it holds. With all the geothermal activity as of late there is no wonder there is an increase in co2 levels. Also the increased solar activity is undisputable. Imagine this the solar activity of the sun stabilizes and then goes to normal. Prompting a slight lowering of the earth’s water temp thereby sucking huge percentages of co2 out of the atmosphere. Now we have a real problem if indeed co2 does have the thermal effect it is touted to have. The next ice age upon us and before Gores dooms day prediction that we are going to melt by 2012.
But you are the one who is 'making reality suffer' by trying to portray both me and Pimp as being irrational and suffering from personality disorders just for having a conflicting view, not the other way round!? The reality of the matter is that you have never met us or even had a proper conversation with us. To make such authoritative sounding assertions about what we are like in real life and the mental problems we supposedly suffer as a result in an attempt to belittle our views, puts you in the position of the person who shapes reality to fit their firmly held belief - not us. But anyway, i'm tired of discussions about 9-11, but particularly with people who think Michael Chertoff's cousin is a reliable source of information and that the laws of physics bend for America. And believe that countless magnificent odds all miraculously occurred at the same time...which just so happened to deliver the perfect catalyst - 'a new Pearl Harbor' - described as being the necessary event to launch the next stage of the P.N.A.C....some of whose most prominent members just so happened to be at the helm when the entire debacle went down. Or discussions of any sort, for that matter, with someone whose hallmark has become to accuse those who disagree with him of suffering from a mental illness or character disorder, thereby (conveniently) dismissing straight out of hand well reasoned challenges to their pumped-up, self-important opinions. Leads you to suspect that someone is really not quite as secure in their views as they like to make out. So, moving on... I also see the fearmongering and the extremes they are going to to 'safeguard' the public against passive smoking as having the appearance of social engineering. As well as being an extremely lucrative (multi-billion dollar) money spinner for pharmaceutical giants who produce the nicotine 'smokeless delivery systems' such as patches and inhalers, of course. The scientist who first established a link between cancer and primary smoking has even stated that no real, conclusive scientific evidence exists which proves any significantly harmful effects of passive smoking on health. The anti-smoking activists only cite research which supports their claims and ignore all findings to the contrary. Anti-smoking groups which exert influence on politicians and media are all funded by the pharmaceutical companies. The pharmaceutical industry also donates more money to American politicians and political parties than any other corporate entity and employ lobbyists to influence politicians. They spend billions on hundreds of thousands of events attended by doctors and their anti-smoking groups are very successful at promoting their interests in the media. The western anti-smoking crusade demonstrates how giant conglomerates are now capable of bypassing the laws of sovereign countries, influencing and shaping our lives under the auspice of health.
I started reading this post from the beginning and have came to the conclusion that...... A) Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. B) America is the Evil Empire simply because in a few hundred years we have gone from a group of colonies to the most powerful country in the world. Nobody likes a show off. C) Everyone wants Americas help, but then they want to dictate how we help. D) It's all about money and self preservation. I am by no means rich, however I do own my own house, have two new cars, one old car (92 Honda Accord for sale if you need one), A nice 32ft travel trailer, a jet ski, 4 wheeler, motorcycle, and an older 4x4 that I am rebuilding. I only work one job. My wife is a real estate agent that works about 3-5 hrs a week.... I am good at finding deals. I make 4 payments monthly (other than insurance) Car, Truck, Camper, House. All of which I can pay with one paycheck. My wife likes to cook, but she doesnt like to clean so we eat out a lot. I am pretty copacetic with my life. So hate me cause you live in a desert with no food. Like Sam Kennison said, "See this, this is sand, yea, sand, you cant grow food in sand......SO FUCKIN MOVE TO WHERE THE FOOD IS!!!!AHHH AHHH"
So did Pimp...in the first year he posted at fugly. Should he post annual updates or something? And be honest here, you would never have been so candid (or joined for that matter) had you originally been aware of the true nature of this place, would you? I seem to recall a slight error on your judgement when you first got involved here? Doesn't it occur to you that perhaps one of the things that attracted me to Pimp was the extent to which his views were in harmony with mine on a wide range of key issues? As well as having the self-conviction to credibly refute my opinions where necessary, something i found extremely refreshing, after always having had the stronger/dominant mind in previous relationships. Except here he's being a nad.
No, I think that you and Pimp are both whackos because you both post here on Fugly. Nobody in their right mind would every hang around this place. Wait a minute....that means that I too am...no wait, thats not what I meant.... So call me and set me straight. You know that I have been DYING to talk to you for months. Would you like to do a little search and see when was the last time I labeled you anything? I am NOT "improtected" by the way, so don't make any assumptions.
I never thought you were. I was just pointing out whose ass crack she craftily slipped into in order to negotiate her way around the forum. Just call Improtected. I'm not into talking dirty to middle aged men, errr...'big daddy'. :-\