This was not a natural structural failure. These things were present - 1. Fire that burned for at least 7 hours. Lots of fire. See the smoke in the video? 2. Tons of trapped water on upper floors. 3. Damage from the impacts of the collapse of WTC1 and 2 to the opposite face. 4. Impact from the penthouse collaping. Oh, and the other two buildings? A 747 Jet hit those. Thats not very natural either. None of that was "natural."
Yeah ok...explain how it collapsed 'as a normal result of fire', then. : Fires have never caused a steel-framed building to totally collapse, before or after September 11th, 2001, let alone implode and fall neatly into their footprints, as did WTC7. (Fires versus steel buildings). And yes, i see some relatively small outbreaks of fire limited to a few floors. But it's hardly a raging inferno that causes all the windows to break and steel to glow red, is it? Yes, i see some black smoke, as well as the huge, white dust cloud from the towers' collapse sprawling along the back of the image. But the Windsor building in Madrid burned ferociously like a torch all night, becoming a blackened concrete skeleton, yet still didn't collapse. A 56 story building in Venezuela burned for more than 17 hours over 26 floors, and didn't collapse: Towering Inferno in Caracas. Do you see difference between a real fire and the one that supposedly destroyed WTC7? Where did you get that information from? The damage from the collapse was only reported to be on one corner of the building, and happened 7 hours before the building fell. If this was a significant factor in the collapse, it would seem even more inexplicable for it to have fallen in such a sudden, uniform and symmetrical manner. Explain to me how that works, again? It's something along the lines of 'the whole structure can no longer bear the immense weight of that little penthouse, and all collapses at free fall', isn't it? No, yet these buildings were actually 'overdesigned' to withstand a jet impact...which they did - admirabley.
Barry it is useless. She has all the answers. I will no longer post in this thread of such complete non-sense with people who live in such a narrow world, where they take your words, and then go 180 degrees and change it. So all please still enjoy. Dont worry this will all change in 08 when bush is out of office and the dems find all the paper work about how he unknowingly masterminded the 9/11 attacks. Until that time, TWEEK ON BITCHES!!!!!
I know it is useless Phat, but I have to keep doing it. If I stop, the unbalanced state of logic and reason versus delusion and fantasy may cause the planet to wobble out of control. I must Yin, and Nursey must Yank. That's just the way it is.
actually fire smoke can be many colours, white, black, green, brown, yellow, orange etc. depends whats being burned and at what temperature
Nothing new there then, I admit that I really don't know much at all. This whole thing is a learning experience since I first started to realise something was up and I'm perfectly fine with being corrected. On the other hand, your Krispy Kreme College diploma isn't doing good for any argument you try and make, because every time you lose, you have to blame someone else for being stupid, instead of taking it on the chin like a man (or on the face like a woman). That is correct actually, I forgot about chemical reactions and such, although my point was generally referring to the smoke in the clip, which seems far too 'light' to be fire from burning wood/plastic/paper and such substances that are in an office building, which usually come out black.
Ok no argument there I will attest that smoke can be of different colors all depending on the different materials. This is not a news flash really. It is also the same phenomena that makes fireworks different. Grasp hold of that point with all the tenacity in your very soul. It will do you zero good however. I'm pretty sure that Barry was simply being factitious we all know this simpleton fact. But let me ask you a question. Was the building made of pure copper? Pure Iron? Pure Zinc? Pure Titanium? Pure Aluminum? Hold on let me break out my table of elements.... come to think of it that would be stupid would it not? If you went to the fireworks show and they shot each and every one off simultaneously. What color would the star burst be?
One could say that the sky is blue and very few would argue the validity of said statement. Then again one could construe that the sky is basically absorbing all other colors while rejecting blue back basically the "anti-blue", in such a case an apple would be "anti-red", and the bananna "anti-yellow" Therefore you are wrong and I am right.
actually you're probably thinking of different coloured flames in fireworks, they generally always give off white/blue/yellow smoke.. the star bursts are from flames.. the smoke does look different colours when the starbursts light it up though (obviously) i couldn't tell what colour the flames were burning in those raging WTC7 infernos though.. any pictures and videos i've seen there were a few windows here and there lit up orange.. not at all many though.. maybe the hellfire inferno was so hot throughout the building that the flames were clear.. and therefore showing up as black.. and the orange windows were cool spots!?..
Yeah, grasping that 'simpleton fact' with 'all the tenacity in his very soul' will do Disorder 'zero good', alright. ;D
People don't read what others say much, they just skim over it, calculate the word lengths, take the first and last letter and replace the middle with whatever they want. Like misreading 'harbinger' as 'hamburger', because maybe you were going to fast or you had yet to eat that day. Although I don't know how 'smoke' became 'flame', one being the energy release of an exothermic reaction and the other being the byproduct of said reaction. Everybody all together now. "YOU'RE AN IDIOT JOE" Although saying that I might come across as somewhat a hypocrite too, at least we prove you're an idiot, I have had no such rebuttal when everyone accuses me of being one, likewise, neither has Nursey. You call us an idiot, because you think we are, because it goes against your narrow minded(oft incorrect) opinions. Blurting out something you believe to be true, without correcting yourself or retracting your statement when you're proven otherwise, only serves to show what a stupid, arrogant moron you are. We call you an idiot because we know you are, because we're tired of reading those narrow minded opinions and have 'discharged' your assumption 'via a seperate argument', we are also tired of repeating things, again and again. Go play on your bike Joe, this intellgence thing isn't working out for you. Check it out see if I'm not right Gravity pulls things towards earth. You’re both fools Haha! Gravity does pull things towards earth Wikipedia says so Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!! I get the last laugh Idiots! The Sky is blue!!! I'm right and you’re wrong. And your idiots also. Fuck with me and I'll really put you in your place and send you a link from an irrefutable source to prove that the sky is blue. Then you will really feel stupid won't you?