Nursey, we seem to actually be having a conversation here instead of just arguing. I don't know how to react to that.... Anyway, let me say this - I am basing some of what I am saying on my own understanding of structures and metals. Part of the blessing/curse of AD/HD is that I have done a little of everything in my life. One of those things involved Metallurgy. For many years I worked with all kinds of metals in structural applications, and in tool and die making.I am (was) a certified Heat treating specialist. I am also currently A State Licensed Builder/Remodeler. (really - In other words, I have a decent understanding of metals, and a decent understanding of building and structural design. I told you all of that to tell you this - Lets say the building was not on fire. No damage anywhere. Get a big helicopter, and lift a 50 ton 100 x 200 feet long block of concrete 25 feet in the air and drop it onto the top of the building. It will probably not slow down until it hits the basement. The building will probably collapse into itself just like WT& did. It's not rocket science, it's simple physics. Simple experiment - Take an undented aluminum can - and place a concrete block on top. It will hold it easily. (As a matter of fact, it will hold about 12 concrete blocks easily.) Now take just one block, and drop it from 12 inches above the can. It will flatten it like a pancake. The point is you are failing to understand the significance of impact, and the effects of any amout of heat on steel. Consider that the entire penthouse fell first. It is clearly visible. Please understand that it probably went all the way to the basement before it stopped. This action yanked countless girders loose, and is the equivalent of gutting a structure. The I beam construction of this building was already compromised by two things - heat and quenching. The effects of heat are well understood. When metal gets hot, it expands and becomes more malleable. Although it might not fail, it definetely changes. Then come the shock of cold water from the fire trucks - hours after the blaze started, on the hot steel. This is called "quenching" in heat treating terms. Quenching rapidly effects the carbon in ferrous metals, and often makes it brittle. For this reason metal that is hardened by heating and quenching must be soften slightly (annealed or tempered) before it is useful. Otherwise, it make shatter under stress. This is what I thing happened. Hammer from the top (penthouse), shatter at the bottom, and fall like a house of cards. I don't find it hard to beleive at all. What I find hard to believe is that our government would blow up WTC7 with the whole world watching. Even if they did blow up the first two, (not) what could be gained by collapsing WTC7 right in front of everybody's eyes? It doesn't make sense.
also aluminium cans don't have support columns.. they are hollow.. the aluminium can argument is a flawed analogy you keep throwing in.. why not compare the buildings to eggs?.. you can stand on them end to end.. (carefully)
people keep using the can thing, because its cylindrical. Its the stuff they teach you in school, is that these forms hold a good proportion of weight, but never should be used here because I think the columns in the towers were square and arranged in 3's in a L shape like this [+][+] [+] but the thing is, people keep arguing about if the towers were brought down, or the top portion collapsed into the rest, or not, it could even be both. as in: the tower starts to collapse, or maybe looks like its not gonna hold THEN then the building is pulled to stop it toppling and reduce risks of to much damage OR the planes not obviously doing enough damage to bring down the towers THEN the area where the plane hit, and everything below it was pulled, to make it 'look' like the top had collapsed down on the rest.
What was his name? I do not rely on reports to tell me if it make a difference or not I formulate an opinion based on observing the facts. I like facts.
Here are few facts for you Joe. Enjoy. 1. Earth is the only planet in our solar system not named after a pagan God. 2. Venus is the only planet that rotates counterclockwise. (More proof of 2012) 3. Urban birds have developed a rap style of chirping, different from their rural counterparts. 4. Two actors who portraited the "Marlboro Man" died of lung cancer. 5. 3 people are born every second. 1.5 people die every second. You do the math. 6. Dry fish food can make goldfish constipated. 7. Enough beer is drunk every Saturday (in America) to fill the Orange Bowl. 8. It is estimated at that at any given time 0.7 % of the Earths population is drunk. (this excludes Saturday night, where the percentage obviously soars.) 9. Banging your head on the floor uses 150 calories an hour. 10. A cat's urine glows under a black light.
it depends whether you think every life matters anyway.. got an hour to spare?
Life is relative. Some souls are rotten to the core and need to be eliminated it only takes one rotten apple to spoil the barrel. All life is equally important then yes but you have to consider sometimes the value in the absence of life. An hour no but curiosity forced me to click the link. thanks for wasting 30 seconds of my time.
I wasted four minutes. Taking snippets of what people say under duress and building a case is stupid. Why haven't these hundreds of people who were actually there come forward screaming? My God, one cop beats a kid and three video cameras catch it. The whole country screams until the cops is crucified in public. Then the same public stands by and remains collectively silent in the face of the alleged largest abuse of power the country has ever known? BULL PATTIES.
30 seconds? 4 minutes?.. so you couldn't watch further and see the pertinent information laid out... (pertaining to the questions and facts proffered in this thread) why am i not surprised? barry the public scream at what they're told to scream at
This is fairly disturbing to listen to. It's a guy on a cell phone with an operator for about four minutes. At the end WTC2 crashes down and kills him. You can hear everything on the phone, and what you don't hear are any explosions that would indicate an intentional collapse. Pretty unbiased stuff - therefore it is pretty good evidence.
A cruel and tasteless attempt by public enemy number one Carl Rove who made that audio tape in a secret studio in his lair embedded deep below the white house. For the purpose of discrediting the true audio and video being faithfully dispersed to the masses by our friend George Soros.
LAST PERSON TO POST WINS!!!! Well one thing that's innacurate about that video is that it shows the North tower (or WTC1 - with the antenna) collapsing in perfect sync with the rumbling heard in the phonecall...except the callers were in the South tower. And one short telephone call from a quarter of a mile above ground (where no sirens can be heard) can't cancel out the large number of witness reports of explosions and ground shaking prior to collapse. Also, if it was a controlled, do you think we'd be looking at a standard demolition here? Considering it would be a covert operation designed to make it appear as though explosives were not used, it would have to be an extremely skilled operation, most likely using thermite/thermate or a similar substance (which produces a chemical reaction - not an explosion), as well as a powerful device (conventional or unconventional?) to take out the central core column at base level. That's just my guess, and as i'm no expert in nanoenergetics, couldn't tell you about the new race of superthermites that have been developed. Yeah. That must be it. Thanks for explaining it all so clearly. But perhaps you could also explain how dropping a large block of solid concrete from a height of 25 feet above the building is equatable to the effects of a hollow structure collapsing from the gravitational pull of its' stationary mass? How does the initial portion of the penthouse and its' contents collapsing from its own weight gather the momentum a solid block of concrete would gather if it was dropped from one story above the building? And even if there was heavy machinery housed in that part, what kind of substance is dense enough to smash through floor after floor of concrete and steel all the way to the basement without the floors eventually breaking it's fall? I doubt the penthouse (or its contents) fell all the way through the next couple of floors nevermind all 48 of them... The entire penthouse which starts to fall just as all sides of the building simultaneously fail, collapsing straight down in a smooth, uniform, vertical fashion at the rate of freefall, as is clearly visible? And that is why you shy away from the most obvious and plausible explanation for the building's collapse in favour of silly, new-fangled scenarios you've invented that don't reflect the laws of nature (but support your faith drawn conclusion) to explain how the highly manmade-looking collapses are actually a natural phenomenon. What you are doing is shaping the argument to fit the conclusion. The end justifying the means, which isn't a rational way to approach the matter.
I give up.....with this last thought. I live here, you don't. Amazing that we are both happy about that statement.
What if the buildings were rigged and blown, but only in the key places around the location of the jet impact, arranged as such for the weight to take it down by itself. As in half and half. Because its clearly a botched job with the jets, so its like them saying 'use plan B', and plan C was the carbombs and other crap that people kept seeing, ie the 'backup' Still tho, it was brought down for a reason, it was most likely false flag terrorism on a grand scale and the american gov got what they wanted, its still obvious even today. There is no enemy that can, or would, do something like this. You wouldn't randomly attack the biggest nation in the world fearing these actions against you? No, not really, the equivilent of dangling your wedding tackle in a lions mouth maybe, stupid to say the least. The whole argument arises because people dont want to admit that the governement they have faith in and love so much, is run by torture-loving, economy destroying, corrupt megalomaniacs who really dont give a shit about them. It amounts to a denial that's so deeply entrenched in them through many decades of brainwashing 'good' and 'noble' endeavours of the american Peace Brigade, the World Police that want to save everyone, who could think that these great saviours of man are nothing more than a fiendish bully out to screw over whoever crosses their path.