That clip you just posted shows exactly what I am saysing. Watch ot csarefully. The first movement is the left top floor. It collapses. The building collapse follows that.
Man. I can't hang with these 9-11 conspiratory people. I had some friend come back I hadn't seen in 3-4 yrs and he started rambling on about the "9-11 conspiracy" for about 30-40 mins at a bar. He had been living in Seattle. The whole time he's rattling on about it I am thinking man I got better shit to do than hang out with someone this ignorant and maybe if I just keep my mouth shut he will move on to something else. Hope he doesn't call me up again.
I like the way they take one point, and go, "But look" and then they want you to be astonished by the same bullshit you have seen a hundred times before. I'm sure at Georgia Tech they have a class designed just to teach engineers about the stresses a 90 Ton 500 MPH plane causes on the integrity of it's buildings and how they should collapse. I bet they even build 110 story replicas just for testing purposes. What do controlled demolitions do? They dont 'blow up' the building, they weaken it so that it's own weight will cause it to collapse straight down, in a 'controlled' manner. All the videos barry posted there wasnt one boom. there were closer to 40 booms as seperate charges went off. So either the 'inside crew' had the complet building wired to go off synchornously, or maybe the boom was the last girder popping. The same way a tree will hold on, and hold on, and hold on, till POP it goes. Plus if there was an explosion of that magnitude, wouldnt there be some smoke, or fire, from the explosion? And what was the 'fine powder' remark? You know what concrete is made of right?
here i've been reading quietly and forming my own thoughts and not getting involved. not because it's safe but b/c i've been too fucking busy in my own life (i know, it's exactly what they want). but now i've gone and looked up some of the links and have done my own research, and although i admit i've been under a rock for, o say, 29 years.. what's up with all of the melted cars? interested to see both, well actually all ten sides and opinions. i'm going to try to enjoy my vacation and go float my worries away xoxo I only watched the first video. The car said "there was hardly any fire on wtc7." He was wrong. The videos are everywhere showing the top floors burning like crazy. He was probably right about the Tour Buses. They are made of Aluminum, not steel. Aluminum melts at around 660C or so, which is well with the abilities of a simple cigarette lighter. Don't believe it? Get that aluminum can and your lighter and give it a try. This is my favorite piece of insanity. He claims that it was a nuclear bomb, not two airplanes. It REALLY boosts the credibility of
I watched the clip again - hilarious. The guy she interviews is Don Somebody, and he is a "volunteer" from California "who just happened to be in the area." Translation - "Don hitchhiked to NY recently to avoid being arrested for parole violations. He was sleeping off a crack binge under a bridge when he heard this loud noise....." Idiots should not be quoted as "proof" of anything.
Yes, 9 seconds after the first huge explosion was heard, the smaller part on the left collapses quickly followed by the rest of the penthouse a second or two later when the entire building simultaneously collapses. Here's a gif i did of the bit you mean using screenshots, the timing is only roughly accurate though. It's what caused the implosion that caused the roof dip and full structural failure of all load bearing columns simultaneously which is the problem. You can see for yourself that the entire building sinks down into it's basement. You aren't saying the initial portion collapsing ahead of the rest of the roof caused that, surely?
Also of interest: It was reported by the BBC to have fallen 15 minutes before it had. NBC News Dan Abrams Reporting WTC7 may collapse at 4:54 (it actually collapsed at 5.20) Larry Silverstein, lease holder of building 7 said in a documentary aired in September 2002 "I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse." Large collection of news clips (with annoying music added) where reporters and eyewitnesses tell of many explosions after the planes hit as well as reports of bombs in the basement and possible van bombs. FBI reported CAR BOMB in the BASEMENT News report: Truckload of explosives found near the George Washington bridge Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11 Suspicious Evacuations and PowerDowns prior to 9/11 The above video contains a radio interview with a man who worked in WTC south tower from 1998 and who tells of an "unprecedented" 36 hour power-down (one week before 9-11) in the top 50% of floors of which there was only 3 weeks notice given to make all the preparations needed (people were 'scrambling to secure their systems before the power down'). His colleague who had worked there for even longer hadn't experienced anything like it apart from the bomb incident in the early 90's.. He was off on 9-11 and his apartment overlooked the towers. As soon as he saw the first tower go down he was highly suspicious as it 'just didnt look correct' it 'looked like controlled demolition had brought down the tower... it did not look like a building collapsing either from an airplane hitting it or from a fire inside', it 'seemed to crumble...and into dust, it just didn't ring true'. Feeling retrospectively suspicious about the maintenaince workers coming into the building he should inform the authorities. He got in touch with the port authority and 911 commission to register the have it 'acknowledged if only to be thrown away', but after repeatedly calling and writing letters, received no acknowledgement. FBI whistleblowers are obstructed, silenced
I like it when after Nursey proves somebody wrong, they go all quiet or change the subject... just like I proved that 'isn't' is actually a contemporary and broadly used term and indeed never got a rebuttal in here .. ...Its nice when a noticable pattern emerges.. Especially one which gives you the privilege of being able to smirk