RE: yes, darling... and thank you.. THANK YOU Why is it when I read that I hear Marilyn Monroe doing her "Happy Birthday" voice?
hey barry - the woman i dreamt about - well one of her personalities came and did some minor landscaping at the office over the weekend. wasn't that nice? kinda freaky, but nice.
Gotcha! And Joe is a sizzling, hot little tamale! (Well, to you at least, anyway). I'll leave you boys to get back to the squawkings and twitchings of the herpes infested 'hawty', you hypersexed, clammy-palmed snoodle monkeys!
I knew you had the hots for me Nursey!!! ...... Now I feel all weird and violated. Now why does that remind me of a George Costanza line in Seinfield?
Funny, cos that's how i feel whenever i find yet another unsolicited PM from you wanting to show me your 'softer side'.