Jesus IS real. Let me guess, you're one of them evolutionist nimrods. Well, i have a question for you. If we came from monkeys, then why are there STILL MONKEYS?? I will leave you with this picture to show the almighty power of God.
'Jesus4You' (or whoever), would you PLEASE try and work on Gimples? She's a self- confessed nympho who is secretly yearning for Nurseys touch: pray for her, please. Or do a baptismal cleansing.
yeah, girls, can we go anywhere without the two of you fighting all the time? I swear! Can't we just have a nice family dinner for once? Your father would be so dissapointed in you two.
lmfao. You're too good, "JesusIsMyHomeboy". I've often asked a similar question: If I came from my parents, then why are there STILL MY PARENTS??
jesus4_u.... this ..... act..... is...... stupid...... please..... felate..... a ..... car.... exhaust .... pipe
Die fucking moron, why did you end the joke so soon?, it was going quite well. The whole asylum was riled up! The only thing that redeems you (a little, but not enough) is the fact that there are actually people around here that are so extremely "mentally challenged" that they continued to believe your sincerity even after that "revelation" I love it :lol: You, however, needs to disappear now. You lack timing. I loathe people... who lack timing
What would Jesus do? Well I'm certain Jesus wouldn't call me a nimrod under any circumstances, and I know he wouldn't approve of you calling me a nimrod. So far I've gotten you to crack TWICE in under 10 posts. So I believe in monkeys, and you belive in a magical man that lives in the clouds with a bunch of other magical men with big bird wings. What one sounds more reasonable to you? Or you could just call me a gay nimrod and throw in the towel.
Hallelluyah! I have a heavenly bulge in my pants and my life staff is ready for salvation! I shall splurge upon you a great relief! *fap fap fap* Ok i'll go now.