Dem Sen. Obama To NAACP: 'Don't Be Bamboozled' By Bush...

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    You would think that, but actually the opposite is true. The busier the market the more reason you have to need a realtor. If you get a bad lender and don't know what you're talking about they can take you for a much worse ride then the realtor, because they can put points on the back end of the loan that you will never see. You're paying for convenience as well. In California when you put a home up for sale everyone and their mother is going to call you, and many of them are idiots.

    The market out here is cooling off, and it still went up 18% last year. That's a hell of a return for paying your rent.
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah you got to be carefull with the mortgage co but the realter will not necessarially protect you from the mortage Co.

    When I sold "For Sale By Owner" had all the basic paperwork and the Title Co. handled the rest. It is in their interest. I little trick though was when some guy tried to write himself in as the beneficiary in the event of a default so the Title would goto him.

    That's a sneeky little trick that they will sometimes try and get through you may learn about in the business.
  3. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    There are alot more tricks then that.

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