'Meth', 'transexual', 'anorexic', '15 year old Asian boy' - repeated over and over. It might seem extremely basic and limitive in scope - retarded even - to us, but is actually a very impressive display of cognizance for such a simple, slug-brained organism as phatboy.
And, off the subject, I gotta give a shout out to Iggy Pop for living this long. Kudos, o' stooge of stooges.
Geez, you are so touchy, it must be 28 days later....... I thought the iggy pop picture was funny, sorry if you cant find humor in it.
so not only is he the biggest dick but he also has a grasp on someone else's big dick? you guys aren't giving him the credit he deserves. that must take real talent to balance both at the same time. it's the 'kids on a playground' thing. he only hits you because he secretly loves you.
Well i've tried telling him i don't look like a 15 year old Asian schoolboy to try and dissuade him, but he's too inflamed by his passions to hear any of it.
it's an inbreeding thing here. the south is so concerned about keeping the good blood in the family that we've gone and spoiled it all, leading to unclear thoughts and embarrassment.
Oh. I see. Because I say you look like a 15 year old thai boy (As in your diminitive stature) you assume that I have an affinity towards guys. Not just that you are skinny and flat chested. Very well conceived. I can see how you'd derive that from my statements. :
For someone supposedly so secure in their sexuality, phatboy certainly feels the need to rebuff each and every (even the flimsiest) accusation of faggotry.
Nope, just pointing out the fact that every time someone says anything to, or about you, that you dont like, you throw a homoerotic spin to it. The same dumb tactic you try on joe, "oh yea, well you're gay". Same old nursey.
As long as it continues to elicit the type of responses it does, it will continue to bring me amusement. :-*
------------- Barry: He bought something called Kudzu Root yesterday and took some of it in the afternoon. He went out and bought an 18-pack of beer and didn't even attempt to keep count or limit himself. He says that when he woke up, he discovered that he had only drank 8 of them. Before yesterday I know he was drinking more than 12 a day. More like 15 or 16, so I don't know. Maybe that stuff will help him. --------- Sorry for interrupting. Please, return to your name-calling and insults.
The best thing too do is just take 2 weeks off and stay with him and help him thru it cold turkey. My fathers drinking finally came to a head last year and got him into a lot of legal trouble. It snapped him out of his 30 year drunk and he finally realized he needed to quit. He drank every day very heavily. But now he is a year sober and the hardest part was the first 2 weeks. Just buy a lot of soups & juices and just stay with this person til they are done with the DT's. It's not pretty but cold turkey is the best way to quit anything.
It's definitely not pretty. But true. I dont understand chemical dependence(SP?). Or maybe I never had anything that made me feel like I couldnt live without it. When I broke my arm I got Oxycodon and hydrocodone and all they did was make me sleepy, and a little sappy. I actually quit taking them and have a half bottle somewhere. I liked weed, but not to a point where I wouldnt get a real job just so I could sit out and smoke and not worry about a drug test at work. My grandmother smoked a pack and a half a day, forever. As long as I could remember she smoked. Then one day, she just quit. After my parents had griped about how tough it was, this 70+ year old woman just quit them. My dad asked her what her secret was and she said, "I just quit buying them" which sounded really funny in her German accent. Hopefully the stinky goat weed will get him to control it to a point where he realizes that he doesnt 'need' it.
I'm glad to hear that. But they should really seek professional advice from a trained herbalist on dosages and frequency etc., as this is not a minor problem. A full assessment (tongue, pulse etc) is necessary, because there may be other imbalances complicating matters which would be picked up by the doctor during the initial consultation. Just going out and buying the herb and expecting that alone to do the trick is not going to be enough. This isn't orthodox medicine where you take an extreme chemical and get an immediately visible result. Chinese medicine isn't so simplistic as western medicine, because it deals with the body as a whole system instead of seperate individual components of a whole. Persuade them to go for some acupuncture (from a well accredited practitioner) because there might actually be a chance of them getting a proper grip on their problem if they do, and will enhance the benefits of taking Chinese herbs many times over. And not just that, but to get better a person has to sincerely want to. At least some effort is required, depending on the kudzu to do all the work sounds like a bit of a negative approach. Making an appointment with a Chinese doctor and receiving one treatment a week will provide a firm, positive base to view their problem from, and also the psychological benefits of taking responsibility for their own health.