you seem to think you know a lot about our relationship barry... been tapping people up for info? you need more reliable sources i guess putting the focus on nursey and i will help divert attention away from your horrific parenting i'm sure she'll be along later to put your fears about our disintegrating relationship to rest and get the focus of this thread back where it belongs
My parenting may well be horrific, but it is not horrific because of a lack of effort or committment. You understand neither. Parenting is a part time job for you. No matter what she says, if I were you I would check for other hoof prints in the corral. You are not the only "stud" visiting Nursey's stall. Count on that. Barry
barry.. i know i touched a nerve by pointing out it was a mistake telling us your daughter is retarded, and you were an idiot initially by even telling us she was your daughter... but you can probe in this fashion all night and you won't hit any nerves :roll:
You think I am looking for a nerve? Nah. Just touching reality. Here's a test - Get Nursey to look you right in the eye (when she is sober, drunk does not count) and say these words to you without laughing. "Michael, I love you with all of my heart." She can't do it. I know that as surely as I know my shoe size. Barry
i don't need her to tell me she loves me to know it... her touch, her kiss, the look in her eye, they tell me more than words are able.... but it doesn't stop her looking me in the eye and telling me, unprompted.
So you will put it to the test? If she can do it (and I still don't think she can) then you are more of a loser than I thought. A man with a woman that loves him, who only makes booty calls and won't committ to marriage, is a selfish little prick. Show up when it is convenient, pork the baby's momma, and then leave to live your own life until the next urge hits you. Throw a few coins on the table to "help out" and you are justified in your own eyes. Real men make committments and stick to their committments. That level of manhood escapes you doesn't it "PIMPDADDY"? Throw all the mud you want at me, it will wash off. As you throw, just understand that I know the real you. The stains that mar the fiber of your character aren't mud, and they won't come out in the wash. You are a PIMP by your own labeling. I can think of nothing lower. Barry
haha.. you're such a fool barry... i have commited to get married... i have also commited to work.. that commitment came first.. and that commitment needs to be seen out.. and once it has been.. it will enable the marriage to go a whole lot easier... you don't know me barry.. not in the slightest.. you're reaching hard.. and you're liable to put your back out old man
do u have bad self esteem too that you have to pick on people WAY younger than you i mean come on im 20 years old and by the way i dont care what u think i know how beautiful i am and how people feel about me that really know me so i dont care what u say
"when it is easier." Using the excuse of being unemployed to avoid solidifying a realtionship will work for a while. She will tire of that lie too. (Oops, she already has!) But I'll stop for now. It makes me sad to see you act so desperate. Barry
unemployed? tsk! i'm a heating engineer and have been working almost all my adult life you silly sausage... and i'm currently in a job which will leave me with yet higher qualifications that will respectively raise my earning potential wherever do you get all these strange ideas.. you really do need to get better sources for your gossip barry... you're batting average is terrible tonight... on this evidence i'd say you definately lost at the derby
sorry barry.. didn't mean to baffle you with old fashioned english... here.. i'll let some of your murkin chums explain for me
What is with all of this craziness? Why are we all fighting?! How did something so sweet and innocently named as "Death Threat" turn into somethign so ugly? Why!!!! GOD WHY????????????????????????????????????????????/