Death Threat

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, May 1, 2005.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Shall we take the gloves off Nursey? I have made a real effort to be nice to you for several months now. I gave you credit for being smart enough to understand the situation with medtech without me having to explain it.

    It appears that you did understand.

    So what do you do? You let the true you come out, that's what.
    The vicious, jealous, schizotypal harlot lashes out at anything weak.

    Take a look at the pictures below Nursey, and tell me this -
    Which one of these two women would you want your child to grow up and become? And which one do you think makes her Father proud?

    You are so mean spirited and miserable that I can't even be angry at you. I simply feel sorry for you.

  2. whipone

    whipone New Member


    Nursey, how does it feel to get soul slam-fist-fucked twice by the Swopes!

    You will never be the daughter that Barry had hoped you would be when he stalked you initially!

    Take that!
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    *Eventually catches breath and dries eyes*

    You caught me mid-flight i see! Pity you didn't capture a shot of me firing missiles out my rectum at your adorable jelly-fuckalump, retardling daughter.

    Tsk tsk! But i do see your reasoning...she is in need of some intense exposure to harsh reality to kick-start her brain into action. :idea:

    Well, it's the closest thing i'll ever get to being a part of the family. :| *eyes brim up*
  4. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Shut the fuck up for once. Just once. Do you even know how?
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    As a matter of fact i'm just off to bed, my desperate little arse appendage friend. But you'll be able to last until tomorrow by the looks of things: don't you fret! ;)
  6. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    You're pathetic....and I don't give that crowning achievement to just anyone; nay, you are truly a CHAMP in your field!

    You must be so proud, my little camel jockeyed pestilence!

    Nursey: when the lights grow dim and she bares her soul:

    MEDICVET New Member

    will say somethin that will hold true for just about fucking anybody here, and see if anyone gets where the fuck this quote comes from..

    "she is more to be pitied than feared"

    only nursey isn't either. she is.

    one of these days i'll get there too, ya fuckinbitch.

    said with all due of these days I want to be just as much of a fuckinbitch.
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Ahhh shut it trash-Sman. To be honest, i feel a bit of a rotter...but i blame Barry! What the hell were you thinking letting her join?
  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  10. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member

    You know how to make a man giggle Ms. Nursey.

    Tee hee ttt tthee sseheee
  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Classic defensive justification - Blame someone else for your own actions.

    And how do you expect me to stop it? Do you think that forbidding a twenty year old to do anything works? Do you think I encouraged her to be a part of this circus side show?

    Since I could not stop her from reading and joining, I simply asked for everyone to recognize the difference in real abuse and "inclusive teasing".

    Too much to ask, obviously.

  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    do you know the difference barry? has anybody used anything that wasn't already posted on here by you or her?...

    do you really think you were doing her a favour by introducing her to the forum as your daughter?... think hard about what you yourself have said and done in regards to peoples perception of your daughter in here... think about how you are perceived

    has this thread, and your posts in it, helped?
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I don't know why I keep telling myself that you are a good person at heart. The truth is, you are not.

    You are an energy vampire. You don't generate anything positive, you simply drain what you need from others. Nursey understands that, and I would bet that she has unplugged you from her psyche recently. I can sense it in the air.

    So tell us Pimp, how went the breakup?

  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    your senses are shot.. how much did you lose on the derby?

    i don't care what you think of me barry.. but i think that deep down you're thinking i may be right which is why you've gone on the attack

    and the break-up went so badly that our holiday together is booked
  15. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Without wishing to appear that I am taking sides, it seems obvious Barry, that you're experimentations into understanding the psyche of this board as a whole and the individuals therein is falling very short of the mark.

    Surely as 'responsible' father (drug tests and mollycoddling aside) that your apparent eagerness to offer your daughter as a vessel if you like, to guage other peoples actions is reprehensible.

    Do they do refresher courses for counsellors that are bereft of guilt?

    Whose tyhe vampire no
  16. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Sorry, pressed return by mistake...

    Whose the vampire now Barry?
  17. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    And I suppose upon refelection, that Pimp has achieved 'nail, hammer interface'.

    So he gets my vote.
  18. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    *rolls up dubyas ballot paper and snorts his lifeforce*
  19. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    *feels suddenly weakened*
  20. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Dubya - I like you and respect you, so I am trying to hear what you saying. Let me clarify -
    1. This is my oldest daughter. I have never drug tested her. No reason to.
    2. Check your PM's for the rest.

    Apparent eagerness to offer my daughter? More like, " since I can't stop her, at least ask for a little understanding."As I said, too much to ask. She thinks the computer is always real life. I have failed in that regard.

    And Pimp - I am still waiting for Nursey to stand up and tell everyone that she has not kicked your ass to the curb. No self respecting woman is going to put up with booty calls for long. I suspect that the little comment you made about her being willing to "do anything you wanted" didn't sit well, and your steadfast refusal to be committed to a marriage doesn't either. I can guarantee that you are not the only horse drinking at Nursey's trough.

    I await Nursey's reply.


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