To be honest, no i don't.He wasn't a planned pregnancy but as soon as i found out i was ,i wanted him.I had a great time before i had him and even better since.But only you know when u r ready for kids, my sister is 26 and has no intentions of having kids yet.She's got ages to decide when she wants one or if she ever does.
How does it feel to get your soul slam-fucked by the master of insult Nursey? Like that? Huh, huh, bitch!!!!!! Snap! LOL
Yeah, I don't reccomend it. I for one will never, ever have another kid when I'm 19. And this time, I mean it.
As you have said to me before, " Why do you feel the need to over explain?" I really do not care much about how you parent your kids, and believe me when I say that I know I am not a perfect mother. I have never tried to portray myself as being "a sweetie"! :lol: The forum 'cold sober' has very little in the way of serious issues of late. Some of your posts need to be read several times in order for them to make sense. Re above.
So you mean that's not actually...GASP!...oh my god! I'm so sorry...i mean...look! It doesn't even look anything like you. At all. Oh GODDDDDDDDDDDD.
As i said , you are like a fuckin annoying yappy dog, that is why i explained.I don't give a fuck what you think about me you just yip yip yip away.So Mia as i have prob said before get fucked, pleeeease it might make you a more interesting person if your cunt got some action. You bring a new meaning to the word dullard.You have to be one of the most boring people i've had the mispleasure of typing to on FUgly..there have been wankers,tosser and nutters.But you are just plain and boring so refrain from even bothering me with your crap.
See, I would probably not reply to someone that bored m . . . . . . .oh shit please disregard the previous txt
i think you are gay you need to shutup you're makin a fool out of yourself your very stupid and your pic is ugly