Death Threat

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, May 1, 2005.

  1. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    why do i get the feeling that mia's bathroom would reek of stale urine?
  2. mia

    mia New Member

    Not sure why that is
  3. medtech2021

    medtech2021 New Member


    screw you nursey
  4. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Rofl you really r a frustrated housewife aren't you.I can imagine it in your house.Your poor fuckin kids.All fun and games there i see.
    NO shoes on in the frontroom.
    NO food without a plate.
    NO breathing without asking MOTHERS permission.
    Relax MIa your pretty little face will get all wrinkled up before time.See Dwain thats why she's got a funky eye.It's stress related.
    I bet you bleach your blokes cock before you go anywhere near it.
  5. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Bleach! Mmmmmmmmm...
  6. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Behave yourself you dirty old man.

    MEDICVET New Member

    re: where men aim..

    (and the fuckin cheerios idea was a great one, wish I had known that when pottytrainin my son!)

  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    *SQUEAL*:eek: Oh my GOD that was so C-UUUTE! My ~first response~ from baby Swopes! She's adorrrrable Barry. :oops:

    Anyway...enough joking around. When are you going to post your pic? I don't mean this:
    Come on, don't be shy! Let's see you without the mask.;)
  9. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member

    teee heeet heee heee teeeh.

    I'm actually scared now.
  10. Felcher Bros

    Felcher Bros New Member

    I thought she looked familiar:

  11. mia

    mia New Member

    Heheh you know I am right!! You are obviously a born scrubber before you think you are being a good mummy by scrubbing piss off the floors. We need people like you to give us stereotypes to surpass.
  12. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    No Mia you just don't get it do you, jesus.If you ever actually read what people wrote instead of running full steawm ahead trying to get one up. Shows how desperate you are.
    Let me make this clear to you, you stupid little woman.My kids are 9 and 11 and for many years they had accidents on the toilet floor.Now as a GOOD mother i cleaned it up as i would never allow a small child access to chemicals which could harm them.
    My original statement was meant for Dimples as a point of view from a woman who has had more experience in relationships than just the sex side, it was meant light hearted, but as i said before you were so desperate to try and get one over on me because as of yet you have sadly failed you jumped on what i said and decided that you knew best and that was that.
    You have showed everyone what you are really like on this forum, not the little sweety you like to portrait.
    What makes e really smile is the fact that you actually get cross with whats posted here.You have proven this by trying to start a debate in the cold sober forum.
    Let me inform you darling, my kids are well manners, well educated and they know right from wrong.They carry the shopping for me, tidy their room, wash up after Sunday dinner, put their own cloths away and anyone who ever meets them comments on how well behaved they are.I never have to remind them to say please or thankyou.
    I am there for them 24/7 and i would do anything for them.YOU are not a perfect mother don't ever think you are dear.If you do then you are sadly deluding yourself.
    I felt the need to post this because you are like a little yappy dog that one fuck off untill you either give it a treat or kick it in the head.I felt like handing little wittle kind old Mia a little you go dear now run along and play nice with Barry.
  13. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  14. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    Gotta love it when the sad lil' trophey wife has to have it spelled out for her.

    Mia, you're last few posts have seem to come from a position of presumed superiority that I for one don't understand.
  15. medtech2021

    medtech2021 New Member

    what's that supposed to mean your pic aint cute either
  16. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    sweet jebus are you saying there is MORE to relationships than sex??

    maybe my light jest was misunderstood. yes i DO love sex but i also realize that theres so much more than the enjoyment. the reason i use birth control is because i am not ready to be a mom yet. i guess you could say im still enjoying my childhood (at age 21) and at the moment i am just using sex as experimenting rather than because i love a guy.

    ok maybe thats slutty i dont know but i am being honest. i dont really love the guy that i am sleeping with at the moment. i dont know how he feels for me but we are just enjoying the good time. when i meet the RIGHT guy i will probably consider kids and stuff with him but until then i am using sex as a pass time like a lot of younger people do rather than "making love".

    sorry for the mindless banter but its just how i am. ill probably get grilled big time for this.
  17. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    Grilled? No, not when there's a girl who doesn't realize her photo's been doctored so it looks like she's been facialed one post above you!
  18. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    dude maybe shes never seen semen before :lol:
  19. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Nope your totally right..fuck away and have a great time doing it.Plenty of time for kids and other stuff later on.
  20. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    im just curious unlimited-time but at what age did you have your first kid?

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