You can't quite pull that off like Dwaine does. Anyway, this isn't the 'Last person to post wins' thread.
"All the posts which followed.." ( past tense ). No. That one was necessary to illustrate where my cut-off point to squirmy cunt should have been. Tut! So undisciplined of me.
Nursey I must say in the past 6 months your posts have deteriorated quite significantly. Time to visit your GP, perhaps??
Oh ignore her Dwaine, she's like a bad case of Thrush, an irritating cunt that pops up once in a while.
Well done for seizing on the most inane post i've ever done! The thing is, that viewed without the knowledge of the ulterior purpose it served, ( you'd have to have been here last night when Sham was having her forum breakdown to understand ) that post amounts to roughly about the same calibre as all / any of yours. This suggests to me that you must be well aware of the abysmally dire quality of everything that gets generated by your weak and feeble pisshole of a mind. Maybe the prozac stops you caring, which is bad news for all of us. You have to be the mousiest little drip to have ever posted at these forums, making the previous holder of that insipid little worm called 'Sky' look like a sharp and scintillating wit by comparison.
The only one flipping out here is you,'s absolutely fascinating and utterly telling how truly unhinged you are. Downright entertaining!
The battle between nursey and sam has been very entertainingand informative, I for one hope it does not end any time soon.
Try and come up with something original, you clueless dimwit. Posts from last night: I can't get over how some people have the gormlessness or audacity to believe that they can possibly get one over on me by being a pitiful, weak imitation of me!? It's the extreme. You aren't going to fool anyone here ( except, as always, Mia, although i suspect that despite her stupidity, she can see it as well ) that i am you and you are actually me, least of all, me... But let's play your's actually me who's the 'psychoslut', who's 'flipping out', 'taking things a bit too seriously'...and typing posts like this... Tsk! Post of mine from few days back: Keep it up you demented shitwit...the only person you are fooling here is yourself...though i have a sneaking suspicion you are desperately struggling to keep even yourself convinced, by this stage!'re so fucking easy! Keep getting all worked up, weirdo, and I'll just continue to laugh my ass off! Kook.