Death Threat

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, May 1, 2005.

  1. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    I'm pretty sure Sam was drunk.
  2. mia

    mia New Member

    Coke is great . . . . .at the time :cry:
  3. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    True dat--I didn't get to bed until 5 this morning...oops! Hate it when I do that, hehehe!

    Gimples, darliiiing, stop hiding behind your transexual love machine-- everything Nursey says is about as important to me as, oh I don't know--your life must certainly be--you're a waste of oxygen along with that sandnigger psycho. Yes, you two are an extremely VITAL element here at the Fugly forums and I'm sure we'd all be bereft without your structured sense of Hierarchy in the vast, complicated, highly detailed posting echeleon.

    In more DYNAMIC words: Fuck off ! neener, neeener, neen!

    And the only squirming going on here is when I look at Bungles picture.

  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Whether what i say is important to you or not doesn't matter...the fact is, it's true. I'll leave you to get back to your embittered angry namecalling now, little girl...
  5. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    i am not hiding behind anyone. i have made you look like a moron enough to keep me satisfied. i am not a vindictive mean person. the only reason i said anything to you bad was because you started on me. all i was saying is its great how nursey always gets a bite out of you. its classic. get your facts straight before you try to act like a badass.
  6. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    ummm that was to samantha by the way.
  7. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member


    So calling someone a cunt isn't mean or vindictive?! OK, well, if you want to think that's not, we'll play along ....I GUESS.

    I was actually the 1st one to be decent to you when you started posting and I just mildly teased you by calling you me where I "started" in on you and I will formely apologize, because I'm only mean and vindictive when someone flames me you two continue to live in fantasy land, while I go make dinner: I'm making chili verde, mmmm!

    And Nursey, I don't give a fuck what your "truth" is: I obviously see it differently.
  8. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    no calling you a cunt is not mean or vindictive. its being honest and truthful and if being honest is wrong then i i dont want to be right.
  9. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    How eloquent-- I'm touched, really.

    What a moronic, inbred twit.
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    "The great rushing in where angels fear to tread post"

    I'm sure Mia sees the same "truth" as you.

  11. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    I would hardly call that a flame, my dear; but for whatever it's worth, I'm terribly sorry I said your dress looked like a shower curtain--there! Are we all better now?

    You're actually quite an attractive gal and smart too!
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I'm not interested in an apology. I just wanted to point out how full of shit you are, as usual. You had a little dig...and then on realising how lame the shower curtain comment was, added a follow up lame comment for good measure. Throwing down the gauntlet to me, I put you back in your place with a response of according 'flame power' - not ever any more than was necessary. But you still came back again and again and again, with increasingly determined efforts to try and get one over, culminating in this thread here. And look! You're still trying it, despite being snared, hung, drawn and quartered in front of the whole forum. The evidence is all there, for anyone who has eyes to see, and no matter how hard you try to squirm your way out of the tight spot you got yourself into, Sham, your game is over.
  13. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member


    Funny, I don't see it that way at all...and no matter how HARD you try, nothing is going to prove to me otherwise--like I said, Your opinion means absolutely nothing to me.

    If you think all of this nonsense is going to keep from posting away, well, I hate to break it you: that's not going to happen. Continue to live in your bizarre cyber-land, while I continue to do what I'm best at--annoying the fuck out of you.

    Every time you respond back to me, you just make yourself a little less convincing in my eyes--you're just irked because I got up on your ass and I will continue to do so until I'm bored with it all...I'm actually finding it all quite hysterical.
  14. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    if her opinion means so little why do you keep going on about it? try shutting the fuck up you silly wench.
  15. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Because it's fucking funny--to get THAT worked up over someone's comments on the internet: but I have to keep reminding myself she's a head-case, so I'll just toy with her; for all the rest of us who have real lives and don't depend on what other's say online and take it so
    literally, it can tend to be humorous.

    BTW, Gimples, Why don't you get off your chubby ass and do something with yourself? Go ride a bicycle, jogging, fuck the backyard goat: anything to burn some calories. [/i]
  16. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    i see you getting worked up far more than she does.
  17. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    That's because you're an idiot.
  18. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    speaking of flames...

    I held a lighter to my ass, and farted... it took 3 weeks for schmeds, harlan, and mikes eyebrowns to grow back
  19. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    ahhh yeah well done you fag. that really works. you get worked up because i am an idiot. clap clap for the handicapped.
  20. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    "worked up"? Uh, did I miss something here? How can you tell what I'm conveying? You can barely read.

    "Fag"? if that means I love guys, well, then yes, I love guys.

    "Handicapped"? I did DO well at golf on Friday.

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