Death Threat

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, May 1, 2005.

  1. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    I'll give ya 5 bucks if you come and suck the piss out of Harlans cock.
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I said I was a whore, not a cheap whore
  3. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    I'll do it for $5 and a cheeseburger!
  4. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member


    Uh, I thought you we're "going out"? I guess that comprises of a 50 ft. walk to the back of that broken down Ford in the backyard.

    I found your application:

    Redneck Driver's Application
    Plez compleet this paper, best ya can.
    Last name: DIMPLES_______________
    First name:
    [_] Billy-Bob [_] Bobby-Sue
    [_] Billy-Joe [_] Bobby-Jo
    [_] Billy-Ray [_] Bobby-Ann
    [x_] Billy-Sue [_] Bobby-Lee
    [_] Billy-Mae [_] Bobby-Ellen
    [_] Billy-Jack [_x] Bobby-Beth Ann Sue
    Age: _21___ (if unsure, guess)
    Sex: [_]M [_]F [x_]None
    Shoe Size: ____ Left ____ Right
    [_] Farmer [_] Mechanic
    [_] Hair Dresser [_] Waitress
    [_x] Un-employed [_] Dirty Politician
    Spouse's Name: daddy__________________________
    2nd Spouse's Name: daddy__________________________
    3rd Spouse's Name: __________________________
    Lover's Name: _daddy_________________________
    2nd Lover's Name: __________________________
    Relationship with spouse:
    [_x] Sister [_] Aunt
    [_] Brother [_] Uncle
    [_] Mother [_] Son
    [_] Father [_x] Daughter
    [x_] Cousin [_] Pet
    Number of children living in household: __10_
    Number of children living in shed: _10__
    Number of children that are yours: _dont reckin__
    Mother's Name: daddy_______________________
    Father's Name: im a cummin_______________________
    Education: 1 2 3 4 (Circle highest grade completed)
    If you obtained a higher education what was your
    [_] 5th grade [_] 6th grade
    Do you [_] own or [_x] rent your mobile home?
    Vehicles you own and where you keep them:
    ___ Total number of vehicles you own
    ___ Number of vehicles that still crank
    ___ Number of vehicles in front yard
    ___ Number of vehicles in back yard
    ___ Number of vehicles on cement blocks
    Age you started drivin ______ (If over 10 are you are
    still slow lerrnin ? [_] Yes [_] No)
    Firearms you own and where you keep them:
    ____ truck ____ kitchen
    ____ bedroom ____ bathroom/outhouse
    ____ shed __x__ pawnshop
    Model and year of your pickup: _____________ 194_
    Do you have a gun rack?
    [x_] Yes [_] No; If no, please explain:
    Newspapers/magazines you subscribe to:
    [x_] The National Enquirer [x_] The Globe
    [x_] TV Guide [x_] Soap Opera Digest
    [_] Rifle and Shotgun [_x] Bassmasters
    __huh_ Number of times you've seen a UFO
    _once iswear it__ Number of times you've seen Elvis
    ___ Number of times you've seen Elvis in a UFO
    How often do you bathe:
    [_] Weekly
    [x_] Monthly
    [_] Not Applicable
    How many teeth in YOUR mouth? ___
    Color of teeth:
    [_] Yellow [_] Brownish-Yellow
    [_] Brown [_] Black
    [x_] N/A
    Brand of chewing tobacco you prefer:
    [_] Red-Man [_x] Skoal
    How far is your home from a paved road?
    [_] 1 mile
    [_] 2 miles
    [_x] don't know

    "dar-ller-ler-lardela! HEEEEEEE- HAAAAW!"

    *does a little jig*
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Uhhhh....h'yeahhh. Whatever you say, Sman! Unfortunately for you, most people aren't as stupid as you seem to think, Duhmantha. And that post is the most transparent, useless piece of slag-blag action you could have come up with for your 'last word' opportunity. Anyone ( apart from Barry and Mia ) is welcome to correct me here if i'm wrong, but i'm pretty sure that the only person who found your post in any way convincing was you and perhaps the mutant, drawling blob that sprung forth from the loins of Barry. I cringe on your behalf for being so pitifully and blatantly full of complete shite.

    I'M DA SMAN!

    And if by 'circus' you mean 'lively, colourful and entertaining' then i can assure you it isn't as a result of anything you have any control over.

    Whenever anyone points out how lame and unamusing you are, you tell say 'since when was i here to entertain anybody?' Let me be the first to point out to you that anyone who is worthwhile here is interesting / entertaining. Anyone here who is interesting / entertaining is worthwhile. Otherwise it's a monotonous waste of forum space. Like you. But you're not a tottttal waste of space. I mean, you've made me smirk three or four times since you started posting ( one time being the 'hallmark card' comment to Pimp ). But that's about it.

    Your pushy, agressive manner to get your foot in the door and command some sort of position within the heirarchy only in order to deliver ineffective, boring cliched scontent clearly suggests that you have far more confidence than talent/substance/worth to justify it. I know, i know, you said you were jewish, and if the behaviour of the majority of jews is to go by, you will have been brought up with the arrogant, intrinsic belief that you have the god-given right to agressively claw and scrabble your way to the top of the heap utilising whatever means necessary, like dishonesty, thieving or deceit. Attempting to usurp positions rightfully occupied by deserving people who earned it through honest means. Have you no self-respect, you shameless, uncivilised brute? :lol:

    There she is, the unashamed self-confessed plagiarist desperately grabbing at whatever her mediocre, stunted mind happens to have readily floating around in it ( from other people's input ), shoving it clumsily together and producing it jubillantly with an air of disdainful superiority to mask her desperate, frantic drive to covet the power she yearns to possess and wield over others, to remedy the feelings of pathetic insignificance that someone so impoverished of any real personal worth must experience.

    'Fraud' sums it up nicely. From now on, your name is Sham.
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Aggressive. :|
  7. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

  8. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you get a gold star for using it correctly *golf claps*
  9. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    come on over dwaine and ill show you how to use yours correctly!
  10. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Use my what correctly?
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    *Nudges Dwaine*

    Get your coat've scored. :eek:
  12. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member


    If you took half as much time doing good with your ridiculous commentary, one would tend to want to respect you; however, you have proven to be a tiresome hag-- Your insane jealousy should be put into check; why else would you go to such lengths to "attempt" to put me in my place" ? You appear to be a freakish, boring, sociopathic woman who is taking things 'a bit too seriously'-- and where in the 'world' did you ever get the notion I was Jewish? Guess that blows THAT theory away: and to think you actually took the time to write an entire paragraph and it's erroneous; ah, well, I suppose if one lived in a perpetual state of psychosis, it would seem like a great way to spend a Saturday evening!

    You think I'm a "sham", and I think you should be donated to science and dissected.

    Now, to address the fact that I go about the forum trying to assert my ignorant: I go about and post what I want, just as anyone DOES in a forum: I think you're intelligent enough to realize that this is a "free" forum and not a private membership into your own personal Second World--so drop the " oh, you're such a lame cunt, you have nothing interesting to offer ME" and just sit back, relax, and smoke some more opium (it does wonders for chemical imbalances I've been told), perhaps that will soothe your compulsive desire to rant madly at anything you perceive to be a threat--Because whether or not you actually do, in fact, perceive me as a threat, you certainly ACT as if I am, so I cannot be anything but flattered; continue writing your novels to me and it will only reinforce my belief that you are a sad, desperate, lonely and disturbed woman.

    Frankly, I think you need to get a reality check on yourself. It's quite simple: You're NOT the alpha bitch that everyone adores, so stop accusing me of trying to take your place-- or I will.
  13. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member


  14. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member


  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Why so aggressive Sham? I hope i didn't touch a nerve or anything. And as a matter of fact, i do take...integrity very seriously, you might be wise to "follow my 'LEAD'". Then you can carve out your own niche just as others have over the years instead of being jealously resentful of me and mine. And your post is riddled from start to end with irony. You make it seem as if you are the one who has been happily posting here for five years and have amassed influence, admiration and respect! And that I am the one who has just joined and just doesn't seem quite able to cut it. And as if it was actually you who had all but stopped posting until i decided to make bitchy comments about your picture ( also known as the great 'rushing in where angels fear to tread post ;) ). That it is me who has been persuing you round the forum, and attempting to tell people who have known you for years that they shouldn't pay any attention to you...
    I see i'll need my trusty looking glass to make sense of anything you have to say!

    Basically, Sham, at least 99% of your posts are complete peurile, regurgitated, boring shit. I doubt that you are even entertaining yourself, preoccupying yourself instead with the obsessive drive to achieve some kind of personal status here. But it's one of those elusive things here at fugly. Those who desperately crave it and have the desire for it as their motivating force fail to achieve it. Because fugly is one of the most bullshit-intolerant places you can post at...there are no niceties. If you're shit you'll find out in no uncertain terms. Just as you are here, as a matter of fact...

    I put anyone who relentlessly dogs me around the forum in a desperate ( and futile ) attempt to drag me down in their place. It's a very enjoyable form of entertainment.
    Me putting your jealousy in check amounts to 'insane jealousy' on my part!? Excuse my ignorance, but how does that work?

    Hmmm...who can tell? Gasp! "Well slap my ass and call me Sally! My bad." On doing a quick search, it turns out you're just a jew-wannabe. Pretty much amounts to the same if you ask me!

    Irony abounds. The thing is, you are a lame cunt. And yet you accuse me of being lame, your attitude saying "you have nothing interesting to offer ME" ('You need to make this more challenging for me, i'm getting so bored" etc).

    *Snigger* That's quite some compliments i'm getting through the looking glass there! :lol:

    How do you intend to do that? How could you pose any threat to me? Do you have the know how to steal my soul or something? Nobody can usurp me because i'm just being me. Nobody else is going to replace me, because there can only be one Nursey...and it's me.
    Anyway, I thought you said my position was that of a "freakish, boring, sociopathic, lame, insanely jealous, sad, desperate, lonely and disturbed tiresome hag"? Except according to you i'm jealously wanting to be you and at the same time worried that you'll take my place? At least try to have some consistency in your efforts to blag your way out of the corner.:?

    You are the one who is 'ranting madly', i'm just stating how things are in a calm, clear, concise way.
    So, to take everything to it's logical conclusion, if your whole arguement is just a mirror distortion of things, then what you accuse me of must surely betray certain telling details about yourself, you 'sad, desperate, lonely and disturbed woman'.

    Keep digging that hole!
  16. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Wow....girls fight for keeps.
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    If you'd had that attached to your ass for the past few weeks you'd want to pin it down and burst its brains, believe me. :)
  18. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    "Basically, Sham, at least 99% of your posts are complete peurile, regurgitated, boring shit. I doubt that you are even entertaining yourself, preoccupying yourself instead with the obsessive drive to achieve some kind of personal status here. But it's one of those elusive things here at fugly. Those who desperately crave it and have the desire for it as their motivating force fail to achieve it. Because fugly is one of the most bullshit-intolerant places you can post at...there are no niceties"


    HOW, GAWD, HOW?!!!!!!!!!????

    Wow. get a grip.


    OK, BYE!
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator



    Man. Sucks, doesn't it?

    T'wit toowooo!

  20. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    its fun watching nursey make samantha squirm like the worm she is.

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