Nursey You're so Kewl! Gimples, please insert your large, rubberized dildo firmly up Nurseys ass as she's frothing at the snout again: she needs you, baby! And yes, Gimples, I do think the ugly pictures are effective! How sweet of you to notice. Yer so PURDY!
cool.. i'm sure you and your family are familiar with the S&M rules.. since "oh no, please for the love of god STOP!! it burns daddy it burns" really means "OH MY GOD POPPA DON'T STOP!! i'm about to EXPLODE!!" then we'll pre-arrange some code word or gesture to use when it's going too far .... :?
i'd say the same to you but there's no remedy for your affliction... even latching onto superswopes couldn't lift you from your blandness
Ah, the gallant Knight comes slithering in to back his Bitch up: I almost feel sorry for you: all those midnight trips to the psycho ward to pick your beloved up must have really put a strain on your "romance".
no not really... nothing like a quicky in a straightjacket to test that trust... in fact the ECT she lovingly applies when i'm nearing orgasm really puts a spark into the lovetussle... nyiheneenineehiheeheeneee
*giggle* Look at the silly, desperate little bitchys...err...i mean 'big dogs' jumping in with their useless, lame drivvle. YA! Get back Smanny!
Nursey I really do feel for you. You are in love with your pimp, beautiful. How long have you 2 been together? Where did you meet? How often do you see each other? Think I know his face. Love the leather chocker with the sparkly liddle girly top. Wish I was as smart as you. Really do think I know his face. Just say no, mia love xx
See the sad thing is Smear you have tried all sorts of angles on this forum, all sorts of different personalities and they all make you look like a cunt.The poor defenceless one looking for sympathy( aww do you really think i look like a horse), the i'm actually quite sexual ( attempting to be a smut with Barry), the i'm gonna be nice and try and come across as wiity and funny ( the psot above) and non of them work ARE dull you will always be dull and everyone who has read your posts knows what a total twat you really are and that you try that little bit too hard to fit in. Now i'll wait a little while untill you've consulted with Barry about what to write and i'll look back in for a reply.
I'm sorry UT, but i just checked the dictionary, and it appears she is right! I'm going to let you off this time since you were obviously straining to ease that large turd out onto Mia's forehead as you typed, but next time it'll go on the fugly spelling wallchart as a grievious offence.:? The punishment could be as severe as being locked in a room with Mia for company for ten days. Might make you take a little more care in future. :!:
Mmm, well, good luck to you nursey, coz from what I have seen you will need it. Why have you not answered my questions? Watch out coz tedium is trying to get her claws into pimp, You go girl xx