Oh, yes, you are! And I think we all realize that Barry was joking. Oh. Did you not get that memo? I love how you claim "illiteracy" on my part but don't even bother to use proper punctuation. Honey, when you're able to run with big dogs, call us up.
point out to me in that thread where i said anything positive or ass-kissy about pimp. all i said is no one is stupid enough (except maybe MEDICVET) to give out too much information. i then went on to say most modern versions of windows have a firewall of some sort which makes it close to impossible to hack into. stop trying to be a bad-ass because you suck at it. i was simply making an observation. no one but you really gives a damn about punctuation you anally retentive skank. you love making yourself seem like a "fugly veteran" dont you? fact is half these people think you are a dumb cunt yet you think they love you. at least i can admit no one here likes me. but i dont care because its a shitty insignificant piece of the internet. you treat it like its your fucking hood you nigga wannabe. now fuck off and keep trying your best to fit in.
Gimples, Gimples, Gimples. First of all, I don't care what anyone thinks: I'm my own person, and I call it like I see it. Your "observations" are flawed. That memo wasn't on your desk this morning either, I take it. And why would you only include "pimp" in your answer? Why not his lovely significant other ? Aren't they synonmous? And your stating that " Most modern versions of windows have a firewall of some sort which makes it close to impossible to hack into." Are you sure about THAT? Please, Tell me more! *snickers* Go run along and play now, you two bit whore: Daddy's calling.
who is this "we" you keep referring to? do you have multiple personalities? because i am sure the other members of fugly would not approve of you speaking on their behalf.