Death Threat

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, May 1, 2005.

  1. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    well some suspect that medictech is barry in disguise and he's trolling for laughs...
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Remind me Barry...who do i hate? And i could have used your daugher's know, the one's that were on your website - but chose not to. Now your daughter has joined...and posted her pic...that's fair game to me. Get a fucking clue as to the nature of this forum or just crawl back to whatever bland, suburban braindeath of a life you had before.
  3. mia

    mia New Member

    Barrys girl is just Barrys feminine youthful side coming out to play, now leave him alone as I am getting jealous.
  4. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Since I knew she was going to post, I tried a little premptive action. That was a mistake. Sorry for thinking that you and Nursey might have an actual heart beneath your facade.

    Holly is not retarded, and I never said she was. She will complete her college level training program this month with an A average. You are aware of the real issues. It is easier for you to twist things to make me look like a whacko.

    I just pointed out the wedge that was already there. I still haven't heard Nursey deny what I pointed out.

    My spotlight on you was to try and show you that real pain on real people can come from these forums. Maybe I should not have done that, because at this point I have become just as sick and vicious as you are, and I don't like myself for it.

    Hack away at Holly all you want. She has been through so much that this is nothing to her. Just remember that she came here with no agenda other than thinking she could meet some new friends. What a stupid fantasy, huh?

  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Sorry Mia. Nothing is funny about this.

  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    well it didn't work barry because you haven't hit upon any truths.. painful or otherwise...

    and i'm quite a nice person once you get to know me.. unfortunately for you i need to be able to trust a person before i let that happen
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yeah...and that 'pre-emptive action' was to start a Barrogant thread called 'Death Threat', and also informing us that 'fugly style abuse' was ok, but real abuse was not. So that's what she got. I don't recall phoning or sending her private messages telling her to get the fuck out the forum before i tracked her down and hacked her brains out...

    To fugly forums!!?! What a great idea!!!

    And yet you said you did fully explain to her the nature of this place? Which is it Barry?????

    And why do i need to prove anything to Pimp here? He knows exactly what i think of him at any given may have noticed i'm not prone to mincing my words. But in the hope of disappointing you, here's some of our retardorable little twitterings from last week...:eek:
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Which proves my point. What kind of a man calls someone he cares about a CUNT. He can't even say "I love you" unless he adds the word CUNT to it. LOVE YA CUNT. How sweet.

    And you allow it, because you don't know what Love is either. You still can't use the word with putting mincing it to baby talk ....I WUFF YEW...

    Nursey, you and your master Pimp condemn America, ridicule anything that is decent, slam morality, flaunt perversity, and emotionally eviscerate people - the whole time thinking that you are emotionally healthy.

    The truth is you both lack the ability to Love and to be Loved. The concept of mutually reciprocal LOVE is as foreign to you as a wusabi sauce is to an Eskimo.

    I am screwed up for even pointing that out to you. You don't care, and you can't understand.

  9. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    I agree on the first point, the second point, but remain unconvinced of the third.
  10. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    Barry, i think they're pulling your pisser* mate. Don't get so upset over it.

    *Winding you up
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    My man.

    As for the rest, i think you are gay you need to shutup you're makin a fool out of yourself your very stupid and your pic is ugly
  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    she is a cunt barry, and a bitch, and i'm a prick, and a bastard...
    i don't just condemn america...
    the truth is your truths have been consistent..... ly wrong..
    and yes you are screwed up...

    ps dubya.. i'm going for an aneurism... offer any odds?
  13. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    You lot are fuckin terrible, Nursey and Pimp get slapped wrists for not playing nice with the retard family and Barry you need a good kick up the arse if you actually thought you could bring an innocent person onto fugly and her not get any abuse.
    It might have been a good idea not to have mentioned fugly to your daughter at all, it's not a very nice place to play if you can't give as good as you get.
  14. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    I got the impression Barry asked his daughter not to start posting on this site but left her free to make her own choice.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with a parent trying to take measures to protect their kids, even when the effort was as futile as it was. I also see his last few posts as him trying to draw attention to himself and away from his daughter, which I feel is also commendable, even if, again, it might be an effort in futility.
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    Poor Barry...i have a nasty suspicion that what he is picking up on originates a little closer to home. How's Bugs? Has her nagging about the amount of time you spend online suddenly and inexplicabley ceased?
  16. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Yeah it is commendable but he's an intelligent man who works with teenagers, his daughter is only just 20 so what did he expect even introducing her to this site if he didn't want her to participate.He must have known that as soon as he introduced her to the people on here and told them not to be mean was like a red flag to a bull, he might as well have painted a big bull's eye on her arse and told people to take their best shot.
    This is not a nice forum, it's not a bring your wife and kids forum.I know he didnt want her to write on here and as an adult she has the right to choose but it might have been an idea if she just came on not said who she was and joined in the fun.
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  18. medtech2021

    medtech2021 New Member


    for one thing u spelled my s/n wrong you retard, and for another my dad wasnt making fun of me or whatever you think and really it's none of your damn business
  19. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you spelt "you" wrong...
  20. medtech2021

    medtech2021 New Member


    im not embarassed im actually happy that i have a father that will take up for me THANK YOU DADDY I LOVE YOU

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