of course i love her you doddering old fool.. i've never stopped and couldn't if i tried... and i think you're the one who needs a reality check here... pimp is just a username.. simple as that... by your logic dwaine really used to murder children, nursey really is a nurse, dubya is a president, and you care... ps.. medictech.. your daddy really does love you and care he loves you so much that he publically declared that you are mentally subnormal
I leave for one motherfuckin weekend and you people turn this place upside down. That is it, next time I go away you are all staying at Grandma's house got it! Btw, I am letting my 6yo get an account on here, be nice to him and make the words small his vocabulary is limted as he is learning to read.
Shit! You're right! I don't know how that happened!? You really should remind me more often. Anyway, this should do the trick...
See? O-B-S-E-S-S-E-D. Jesus, Barry! Can't you let go of your cock for just ten minutes to address some of the points regarding your stunted dribbling daughter!!!!
Crap like that is why I can saw with confidence that you are amoral and worthless. You are perfectly willing to try and hurt an innocent young person just to inflict emotional pain on her Father. You are worthless Pimp. No other word describes it. If I were Nursey I wouldn't let you in the same room with my child. A man that will emotionally abuse kids in a forum is one day away from carrying out the same in the real world. Barry
Your girl is not a kid, and she can hold her own, dont embarrass her. Not that you could you hunk of spunk ya, wish you were my daddy xxxx
You have a point. She is tougher than I give her credit for being. She will get bored with this eventually. One good thing though....after Whip schooled her, she now uses punctuation. (ponders the request with furrowed brow) Barry
i'm neither amoral or worthless barry... neither am i trying to hurt her... all my point throughout this has been to get you to ask yourself what the fuck you were thinking... you put the spotlight on her before she'd even made a post with this thread.. and in this thread you confirm to a bunch of people who make fun of retards that your daughter is retarded.. and instead of accepting you may have made a teensy mistake.. you lash out at people and try to drag mine and nurseys relationship into the gutter and do your damndest to try and drive a wedge between us... i'd hope the emotional pain you're feeling is guilt.. but i doubt it.. and mia is right.. she's not a kid
See how upsetting it is when the truth is used like a knife? Have I made your world a happier place by pointing out the obvious in your personal world? Of course not, it makes people feel BAD. So why do you think it is OK to weild your knife without provocation? Just because you are special? Does the pain you live with justify you hating and hurting others? I have always admired your intellect. What a shame that such a bright mind never empties the recycle bin. Barry