Death Threat

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by ucicare, May 1, 2005.

  1. medtech2021

    medtech2021 New Member


    oh my gosh don't even go there.... you're one of the reasons for it makin fun of me which is ridiculous b/c im 20 years old and your what 50 so u need to just stop with all the remarks
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Hmm...where to start...

    I'm finding it a bit creepy how Barry is so detrmined to glean as much data as he possibley can about my personal life...his obsession even takes precedence over the charged discussion about his daughter which i would have thought would have been first priority in this of all threads? In fact, i've been wondering if 'medictech' was none other than mad Spazza himself! He's strikes me as someone who'd be obsessive enough to go to such lengths in order to set up a little trap, probably drawing from his internet paedophile baiting techniques.
    But, taking it all at face value, let's go over a few points.

    That's pretty allow your twenty-going-on-thirteen year old daughter to join one of the most viciously cynical forums you could come across...and you didn't even attempt to dissuade her by giving her even half a clue as to what she was getting into? And then you blame us when it starts to get a bit cutting? I'd warn people of my own age ( and whose mental age did correspond with their years ) to be wary if they decided to join...unless they were as cynical as myself.

    Well if you'd explained to her in whatever terms she understands ( i take it she's just an average dumb American, yeah? She isn't actually a fully certifiable retard, is she? Is she? It's almost as if you're trying to suggest the latter at times!? ) then perhaps it wouldn't have come as such a nasty surprise, huhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
    Yeah, she's "normal"... someone like her would normally not make it past Fugly's front page nevermind into the forum if it weren't for crazy med-head pop leading his average, white, American christian fundamentalist family into the murky depths of the vicious, unpredictable, 'cess pool' ( as you call it ) of Fugly forums!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha! Really, Barry! Get a grip!

    Well in my opinion - yes it is. A whole forum is to change its whole style and dynamics in order to accommodate your uncouth, snotty brat!?
    Want us to take turns babysitting her while we're at it?
    Perhaps you didn't encourage her to join, but i get the impression that you didn't really try very hard to dissuade her either. Did you say anything like "NO WAY! Honestly...just don't bother. That lot will rip you to twitching slices of bacon within ten minutes...Really? Think you can handle that? Don't say i didn't warn you..."
    No? With a parent like you, who needs enemies?
    Yes? Then let her learn the consequences of what happens when she chooses to follow her own decisions in life rather than take the good advice of someone who cares about her. Or would you like us all to shelter her from reality the way you have? It's not our fault you've raised her to adulthood woefully unprepared for the big, bad world due to having been so over-insulated by what i can only imagine must result from extreme control freak style parenting! Hmm...Barry...i hope you've not been trying out any amateur 'CIA mind control programming' techniques!

    Now as far as mine and Pimp's genital activities go, it's really none of your business Mr. Snoopes you big, baldy letch, hard as that might be for you to conceive with your disturbingly institutionalised mindset.
    But, just for the record, you are correct in that i could have plenty *ahem* 'horses feeding from my......err....trough', but choose instead to have a long distance relationship with someone who lives halfway across the country. But, there's a good reason for that, and you can read all about it here, you nosey fat pig. I believe it is likely you are projecting your personal experience of Barry-Bugsy righteous, christian fuck-bunnying to hazard a guess as to the levels of satisfaction me and Pimp enjoy. And 'baby Nursey'? Well, you never know. I quite like the idea of enriching the gene pool to help guard the world against being overrun with runts like the mindless feeder you and Bugsy gruntily jiggled into existence! :wink:
  3. medtech2021

    medtech2021 New Member


    u know what bitch leave me out of all this drama i havent done anything to you and you need to leave my dad alone also u have a pathetic life and no im not 20 going on 13 i think your like 50 going on 2 so you need to shut the hell up and leave me alone
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    OINK to you too Hollyhoggy!
  5. medtech2021

    medtech2021 New Member


    oh my gosh that's was so cute that was so 4th grade stuff u made an A in comebacks im so proud
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Oh got it then..... :idea:
  7. medtech2021

    medtech2021 New Member


    u r so stupid
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    U sMEeeellllll.
  9. medtech2021

    medtech2021 New Member


    ok.... that was so dumb oh my gosh that hurts so bad i smell i bet u havent had a bath in 2 weeks have u? i had one today thank you
  10. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Girls all smell and have germs. *pulls Nurseys hair and runs away*
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Ewww...gross! I WIN!
  12. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

  13. Schmed

    Schmed New Member


    You don't win, only boys win, and I pulled your hair and got away with it!!! PLLBBBFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!! If there was an inkwell around to dip your ponytail in, I would!!!!
  14. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Settle down, Children. Don't make me have to get Dwaine in here again.
  15. Your Friend

    Your Friend New Member


    You know what bitch? Leave me out of all this drama. I haven't done anything to you. You need to leave my Dad alone. You have a pathetic life, and I'm not "20 going on 13." I think you're 50 going on 2. You need to shut the hell up and leave me alone!
  16. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member

    Yes, I think we surmised all that.
  17. medtech2021

    medtech2021 New Member


    Just to let all you low life scums know, my dad tried to tell me not to get on here, he told me I shouldnt, but I didnt listen because Im 20. So it's not my dad's fault he didnt want me to get on here. So you need to leave him alone about all this. It's my fault that I got on here and now that I know what kind of people you all are, I regret it . You get all your pleasure from tormenting people and cutting them down and it's not cool. You all are pathetic losers that need to get a life. Im excluding(Mia, Samantha, and Schemed, and my dad)
  18. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Who asked you about that, Ms Freakshow? I ask about whether you still let him in your house. You are so screwed up, you can't understand the difference in love and sex. Thats sad.

    So, what kind of a woman fools herself into thinking that a "long distance" relationship is not really just a long distance booty call? Since you don't have a shred of self respect, maybe you figure that is the best you can do.

    Have you ever considered that the "love of your life" has zero respect for you? He flaunts that you will "do anything for him" while publically naming himself a Pimp. Nursey do you know what a Pimp is? Does that make you a whore?

    Maybe you like things to be that way. Maybe you need to be somebody's bitch dog to feel that you are at least somebody's something.

    I am still waiting for you to declare that Michael is someone you LOVE. I have yet to see where he declared that he loved you. Oh wait, Pimps don't do that do they?

  19. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    That's what this forum is about. Taking the piss out of each other. But if you can't handle it, then by all means, leave.
  20. Samanthasez

    Samanthasez New Member



    That's G-I-T!

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