I'll forward your concerns to the State Dept. Watch out for that Traffic Control Point on the way out.
I like that! Maybe you could work it into a Haiku...they seem to like Haiku. Perhaps that should be a new recruiting motto?
Is it always so dead in here? Hellllllloooooo! Hellllllloooooo! What is it...the transatlantic cable got a really slow dial up service? Sort of like watching paint dry. :evil:
Ummmm, Bella......he/she (AMVET6969duder) suggested yoghurt for a stinky snatch! Lovely suggestion. Or wait, was it a real good douche job....hmmmm...so confusing. :shock: :roll:
I really can care less what she fucking lied about.....if you look....I DID SAY SOMETHING TO HER/I DO NOT REMARK ABOUT ANYTHING CONCERNING HER NOW! Do we have this clear?! I have a life out side of that. :roll: :!:
The report was not completed in the required triplicate formation, had not been given the Good Housekeeping seal of approval and was written in purple crayon.