So American kids get bullied for having a foreskin, do they? What a crazy, fucked-up world! Tell your son to call anyone who takes the piss out of him a faggot for looking at his dick. That'll shut 'em up. Also, teach him to impersonate a European accent, when he's older and the girls are begging for his cock, it will look legitimate.
Barry had one there, have to hand it to 'im. Now, the subject runs deeper than what's been mentioned thus far. Albeit, there's little (read: none) proof on the subject, but I've read that an uncircumcised cock is able to achieve greater sensation than an circumcised one. The claim is based on the removal of nerves within the foreskin itself. Now, I can't personally comment on this, as I've had mine clipped since before I can even remember, and this is why there hasn't been any scientific documentation on the issue (What uncircumcised man is going to donate his foreskin to science?)... My theory is that the severed nerves find refuge in the spots they were severed at, which, I can attest to, and are greatly appreciated when someone stimulates the right spots (that area of flesh behind the erect head). Now, I don't know how much info you want to weigh into your decision, but you've got your child (and future adult) to think of here. What's going to get him off faster in the future, and possibly net you some grandkids from some crack whore slut that charges by the quarter-hour? Think about it! If there ever was a point to my post (no pun intended), I'd say you should lob that sucka off and give him the freedom of having a low-maintenance tool. Just my .02ยข