Cum to Nursey's fugslutty convergence of scumholes!

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nursey, Nov 22, 2002.

  1. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    Right, I was just about to say I'm gonna steam some cunt and have their wallet away but you can fuck off now...

    *folds his arms across his chest and sticks nose in air*

    Pimp, I promise you mate as soon as I get my first pay packet we'll hook up and and get lubbed, and I hope Nursey can join us as well as long as you promise not to fight in front of me...or if you do at least make up un front of me! (fnaar fnaar)

    UT and Bob, I can make my way to London no problem, so again, as soon as it's financialy viable we'll sort out a meet and greet!

    I tell you, readng this thread has been traumatic, I didn't realise how much I like you bunch of twats, until now...
  2. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    I can feel the love in this thread, it's beautiful. *sniff*
  3. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    Shoot and dang! me pill has just worn off and I realise I sound like a loved up dope fiend mofo... but our Canine's right, the love is giving me a warm thing inside....
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    bob's on tha road!!
  5. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    the bobsled has arrived!!!... we're off getting fucked up ATM... tales of bobs devious driving and unbelievable close-quarters manouverability to follow...
  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    bob's got his fugly t-shirt on(he's a lanky streak 'o piss ).. i've got me camera filmed up... photos to follow
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Oooh great!Running commentary from Pimp!!!Aren't you lucky,you people with no life...unlike us!!!
  8. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    "were're having a GOOD time... pills,bass,coke,puff & beer

  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    ullo... just me left awake... bob n haily went to bed ages ago... me n nursey just took a trip to the city centre to get some photos "one hour developed".... some good pics.. gonna scan in about 13 of em when i get home...

    2 pics of nursey, bob and me on the sofa

    1 pic of us 3 and haily on the sofa

    2 pics of nursey n me together.. her wearing a cat's head hood, me lying down fucked up naked but for purple hotpants and a furcoat..

    1 pic of me n rob both looking haggard but both are really contented at time

    1 pic of nursey caught unawares

    1 pic of rob posing in his tshirt and looking uncannily like john lydon

    2 off cuff pics of rob

    1 pic of rob n haily

    1 pic of me with pussy hat on from earlier

    ....and of course there's a pic of the bobsled that delivered us up here safely at nurseys....

    while me n nursey waited in town for the photos to be done we took a walk down to virgin, where i bought '"8 mile" soundtrack' cd, and a 2nd copy of the eminem show to replace the one that nursey "confiscated" for further research, this all after she used to refuse to listen to eminem tracks when i ever played them.... but it all changed after i left 'the eminem show' cd round her house for a week.... now she's become a committed apologist and number one fan of mr mathers... which is all cool... except maybe i could do without the gushing praise of his fluidic linguistical genius... like i don't know already... sheeeesh who tried getting who to listen to eminem months ago?...

    fuck me i'm ramblin'.... anyhoe...

    here i sit.. wide awake... playin about with the camera, waiting for stirrings of life to emanate from the rest of em... i should really be squeezing out an hour or two of sleep.... but everytime i relax and start to drift my subconscious takes it upon itself to slap me awake with promises of near-imminent excitement and drama... although nothing much eventful has happened in 8 hours or so... only thing worth mentioning was a phone call i received this afternoon at 3pm ... basically me mate "gussy" phoned me to tell me that last night someone tried to boot my front door in...

    cutting a complicated and tangled narrative short, since spring this year i've been sharing my house with a v.good friend of mine... "burty".... he walked out on his GF of 8 years after he caught her shagging his nephew at xmas last year... anyway.. his ex is a true psycho... fucking nutjob.. she's already due up in court after ambushing and battering his new GF.... burty was stopping with another mate and his missus before he moved into mine.... and psycho-ex went round there in the middle of night, put their front groundfloor doubleglazed window through
    and scratched 'paedophiles' & 'child molesters' on their family car (which no doubt went down really well with other parents on the daily schoolrun)....

    anyway after a coupla months of this shit, and them all being unable to have a good secure nights sleep... i told burty to move in with me, 'cos psycho-ex won't do any damage to my house for fear of having the shit kicked out of her from my family and/or friends.... anyway.. he moved in and now has a safe refuge from psycho-ex....

    since he's moved in he's gotten himself a new GF, angie... it turned out that this new bitch was already married... to one of the local hardlads... anyway.. she's divorcing her husband now, and hubbie has vowed to batter burty.... up to now hubbie has kept a respectful distance from my house, i think because angie told him who else lived there and that the house is 'protected'....

    anyway.. last night.. i was here in edinburgh with nursey, bob and haily... i get a phone call this afternoon telling me that hubbie was pissed up and trying to boot my front door in... i don't know if he thought that it'd be ok cos i was out of town... or if he was just too tanked up to realise what he was doing..... whatever his fucking reasons i don't give a shit... he crossed the line... i don't give a fuck if he twats burty out on the street... just keep my fucking house out of it .. now i've just had to make a phone call and arranged a personal visit for him ... one where he will be told specifically to stay the fuck away from my house, and informed of the penalty if he doesn't....

    god i fucking hate having to ask for those type of favours... i abhor violence... i'm too good looking to go around fighting...

    had to laugh tho... me sitting there naked but for a fur coat, sunglasses and a tutu on the phone making arrangements for someone to be battered


    rob's just woken up...

    his birds a belter... real top drawer catch... very intelligent, friendly, warm, open-minded... she sounded like a right uptight gormless twat when i spoke to her on msn on thursday night... but apparently msn fucked up for her.. and as it turns out she's great... a right good laugh...

    i think it may have been better that UT and dubya never came... because i hardly really know them.. but i've known rob for 2 years so when we actually met there were no awkward silences....

    and his "3-point turn with rover820 in a v.narrow alley... a turn that was abandoned by another guy in a teeny nissan micra 'cos he said it was impossible"... that kicked ass..

    anyway.. nursey's just woke up now and she's sneering at me typing long boring pointless post...

    and if i had a point to make when i started typing this overlong aimless drivel, tough shit.. 'cos i can't fucking remember whatever it was..
  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    jesus christ i need a fucking good slap.. and a shitload of valium... i better back the fuck away from the computernet.. what a cunt
  11. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    *Strokes 'BUTCHO®'
  13. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    after resuming an almost normallity now i remembered i was gonna post thanks to nursey for her spankin a lasagna! even tho i couldn't handle it in its first apperiance due to drug intake, the reheated version was simply devine time im having it str8 from the oven!
  14. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Psycho Bob:
    "were're having a GOOD time... ,bass,


    You guys are fresh water fishing?!?!?!

    Goddamn,I gotta get to England...
  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Being able to find it on a map would be a good start.
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Psycho Bob:
    after resuming an almost normallity now i remembered i was gonna post thanks to nursey for her spankin a lasagna! even tho i couldn't handle it in its first apperiance due to drug intake, the reheated version was simply devine time im having it str8 from the oven!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    No problem Bob! I'm sure the cooking process would have made the liklihood of you contracting anything nasty from both of the courgettes i used,which had the week before served as perfect anal stimulants for me and Pimp in a particularly intense and frenzied sexual foray.
    Oh!And tell 'H' the vegan lasagne i did for her is waiting in the freezer for next time,she will be overwhelmingly delighted to hear.
  17. theonlylivingboy

    theonlylivingboy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ~pimpchichi~:

    i told burty to move in with me, 'cos psycho-ex won't do any damage to my house for fear of having the shit kicked out of her from my family and/or friends.... up to now hubbie has kept a respectful distance from my house, i think because angie told him who else lived there and that the house is 'protected'....

    ... i get a phone call this afternoon telling me that hubbie was pissed up and trying to boot my front door in... i don't know if he thought that it'd be ok cos i was out of town... or if he was just too tanked up to realise what he was doing..... whatever his fucking reasons i don't give a shit... he crossed the line... i don't give a fuck if he twats burty out on the street... just keep my fucking house out of it .. now i've just had to make a phone call and arranged a personal visit for him ... one where he will be told specifically to stay the fuck away from my house, and informed of the penalty if he doesn't....

    god i fucking hate having to ask for those type of favours... i abhor violence... i'm too good looking to go around fighting...

    had to laugh tho... me sitting there naked but for a fur coat, sunglasses and a tutu on the phone making arrangements for someone to be battered


    WAYHEY....Gangsta Monchichi
  18. theonlylivingboy

    theonlylivingboy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ~pimpchichi~:

    i told burty to move in with me, 'cos psycho-ex won't do any damage to my house for fear of having the shit kicked out of her from my family and/or friends.... up to now hubbie has kept a respectful distance from my house, i think because angie told him who else lived there and that the house is 'protected'....

    ... i get a phone call this afternoon telling me that hubbie was pissed up and trying to boot my front door in... i don't know if he thought that it'd be ok cos i was out of town... or if he was just too tanked up to realise what he was doing..... whatever his fucking reasons i don't give a shit... he crossed the line... i don't give a fuck if he twats burty out on the street... just keep my fucking house out of it .. now i've just had to make a phone call and arranged a personal visit for him ... one where he will be told specifically to stay the fuck away from my house, and informed of the penalty if he doesn't....

    god i fucking hate having to ask for those type of favours... i abhor violence... i'm too good looking to go around fighting...

    had to laugh tho... me sitting there naked but for a fur coat, sunglasses and a tutu on the phone making arrangements for someone to be battered


    WAYHEY....Gangsta Monchichi

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