Ok. What apology? Anyway, nevermind that...who is going to break it to Whipone that the larva of his life has a large, hairy black cock?
Relax, Lucy. I'm sure he'll grow very fond of it once he gets over the initial shock. What other pets do you have under your frock?
Yes, I'm sure he's a very resolute young man. I,m a little busy at the moment, however, I shall return to respond to the rest of your comment... sweety. :wink:
Anyone else notice lucy's face kind of looks like a man's? Plus those are definately man boobs. Im gonna have to say your kind of like mr. garrison, just jealous of other women and their natural equipment. Too bad you'll never bear children, oh, my mistake that would be a blessing for all of mankind. One things for sure you definately talk like a bitch, hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
He has a black hen under his frock? Don't mean to nit-pick but that's a hen, not a rooster. Her wattles and comb are too small, and she has no sickles. Here is a nice black cock:
Yes, thankyou Reizvolles. I knew you'd come in useful for something. Well done! :x (Mental note: Never take Reizvolles on where computers or farm animals are concerned. She will fuck you over.)
Thanks Nursey, for throwing in that "large" part. Your mind is in the right place, even though sometimes your heart isn't. You are truly wonderful.
What can I say? I grew up on a farm, and I love chickens. Pitty I can't keep chickens in the city, though.
Just a moot point, but why do I get the feeling that Lucy is a retired Navy Admiral or something similar?
Good morning, Nursey, fairest of the fair! I will not be able to be with you today. I will be preoccupied with matters of great importance. I shall dwell on your wonderful body in my mind throughout the day.
Another shining example of why america is hated all over the world.. ugh *feels queasy* Seriously, I want a passport, I want to leave... fuck this place..