
Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by smurfslappa, May 25, 2006.

  1. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Seriously beaner, you need to stop huffing Krylon Gold Spraypaint... It's really starting to fuck your grip on reality...
  2. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Or- Our perception of who we are is the perception of out memories when seeing from our own individual perspective.

    The accuracy of this perception is dependent upon the accuracy and integrity of these memories.

    John Wayne Grace’s memories may or may not be a distortion of reality. And what of the person that never knew him other than as nice clown guy that lived in the neighborhood. Is who John Wayne Grace is a reflection of that individuals memories?

    Maybe we do not know who we are unless our memories are accurate.
  3. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Attempting to be objective about subjective reality is always a fun exercise. A subject viewing a subject attempting to explain it as an object.
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    A Brain twister, hard to grasp but there.... or ... is it?
  5. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    That did come out rather XerxesX like, didn't it.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yours or mine I'm thinking both actually.
  7. Eos

    Eos New Member

    You're comparing curiosity to intelligence here, I believe. Sure cows are curious! They're just not the most intelligent creatures on earth. Ever see a cow follow a rabbit around the field looking at it? Chances are, no matter how long it follows the rabbit, it'll never come to the conclusion that if it impales the bunny on a stick and props it up against the electric fence, that the fence will short out. Then, I suppose, you would have to ask yourself WHY the cow doesn't really want out of the pasture. Probably because it doesn't need to be out. Try putting a wild buffalo in an electric fence and see what happens.

    On the other hand some people speak of instinct. I would think that it may be easier to question the existence of instinct than conscience. For example the Cow takes measures to protect its calf. Could this be more a measure of compassion then instinct?

    Is conscience not curiosity but instead compassion? Is curiosity really the proverbial apple eaten by Eve then Adam in the Garden of Eden? Where it not for knowledge would we not be content with our conscience i.e. compassion and simply existing in harmony? A simple life in the Garden of Eden[/quote]

    Garden of Eden? What's that? See where I'm going with this? ;) Oh.. Hi everybody!
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    If you are unaware of what the Garden of Eden is then I suggest you try educating yourself. If on the other hand you are implying that Garden of Eden = Biblical historical representation = invalidated statement by way of association. Then go fuck yourself.

    See where I'm going with this. :wink:
  9. Eos

    Eos New Member

    No statement is invalid. You made it, it's valid. Whether or not it can be ripped to shreds to suggest a point is a different matter entirely. Notice I said 'suggest' a point and not 'prove' a point. Nothing will ever be proven in this debate. Just like Gardens of Eden, conciousness itself and what it actually is is a matter of opinion or perspective.

    You got so hung up on the idea of me fucking myself that you completely ignored the fact that you were comparing apples and oranges. Now, my opinion is that you ignored my original statements because you didn't know how to respond and that childish outburst was a knee-jerk reaction from you... or you're a no common sense having smacktard.

    Since I'm nice like that I'll dispense with some advice. If you just didn't know how to respond.. dude, it's the INTERNET. Pretend you went to bed or something and just think about it for a minute. Nobody will know the difference. If it was just a knee-jerk 'OMG THIS ASSHOLE JUST ATTACKED ME!' kinda thing, well there are medications out there to help you... because that was nowhere near an attack. If you're a no common sense having smacktard then you should probably try to learn whistle blowing from your anal cavity.. it'll be much more useful in the long run for any sorts of career paths you may want to pursue.

    I bet you're cute when you're mad though. Probably get all red faced and squeal a lot, huh?
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Joe is an ex prison guard. Need i say any more? Here's my artistic representation of his mindset:

    That's Joe on the right.
  11. Eos

    Eos New Member

    Oh. Well that clears things up. Thanks!
  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    No problem. I just thought i'd save someone else the frustration that occurs shortly before it dawns on you that the person you are arguing with isn't in the least bit interested in any facts that disprove their case.
  13. Eos

    Eos New Member

    Well, I do appreciate it! I wasn't at the frustrated stage yet, though. It was more of an incredulous "you've got to be kidding me, right?" kinda thing. It was still amusing. That particular post I quoted was the only reason I replied to the thread at all. There were other 'observations' that were just as absurd that I was saving for later, but I guess I won't bother now. :(

    In any case, thanks again!
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yup. That's how it starts.

    Don't be put off completely (afterall this forum is badly needing any action it can get at the moment), but just be aware of what exactly you are dealing with. ;)
  15. Eos

    Eos New Member

    :!: I'm all for action! I just didn't want to cheapen the subject matter. This started off as a really good topic which is why I was so incredibly well disciplined in my first post. Yeah, I wanted to go tazmanian devil and just start shredding everything but I can be nice! Occasionally.

    Debating with whatshisname would be like argueing with one of Damon Wayans characters on In Living Color.. you know the guy? "First of all, we must internalize the flatulation of the matter by transmitting the effervescense of the Indonesian proximity in order to further segregate the crux of my venereal infection. Now, if I may retain my liquids here for one moment, I'd like to continue the redundance of my quote-unquote intestinal tract. See, to preclude on the issue of world domination would only circumvent.. excuse me, circumsise the revelation of the aphrodesiatic symptoms which now perpetrates the jheri curl's activation." Damn.. that's even funnier now than when I first thought of it.

    Seriously though, I didn't want this to turn into a "You're ugly!" "Nooo...YOU'RE UGLY!" type thing, which is where it was headed. LOL I'll save it for a thread that doesn't interest me nearly as much.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    And hey why just lay their licking your wounds when you have a Nurse to lick them for you? And while that’s taking place if you feel something poking you well the answer to that riddle is..... yes Nursey is happy to see you.

    Sorry Nursey I could not resist. Honestly though Eos maybe I misunderstood where you were coming or going. The whole thread I found about a week or so ago to be very interesting. While actively speculating on the possibilities of consciousness I entertained the idea of a correlation between curiosity and consciousness then did an about face on that idea and suggested that compassion may be more accurately associated with consciousness. In example a higher level of compassion would mean a higher level of consciousness or for instance a “guilty conscious” would be due to a feeling of compassion for any perceived victim of a wrong done. Your comment struck me as facetious or less than sincere maybe cynical who knows because it did not make much sense to me. Please do accept my apologies Eos for being less than accommodating to such a minor annoyance. I am guilty of having too much fun gloating over the death of a maggot. But if you would like to explain I would love to hear exactly where you were going with your observation of my post.
  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Good god! Have Diogenes and XerxesX been procreating while i was away!?
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Actually, on second reading that wasn't nearly convoluted and obscure enough to be XerxesX's offspring.
  19. Eos

    Eos New Member

    I'm probably older than both of them.

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