Congressional Candidate Lieutenant Colonel Allan West

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by phatboy, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    I don't know who let you out of your cage again.
    I'll comment on any post I please and there is nothing you can do about it.
    Grow some balls and deal with it.
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    hee hee hee

    You win the Internet!!!!
  3. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Thank you, I finally get the consideration I deserve.
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    What American rights did Bush infringe upon?

    The tea parties are about taxes. :rolleyes:

    All your claims to fame can be rested at the feet of the Democrats they are the ones running the country into debt. And as they increase spending tenfold they lower revenue by taxing the shit out of business thus lowering productivity ane employments.

    The only part of this ridiculous spending you can blame on anyone Republican is the first half of TARP and only on Bush not the Republicans in general who voted overwhelmingly against it. And BTW that money is already half recovered and recovering very fast by the banks who do not want to be obligated to the strings attached. Is Obama taking that money he borrowed and returning it? No he is embezzling it for his next campaign war chest and using his media henchmen to silence his dissenters. Sounds like Milosevic and Obama are two nuts from the same tree in that respect. I did not say Canada is a Socialist country but your nuts if you say Canada is far from Socialist. My point is not that however, what my point is, is that you go around badmouthing Capitalism and promoting Socialism not unlike that dumb ass on Law and Order who thinks America's immigration problem is the fault of Capitalism. An astoundingly stupid statement to make. But one that ignorant people do not see as stupid. The same old class warfare nothing changed nothing new just more pervasive.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  5. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    To answer your first question; if memory serves me right there was a wiretapping program which raised the question of how much your government is allowed to know about you without a warrant. I also remember the provision to allow prisoners to be held indefinitely without a warrant; although not really applicable to american citizens unless you are declared enemy combatant, still raised a debate about the rights being given to captured ennemy combatants.
    I don't claim to be an expert on american constitution but I thought it infringed on the right to privacy and to a fair trial respectively. Feel free to enlighten me on the subject because I can't remember what the inquiry's conclusions were on the matter.

    When I see tea parties on TV they always seem to have an issue with liberties being taken away like that lieutenant-colonel in the video. I didn't know it also applied to taxes but I still think that talks of overthrowing a government is little rash. That's just my opinion.

    I'll admit that Canada isn't as dyed-in-the-wool capitalist as the US, but not quite socialist either. Lots of areas in commerce and finances are very "pro free-market", like the example I cited about the GAAP guidelines a few posts ago. I don't see myself badmouthing capitalism because I'm not a communist and I think that Marx had it all wrong. Canada would be perfectly halfway in the middle between pure capitalism (such as the US) and pure socialism (such as Israel). We could call it "capitialism" or "sociapitalism", the latter sounds better I think.

    I might seem to be looking down on your country and in a sense I am. You feel very strongly about your country and you propbably think that there is no greater place on Earth than the US. I feel the same about Canada, to me any other country is a shithole compared to it. It would be very hard to convince me that my political party of choice did something wrong but I try to keep an open mind, I strongly believe that talking to people that agree with you 100% all the time eventually dumbs you down. That's what I try to do, I make you think about your party's flaws and it's up to you to either reject it or ponder over it. I might be wrong about what I say but at least you get to talk with someone that doesn't agree with you on everything, gives you a chance to keep things in perspective. If you ever hear a story about Canada that I should hear don't be shy, post it. I can dish it out but I can take it as well.

    As for Milosevic, no matter what the Albanians did before or after the war, no one deserves to be raped, tortured, and killed. Honestly, I would love it if you could say that Slobodan was indeed a monster, he really deserves it.

    So I'm basically extending an olive branch. I try not to sound too arrogant but it's hard to convey a tone with a few writen posts. Maybe it's my writing style or something.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    The Patriot Act had a lot of un-patriotic crap attached to it, they call them 'riders'. This is how crappy politicians get crappy legislation passed. They know they cant do it on their own, so they take an act, with all good intent and purposes, and throw these riders on with it. I mean who could vote against something called 'The Patriot Act'???

    The wire tapping just reverts back to something I said long ago. I dont care how the intelligence was gathered. If you are doing something illegal you should be punished for it. Simple as that. Its just like those speeding cameras on the interstate. A cop didnt catch you speeding, a camera with a radar gun did, so should that be illegal too?

    If you dont do stuff that you shouldnt be doing in the first place you dont have anything to worry about.

    Of course on the flip side, if you run for political office and your opponent just happens to have a tape of a phone call you made 20 years ago making <enter your ethnic group here> jokes and plays them for the world to hear, then that could be seen as stepping over the line. Then again, maybe you shouldnt be a racist. :)
  7. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    True, I don't think anyone has a problem with those highway radar-guns. Those two examples were the only ones I could think of in terms of Bush stepping on liberties. He wasn't a very popular president, but I think that the war is what made him even more "detested". I understand that measures must be taken in order to avoid ennemy infiltration, especially in this age where any cellphone can become a weapon, but the measures themselves made people uncomfortable. It's a little strange to know that the world's largest database is the record of all those phone calls. Put the wiretapping on top of Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, and you got a pretty unpopular president.

    If I recall correctly, some Canadian providers had given some of their records to the american homeland security and it made a mess. Verizon practically crumbled in Canada and so did AT&T. The people felt that it was an american problem and that the privacy of Canadians shouldn't be involved in an american bill. That's propbably why I have a biased opinion on the subject. I did leave Verizon and switched to Virgin after it came out.

    But I do see the importance of the program to a certain degree. These days you can fit a mic on a shirt's button. Who wouldn't be paranoid in the White House?
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Bush avertted or foiled several terrorist plans by snooping on patriotic honest American citizens? Seems doubtfull.

    How many phone calls or texts does the average teenager do in one day?

    Avg housewife?

    Avg salesman?

    Call center?

    Phone solitation co.?

    What is the population of the US?

    Think about it. If I were an inteligence agency I would try to narrow my focus oncalls to known terrorist or terrorist sympathisers. It's the only chance at any success.

    But now we have a piece of shit maggot in charge who has no honor, noclass, no moral compass well that is a scary proposition. But the liberal maggots stopped caring about rights infringement when Obama took office.

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