Commander-in-chief of the US Military files charges against Navy SEALs

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Actually the car companies should have been allowed to fail and after filing chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy then reformed as non-union companies.

    Would not have cost the tax payers nothing.

    Would have fixed the actual problem.

    As it stands taking out loans and raising taxes to bail out failed companies that failed do to their Socialist policies only means that more jobs will be lost by those business that have to tighten their belt in order to pay higher taxes.

    Its a wealth transfer that the middle class invariable pays for.

    And Fresh Prince is just one most every sitcom has political spin every once in a while and the spin is 99.9 percent of the time liberal spin.

    "Media" does not just mean news.

    You telling me Obama is not giving SNL, Mad, and all the late night shows loads of comedy to use? Not to mention the more obvious Keith Olberman, John Stewart type shows.

    If you cannot see the bias you are and idiot. Personally I think you do see it and refuse to acknowledge it which IMO may be worse because its dishonest and makes your points even more moot.
  2. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    I see the bias and have made mention of it in previous posts.

    Sitcoms reflect the humour and views of its writters. But to go as far as to say that somehow subliminal messages are being put in sitcoms for the sole purpose of destroying conservatism or to ridicule it is a little paranoid to say the least.

    I find it strange that you advertise yourself as a libertarian yet you despise everything and everyone that disagrees with your views. You exhibit signs of totalitarianism. You want your political opponents gagged and powerless. You want the media to behave in way that only fits your views. You want your political party to always remain in power and despise any opposition to your political beliefs. You want the leader of your country to fail just out of spite.
    These are not positions taken by a libertarian. Libertarianism is more about "live and let live". But in your mind the ennemies are fellow americans and a vague liberal conspiracy to take over sitcoms.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Day After Announcing NBC Merger, COMCAST Head Endorse Obamacare...

    A Tale of Two Presidents: How Media Treated Bush’s Unemployment #’s Compared to Obama’s

    Sen. Baucus nominated girlfriend for U.S. attorney post...

    News worthy headlines totally absent from mainstream press. Or for that matter the jokesters Stewart, O'Brien and such.

    Could you imagine if a Republican Senator appointed his girlfriend to a high ranking position? Give me a major break. The climate gate e-mails totally blew the whole man made global warming conspiracy exposing it for a fraud for absolute certian. But there have barely been a whisper by the mainstream press. As a matter of fact they have tried to play damage control instead.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  5. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    You are insane and your links are to an insane guys news site. And nothing has disproven manade global warming although I do admit efforts were made to hide certain facts. That is some bullshit on their part and they need their asses whipped.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Justice Department: ACORN Can Be Paid For Existing Federal Contracts

    Is the above link a legitimate news story about a true issue?


    Is it just more insanity from an insane mans web page? (and of course not true)

    My take is that it is a MAJOR news story that is blackballed by the mainstream media. But then again I was thinking it was a true story I mean if its true it must be a big story right?

    So your take is that none of the story headlines are true?

    Rather than make accusations about the sanity of the news source would you care to discuss the facts or "non-facts" discussed in the articles?

    You do know btw that Acorn funding was rescinded by a democrat majority congress don't you? BECAUSE OF PUBLIC OUTRAGE AND ILLEGAL ACTIVITY. Do you think the justice department's involvement is at least a little bit out of bounds? A bit of a conflict of interest wouldn't you say?
  7. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Its only half true Joe* Acorn is still being paid for services provided before the defund acorn act (Signed by your `Emperor` I might say)* They are not receiving any new contracts* This shithead makes it sound like acorn is being paid for new contracts or services that havent started*

    I hate Acorn just as much as you Joe* They are a strongarm group just like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton* But I WONT defend a story about them that is only half true just because it furthers my agenda*
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    100% true I challenge you to show ONE inaccuracy JUST one.

    You won't because you cannot. Reread the article he points out it was about beingpaid for previouscontractual obligations. This is illegal and they neglected to elaborate on what these contracts are.

  9. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    If I do lawns for the government---- and they fire me---- that doesnt mean they dont have to pay me for the work Ive already done- Not illegal or Embezzlement-
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Look its probably not your fault you were educated in the public school system. Why not go out and buy a fifth grade reading book and practice real hard on the comprehension part for about six months then come back and re-read the article ok?
  11. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg New Member

    Fuck you.

    can you read that?
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  13. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Im not sure about lawncare maintenance, but I know for a fact that there were building built at the old Navy base in Charleston after it was closed by BRAC

    From what I understand there were contracts in place to build these new structures prior to the announcement, instead of settling on payouts and not building the buildings, the government went ahead and pay the contractors to build units that would never be used.

    I have some family in the Vienna area that audits a lot of this crap for the government too. Makes sure that contract deadlines are being met, and that they are being done on budget. Big change in the last 12-14 years.
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The Justice Department interpretation lays the groundwork for federal agencies to resume paying ACORN, despite a Congressional-ban on public funds going to the troubled organization. The ruling argues that nothing in the funding prohibition prevents federal agencies from giving ACORN taxpayer funds for existing contracts between the organization and the federal government.

    It should be noted that the ACORN funding ban is included within the current Continuing Resolution, a legislative vehicle to fund government operations until a full budget is enacted. Without the CR, no federal funds could be expended by any agency. Under the current CR, ACORN is prohibited from receiving federal funds. Justice is arguing that some existing contracts entered into the executive branch (Obama Branch) officials–which haven’t been disclosed to the public–supercede the Congressional legislation. But only Congress can dictate how funds are spent.

    The ruling seems to be an interpretation in search of a loophole. Worse, it seems the Justice Department is trying to find a way to allow ACORN to continue receiving government funds, rather than a dispassionate analysis of the funding ban passed by Congress.
  15. Aballister

    Aballister New Member

    Why the big font?

    Like conservatives never did anything wrong. Give me a fucking break.
    How about the Iran-Contras? Watergate, wire-tapping scandal, the firing of state attorneys for political purposes, Dick Cheney shooting an old man in the face, Halliburton getting contracts in Iraq even though the vice-president is a former CEO, most of Bush's cabinet being composed of former oil executives.

    Joe, shut the fuck up. Your shit doesn't stink any better than mine.
    It's just a case of same shit different pile. If you can't see that you're the sheeple.

    Oh yeah, did I mention that Dick Cheney shot an old man in the face???

    Last edited: Dec 9, 2009

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