If God can do anything, can he make a boulder so big that he can't pick it up? Can God make a stick with only one end?
Everytime I try to make some sense of what heaven will be like, I end up trying to explain so many things about how things could work there, that I've learned that its best not to try and figure out what happens up there with such kimited knowledge and the fact that we as humans may not even be able to comprehend and understand what goes on up there. I'm sure that its perfect harmony and can accommodate infinite amounts of people, but I concede that being a human being, we are not able to figure out how exactly so many people can fit up there, its just a being in a higher plane of existance that it requires to understand in my opinion. So asking questions about what its like or how it works is meaningless. Im sure the basic things are true, Jesus is up there, plenty of love anf happiness etc. I love being Catholic btw, its like the perfect religion for me, its not too restrictive like say Islam or (forgot what its called) Jewish beliefs (cant eat pork and stuff). I think this is perfect fit for me, so much that at one point in my young years I even considered joining the priesthood. I love being able to know that I have a purpose here and that no matter what, I am always loved by the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Just a great feeling.
Exactly so ask yourself how did Moses come to be? Don't try to act so obtuse as if you do not get the point. The fact that we, the world, the planet Saturn you speak of exists is proof of a creator. Go back to the beginning and start all over. I basically gave the idea of "religion" the finger. I'm have not in the past and did not go into this thread with the intention of defending "religion". Once you get over the fact that there is no way around it there had to be a creator where it all started. Then the rest does not matter. Once you comprehend that there is no way in our feeble little peon brains we are going to comprehend the incomprehensible but at least can acknowledge there is a right and there is a wrong. Look at simple laws of nature basic physics. Or even simpler mathematics. 1 plus 1 equals 2.(right) 1 plus 1 equals 3 (wrong). But its way way deeper then that. There is good and bad right and wrong. Here let me explain it again to tell the truth equals right, to tell a lie equals wrong. You run off like Don Quiote chasing windmills trying to argue religion with me. I do not have much respect for religion sorry dude. My theory is that heaven and hell are alternate realities in the hear and now. The battle between good and evil will likely never end in our lifetime. I think that each "religion" may have something to give. Maybe the ones who philosophically got the theory of life so very wrong but had an earnest heart and the best of intentions ends up cycling back through (reincarnation) into a very comfy and cozy life. Their life is heaven -but- Let them screw up and become proud, arrogant, cruel, and ungrateful.. then I would hate to be them their next like will be hell. I do not know all the answers but I damn well know there is a higher intelligence involved. Mankind creates his own hell. Like the bucket of sand analogy It seems overly simplistic but life is WAY WAY WAY more complex then the silicone computer chips. The odds would be better that a bucket of sand turn into memory chips then life just evolves by something so simple as fucking time. and once again where did the matter come from in the first place. Scientists say Inert gasses. WELL WHERE THE FUCK DID THAT COME FROM! Think Cheese use your brain. Stop being so fucking lazy with it exercise it a little bit and you will start to figure these things out.
LOL well it's prolly true then I'll never convince Cheese that Protestantism, or Methodist, Catholicism, Lutheran, Buddhism, Hindu or what ever other "religion" is real cause Cheese wants me to convince him of religious beliefs. I believe in a higher intelligence a creator. I believe interpretations are ways of explaining things the human mind cannot comprehend and different people understand and see things differently. I believe in going to the source and gaining knowledge is more in tune with being a Zen sort of thing knowing how to communicate with something greater by far than yourself. Take a piece of that from Native American ideals of being one with nature. Who is to say they are so wrong? There is good in most all of them so sort through and seek what is good to find enlightenment toss the other and move on.
If I were a parent, I would not be able to consider myself accountable to my children if I allowed them to be brainwashed by any religious doctrine or group.
Now I got that song, "If Heaven Ain't A Lot Like Dixie" in my head. I don't even know what a Dixie is. I have heard of a dixie cup... I wonder how it got it's name?
I acknowledge there is a creator... or creators. I do not acknowledge him/her/them as gods. Like I said, there is a Great Wall Of China. Yes there were those who created it. However, they weren't gods either. As for wrong and right.... who are we to judge? Some of us believe a 30 year old man fucking a 13 year old girl is horribly wrong! Why do we believe that? Because it's been brainwashed into our heads! 150 years ago people right here in America did it all the time (example:Edgar Allen Poe) No one thought bad of it because they were taught that a girl is "available" when she first becomes fertile (from the bible). Up until 50 years ago we also thought segregation was GOOD.... integration BAD! 90 years ago... women voting BAD! Now... women voting GOOD!!! So is right and wrong defined by what our peers believe is Right? Does society guide your moral compass? If I grew up into the Czech Republic.... I would believe marrying a 14 year old at my age was perfectly acceptable. Here we call it rape.
Check out these wierdo Jesus freaks These losers ain't got a clue do they? http://www.kansas.com/196/story/861812.html Its people like this who are the reason the world hates America. sheeesh The audacity of faith!