I hadn't researched the position very much, I tend to stay away from mainstream media, and I don't own any firearms. That being said I've done some research and now reverse my position. Personal possesion of firearms, be they legal or illegal, is a dangerous and un-necessary activity. These are the statistics I'm using to make this decision. Check them out, they're official CDC stats. http://www.ichv.org/Statistics.htm
Excellent detective work, Dio. This statistic, in particular, is compelling: Gee, seems like Nursey was right ...
Good times, everyonce in awhile I'm willing to admit that I'm wrong. By switching my position and saying that I'm right again. :?
Haha, outlaw idiots. It's a no-win situation, Diogenes. But don't fret, somethings gonna happen here real soon, that'll take care of everything.
57 people in Australia ... 11,789 people in the United States ? Shit, smurf, we're not THAT different.
Yes, we are. We got all sorts of messed up people, violent sorts and we all think we're the shit. There's a lot of good people, but the ideas that have spread, the thoughts and all the things we've seen on TV and all the shitty parenting will surface when this depression hits. We'll be an example for the world, I think that's what our role is in this apocalypse.
Now I'll level with you, the day is coming. On that day the people with the Boom sticks will go all out and kill each other leaving fewer people with a lot more boom sticks. Which leaves all you gun control nuts working at the many whore houses and other such things I will open up.
No we're not. We listen to your music, watch your movies and TV shows, and fight your wars. We also have a bunch of fucked up idiots and shit parents. The difference is, when one of those idiots gets angry, there are no guns readily at hand. So they use fists or knives, neither of which are as regularly lethal.
No Grim, those people left over with the many boom sticks won't need them, because they'll have all the antennae arrays that can direct lightning bolts or prevent rain, and lasers, and planes and access to oil and yeah maybe they'll need a few boom sticks here and there. But those antennaes... those are the deal sealers. The white man and the yellow man and the black man and all those inbetween will all come together to rule over their races. Maybe no black man, it seems like everyone hates them, but who knows?
Newer statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/weapons.htm
Well maybe so then Chester, but stabbing is much more personal and harder to accomplish, and when this day I speak of comes, ours will be a much more fucked up place to live than yours.