And where would you go? Please let me know what country out there is free of sin? Utopia? I'd like to have a ticket there too. I'm not going to agree with everything written about the US and hang my head in shame to be an American. I feel like that's what you want us to do. There's nothing wrong about being proud of where you were born. I try to make the best out of being an American and appreciate my liberties. We're not perfect and no American alive will claim we are. Quit making America the fucking center of Cold Sober. Aren't our egos big enough? Isn't there plenty of other depressing and shitty things to discuss?
Well said Nauseous. I think the reason a lot of what is being said ,is said, because right now our country is under a microscope due to current events, and rightly so, but there is nothing wrong with being proud of were you were born, especially if you want it (America) to stop serving the rest of the world HUGE shit sandwiches and just be a better place. Basically I would like America to serve the same sized shit sandwhiches that other countrys in the world serve, as to not draw so much attention to our menu...god that turned out wierd but I think I made my point with it...I hope.... And on another note this disaster that some of you are talking about, it's horrible and hits a lot closer to home for me than I care to admit, I have a loved ones family members over there right now and talk to them on a daily basis (yes thank gahd they are alright) but I cannot express enough how fucking terrible of a situation it is over there, and I think I would say unrationally terrible things to anyone that makes light of it on this board.
Just a quick update of the original thread....As of today, Jan 1, 2005, the US Government has upped it's pledge by 10x. It is now at 350 Million. It is also sending 1500 Marines. (I guess they are going to rape the survivors.) The US is so self centered and dastardly. The hypocrites caused the tsunami in the first place, and now they try to cover it up by being humanitarian. I hope some one finds a way to stop them before they do any more damage. Barry
From the Dictionary - O·ri·en·tal [ àwree ént’l ] or o·ri·en·tal [ àwree ént’l ] adjective 1. relating to eastern Asia: relating to the countries and peoples of eastern Asia, especially to China, Japan, and their neighboring countries ( dated ) noun (plural O·ri·en·tals) (plural o·ri·en·tals) taboo term: a highly offensive term for somebody from eastern Asia dated ____________________________________________________________ ......subtracts one point. No offence intended. But just for the record, one slip does not make me a dummy. I am many things, but I can prove that dumb isn't one of them. :roll: Barry
New Zealand if you really wanna know Pukey.And if the USA produces complete fuck ups like yourself maybe there is something wrong with it. I wasn't attacking America until flag flying Barry decided on a personal crusade into how great America was and i was just pointing out that's its not as great as he likes to think. See the American government can't win in the situation they have put themselves in, alot of people who i have spoken to fall into 2 catagories the first being that America bowed to world pressure and decided it better stump up extra cash or it would look like tight fisted bastards or the second which is, like the enormous Diva that it is decided to hold back and arrive late at the party strutting in, flashing diamonds shouting look at us we're great.Sorry Barry i fall into the second opinion.
Can we please please not forget that I am from America also, while I am many things, a bad person is not one of them....Honestly everyone, this is a beautiful country with many many smart, good caring people (just as any country in the world has), it's just hard times here right now. i.e. See earlier post p.s. I like Barry, he is honest and though I don't agree with him (on a good many things) I trust him and do not think he is a bad person. This is the part where everyone rips on me and reminds me of all the bad things I have said about him....
Another thing I was thinking of, well this relates to a movie I saw a few months ago, HERO, keep reading please this isnt some movie crap, at the end they mention that the chinese people refer to China as "our land", the translation was wrong they do not just refer to China as "our land", the correct translation is refering to the PLANET as "our land" and ours as in everyones, it is a beautiful concept and I wish more people could apply that philosophy to their lives and not just think in terms of me or I.
Schmed i don't think you are a bad person, there are also alot of very nice Americans.I know i have a few as friends.Nearly half of the country voted against Bush so alot of you are great . I don't hate Barry, some of what he says i agree with and i respect him for wanting to stick up for his country.I just dislike blind faith and i think what got my back up was his attack on a couple of members of the forums who were airing their views the same way he does.Have an argument/discussio. Don't throw a hissy fit coz they aren't coming round to your way of thinking.
Yea I know UT, I am guilty of the last part at times too though, I just get so angry at how blind people can be sometimes and get all pissy, the difference with me though is tha I'm right!!! :wink:
Thanks Schmed, I like and respect you too. One thing that I have noticed about Americans (generalizing, yes) is that we can yell and scream at each other, totally disagree with each other, and then go out the next day and knock back a few together like we are family. We are an extremely diverse group of people, yet we share some basic values. One of those values is simple - we can hate some of the things our country does, yet love our country enough to die for it at the same time. The problem with many of the people making comments about America (in this forum) is that they simply hate America. Americans will accept critisicm from those who love America, but no red blooded American is going to sit idly by and let someone that hates this country rail against it. For all of you that hate Amercia, please press your face close to the screen and accept this digital punch in the nose. :evil: Barry
Personally I was critisizing you, Barry. Not America. A country is it's people. Why would I make judgement on 350 million odd people that I don't know? The only thing I do know is that the Gerorge W. Bush Administration really sux.
A few things you need to know before you make statements like that. 1. A large portion of Americans disagree with you. Mostly Republicans, which seem to represent about half the country. These same people tend to be reasonably educated, employed, and somewhat moral. (That is not to say that Democrats are not also educated, employed and moral.) 2. To believe that Bush was elected by only half the Country, and is therefore despised by the other half, is far from the truth. The truth is this - one half of the country would not want any Republican in office. Our country is a two party system, and one party always criticizes the other. It is a wonderful check and balance of power. When Clinton was in office, the Republicans hated him, and did everything they could to hold him accountable. I would expect no less from Democrats now. I despised Clinton, but I still maintained respect for him and the office he held. I may have criticized him, but he was still my President. I criticize Bush, but he is my President too. Half of our country would not have voted for God himself unless he ran as an independant. The loyalty to party is strong. People in other countries make a huge mistake believing that just because half the country hates Bush, that we are a country divided. Not true. Remember what we I said in the thread above - An American can bitch about America all day long. It is their right. Just don't make the mistake of thinging that their complaining means that they don't back their government . "the Gerorge W. Bush Administration really sux." People said the same thing about his Father's Administration, and about Clinton, Nixon, Regan. Carter.... but my question is this - What has George W Bush done that gives a non-American, 19 year old pot head the right to declare as fact "he really sux?" I would love to know. Before you scream "War in Iraq", I challenge you with this. The whole world screamed at Bush Senior when he nailed Iraq in 1993. Your home work assignment is to find one Kuwaitee that wishes the US had "maintained Diplomatic efforts", instead of opening a can of laser guided whoop ass. You were 7 years old at the time. I doubt your memory allows you to connect the events of 1993 and today. Barry
And right after I stick up for you too Barry, j/kidding .. Bush is not my president and I will neve acknowledge him as such, the man is not fit to lead a horse to water more or less our country, I am not any party honestly, they are both fucked uped and not much different, but Bush and co. have crossed the line far too often. They are truely evil. I ask only one thing of the leader of our country, and that one thing is that he/she has a better grasp of the english language than I do, not too much to ask really, but alas... part 2 of this stop calling Reiz names like that, there is nothing wrong with being 19 or smoking pot and I happen to know that she is a very intelligent person with many excellent ideas to offer to anyone from any country, as you do too Barry, you both need to stop attacking each other and pushing buttons and just be a bit more civil, please... and Reiz I know you can handle this on your own so please dont yell at me for sticking up for you. The spirit of this part of the forum is not calling one another petty names, it is to conduct thought inspiring ideas and stating ones opinions without fear of anything but constructive critisism.
Off fuck off, Barry. If you ever reply to any of my posts again I will make it my mission to make your life on the internet impossible. I was making my own statement. I don't like Geroge W. Bush. He lied to the world. There was no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. He is just a war monger. Plain and simple. And none of your harping or quoting statistics or posting useless information from various sources will change my mind. The End.
I was not attacking this Barry fellow on a personal level. I wasn't calling him a perverted old booze-swilling bald-headed fat know-it-all pedophile. I was challenging his constant pushing his own beliefs on others. He's the one that results to name calling. I have not called anyone and names in this thread. I called Barry a Nazi, because he has a Nazi-way of trying to make the whole world see things HIS way and no other way will do. At least, that's how I feel anyhow.
Just please dont yell at me!!! I know you were not, and , well just dont cyber kill me ok!!! thats why i logve reiz, she not just a cute buttocks.
Wow, Push that truth button and the fists fly. Threats too. I would like to make one thing clear. I do not believe that I am trying to force my views on anyone. I see myself defending what I believe in much more that pressing what I believe. It is Ok when others do it. But when the views expressed come from a conservative perspective, well dang, then I am an intolerant nazi ___________ ________________ _____________ (fill in the blanks with your favorite expletive.) I am just tired of candy coating all my replys. No body else does it. Go back and read the reception I received from my first post ever if you thing I am kidding. Barry