That's why I love Canada! Always humble and non-defensive! Super. If Canada were a chick I'd lick it's dildo and then fuck myself with it.
Smiles, I have nothing personal against the Canadians, however, I get annoyed whenever someone gets on a platform and uses their race, or country, etc., as an introduction to how, I, as an American, is vastly me, that's just a way of opening oneself up to my ridicule.
samantha the majority of people living in canada don't even consider themselvs canadians... i've been living here for 10 years and i'd never introduce myself as canadian, not because i don't like the country, i just don't relate to the nationality... if your comment above is a reference to my earlier comment about the american cultural melting pot i really don't see how what i said can be disputed if we only look at the percentages of muslim women in america who wear their harjab compared to those in Canada that do
No, I was referring to that hoser, Denis the penis, in my last post. Hey, I'm from Seattle and live on Whidbey Island...why, we're practically neighbors...wanna hot tub?