...finally picked up a copy, found it at a pawn shop for $20 (360 version)... Not bad, considering it sells for $52 USED on amazon... I'm starting to see why y'all praised it so highly...
Its good fo sho' That new frontline game looks pretty dope too. I will have to get it to test it out.
Why you got to be jokin? Did you ever play Medal of Honor Frontline (WWII Germany) or Medal of Honor Rising Sun (WWII Japan)?
Can't say that I have. If it's an Electronic Arts game, I can quickly discount the reason for not checking out the game because of all the shitty Sega Genesis games they cranked out back in the day... I avoid anything with an EA logo like the plague. If that's not the case, I guess I've just been out of the loop.
If you have a PS2 or XBOX floating around the house stop by gamestop and pick them up. They should be pretty cheap. I prefer the Medal Of Honor "Frontline" over the Japanese arena "Rising Sun" (too much jungle fighting makes me pukey). They should be relatively cheap now, and you should be able to get through them in a day or two. They both kind of end abruptly, and I dont care for the fact that you cant play as the Nazis (they had some of the coolest jank).
Heh... I like how you say "floating around the house..." I've managed to retain every video game system produced to date from the NES/SMS to the Wii... The only things I'm missing are a PS3 (nothing on there I can't live without), Neo Geo home console, Neo Geo Pocket (both color and original), and the redesigned PSP. Everything else is taken care of. You name it - it's in the museum. Sadly, I haven't had the time to play just about any of the games in ages, so I probably won't get around to picking up these 'Frontline' games for a while. If they're anywhere as entertaining as a cross between Conker's Bad Fur Day and Call of Duty, I'm sure I'll be in for a treat... Speaking of which, I noticed COD2 and COD3 are $20 and $30, respectively... are they worth it?
COD 2 is, COD 3 was made by a different SW company than 1,2, and 4. I have 3 for the 360 and its not bad, it's just more of 1 and 2 (both wwII) the graphics are pretty good, comparing them to the original xbox, but it doesnt hold a candle to 4. I think my next 'console' purchase is going to be a Golden Tee game, the actual game. I have seen them come and go lately so I should be able to pick up an 05 pretty cheap. Since it uses a track ball I wonder if I could get a centipede board too. Maybe a 720 as well. I just have to find somewhere to put it. If I ever find a "Hot Rod" table top by Sega I will steal it if they wont sell it to me.
COE2 and COD3 were worth rent, but not a purchase. Same WW2 story, just retold by another publisher (different than COD4). I am Playing the Bully re-release right now (yes I know it stutters and has audio fuck ups, but its still fun). I found my old Oddessy 2 with like 20 games make me an offer
I played the original, fantastic game. Especially the sound track. One thing I got mad about is the difficulty though, real easy.
Sorry... have one. I also have the 3000 (basically, Pong with 2 paddles and 4 variations), an Intellivision (I and II, with the extra voice module), 5 Atari 2600's (at last count), an Atari 400 and 800XL (might be getting the model #'s wrong), Atari Pinball unit, the Jaguar, and the redesigned Lynx. All I need to close that chapter is a 5200, 7800, and the first Lynx handheld... Let's talk Neo Geo Gold, and we might have something going here...
Golden Tee games tend to sell for much more than comparable games, mainly because they're the only ones that can be put on location in non-arcade areas, and still generate enough revenue to justify the space they consume. Now, I'm not saying that the Centipede idea is impossible, but it'll take a bit of work. Centipede uses a vertically-mounted raster monitor (19" Electrohome or Wells-Gardner), and Golden Tee games typically have 25" horizontally-mounted raster monitors. Another obstacle is going to be the pinout on the PCB edge connector. Most games made after '85 adopted the industry-wide "JAMMA" standard, which allowed for an arcade op to switch out boards without having to buy entire cabinets. Centipede, from the early 80's, is going to have it's own unique PCB pinout, and an adaptor will need to be either made or purchased. There are some other options available, and if you're really serious about this, PM me - I'll hook you up with all kinds of resources.
BTW: When you say "Cheap" - can you elaborate? I'm just curious... I haven't bought/sold in a few years now, and last I checked, they were still selling for far more than other games from the era...
why golden tee? you can get the ROM on MAME, and use a trackball, or play tiger woods 08 on the 360. are there any good coin ops coming out soon lomo? Have they stopped making them beside the Bar table top multi systems, and video poker, and slots?
The one they have in Sports Authority is a little smaller than the standard bar one. It runs about 500.00, but I would prefer to do a NeoGeo type with more than one game. That way I can justify the time and money. I could build my own lower cabinet (for the boards)but your knowledge of pinouts could be very helpful. It may be better to just get a Golden Tee, then purchase an older Centipede game and then see about adding extra boards to it. I wouldnt mind spend 2-3k on a good GT 05 or so. I actually found an "AfterBurner" sit in game, for about 1200, but it needed some work and there aint no telling how much that thing is to fix. The GTs at Sports Authority are the smaller kind that you fram your knuckles on when you swing.
phatboy: Describe what is wrong with the game in as much detail as you can... IMC: I have no idea what 'new' arcade games are ready for release. Let's face it, the arcade scene is dead. Home consoles have caught up with, and surpassed anything that the arcades can ever hope to bring to the table. A few years ago, the only arcade games that were actually profitable were the Golden Tee games. This is probably (partially) due to the fact that they were placed in locations where a typical 'gamer' wouldn't have a roll of quarters ready to dump into a game. Let's face it, arcade games aren't what they once were. The average gamer buys a home system and is able to play the same games (and much, much more) as often as they want, whenever they want, and from the comfort of their own couch. The only arcades that I've seen being able to stay in business are the ones associated with a pizza joint, and they always offer a buffet, and special 'promotions' to sell 'game cards' that either give someone access to all the games for a certain time limit for a set price, or double credits, etc. Being a 'purist' - I have to say, I enjoy having my own 'arcade' at home, but there will come a time when I sell out and place a few PC-based MAME machines in with the mix. Not to say that MAME will ever replace a game such as the Baby Pac (pinball+vid), but I could clear up quite a bit of space if I took the other ten games and condensed them into one or two cabinets. Again, I know the best person in the industry to supply parts (cheapest, and best service)... So, if anyone is looking to restore a game or needs any parts, LMK.
CoD comes and goes BF series comes and goes The only war game with any staying power is Operation Flashpoint, the Modern incarnation being : Armed Assault.. and the (soon hopefully) to be released OFP2 check it out if you like war games to be big.
Lomo - I havent seen it plugged in. Its just sitting in the corner with the for sale tag on it. This was one of my favorite games back in the day, especially this one, where you actually get in the machine. It's in a laser tag 'game center' or whatever you want to call it. I have a nephew that has his birthday there every year and its been sitting there for at least 2 years. They have some pretty cool older games, Chase HQ is one that is 'free' but the throttle doesnt work on it, so you are just wide open all over the place.
Sounds like they're asking faaaaar too much for that game. Go to the "superauctions" site and they'll list their upcoming auctions, chances are, there's one close to you. Games of that 'size' are usually sold rather cheap, due to the fact that they take up so much room, cost more to transport, etc.
When I played this game, it was fun, just I think people only play it to the extremes that they do because of the rpg like leveling system. Shit is fucking addicting.