Call a Spade a Spade or a nigger

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by StrangeDischarge, Mar 4, 2001.

  1. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    So "Fuck-it" you are a millionaire clown. Sounds like a load of shit. Someone of your callibur should have graduated to the pedophile chat boards. I am so proud of you for your accomplishments and also for putting me in my place. You worked me like a rented mule. You silly low life fuck, stop the fantasy, pick up the toilet brush and the Tidy-bowl and get back to work. If you did vote the GOP it was only because you saw the name Dick on the ticket.
  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    hehe... nice one IHN...
    and yeah... blacks... don't find anything wrong with the majority of them....most are cool... it's just the gang-bangin nigga playaz who piss me off... the 'rude-boys' and yardies... mosta those fuckers are just as racist as any fully paid-up member of the KKK...... and the middle class white kids who subscribe to their lifestyle... they piss me off even more.... whiggers .... fuckers....

    i could go on forever on this subject... but i ain't eaten yet...
  3. Fuck-It

    Fuck-It New Member

    Sorry dude, no fantasy. Just thinking about sipping those margritas on the beach makes it OK that a social retard such as yourself doesn't take what I say as the truth, thats fine, this is the internet its the haven for people who wish they were something or someone else. I, however, am quite comfortable with myself I have nothing to hide. With only a little bit of effort all this about me could be found right on this very same internet, so if you are fealling up to the task, i give you this challenge, prove me wrong you bloated day old, half eaten, festering can of monkey vomit

    I think I've gone Insane, I can't remember my own name.
  4. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    Hey Fuck-wit...If your as rich as you say you are, why don't send us all plane tickets to somewhere in the tropics and throw a mad Fugly party? And I'll supply the 'tunes' in return...
  5. Silent But Deadly

    Silent But Deadly New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    hey buddy.. mate.. chum...
    you couldn't lend us a few bucks till payday...


    Why you asking that chump for money I got boardwalk and Park place!!
  6. Silent But Deadly

    Silent But Deadly New Member

    did I mention I won $10 smackers in the beauty contest!!!
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Silent But Deadly:
    Why you asking that chump for money I got boardwalk and Park place!!


    i take it you mean the purple ones... Mayfair and Park Lane...

    i'm stuck near Old Kent Road...
  8. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    Does that mean IMC landed on...Go To Jail...Go Directly To Jail...Do not pass go and collect £200
  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PinkorBrown69:

    Does that mean IMC landed on...Go To Jail...Go Directly To Jail...Do not pass go and collect £200

    no... he went to jail without collecting $200... yank version see... everythings cheaper... probably worth about £140 allowing for exchange rate...
  10. Skully

    Skully New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fuck-It:
    Yes, I did attened a jr. college for a short period of time, Champlain College, fortunatly for me its one of the best in the country, from there is was Union college. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Jesus, listen to yourself. You sound (or rather, write) like a 14 year-old junkie! I seriously doubt that you attended any institution of higher learning that was worth its salt. Fraught with spelling errors, errors in grammar and the use of words which don't even exist, your writing "style" betrays your true educational history. Probably dropped out in grade 10. Not that I care. But don't start parading around like you're Patrick Bateman when it's crystal clear that you're more like a retarded Harlan clone. Costa Rican accounts my ass! If you are truly a super millionaire, you should throw a huge Fugly party. If you do, I'll let you take a big huff out of my glue bag.
  11. Skully

    Skully New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fuck-It:
    With only a little bit of effort all this about me could be found right on this very same internet, so if you are fealling up to the task, i give you this challenge, prove me wrong... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    What was the name of that concert production company?
  12. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    no... he went to jail without collecting $200... yank version see... everythings cheaper... probably worth about £140 allowing for exchange rate... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yeah...I did originaly put $ but changed it to £ cos you were talking about Mayfair and Park Lane and being stuck near Old Kent Road...So I thought I'd be loyal and say £.
    But ,yeah in IMC's case I guess it would be $.
  13. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    I think FuckIt should throw the bash. I will organize a death match for everyones drunken enjoyment. I will let FuckIt and PimpDaddy (with his vast Sun Tzu knowledge) exploit me for all to see. When it is all said and done, I will re-distribute his wealth among the lot of you and fuck dwarf hookers in their entrails. There is but one other among you that has demonstrated the true know how to do what you all rant about.
    He knew Charlie.
  14. Fuck-It

    Fuck-It New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skully:
    Jesus, listen to yourself. You sound (or rather, write) like a 14 year-old junkie! I seriously doubt that you attended any institution of higher learning that was worth its salt. Fraught with spelling errors, errors in grammar and the use of words which don't even exist, your writing "style" betrays your true educational history. Probably dropped out in grade 10. Not that I care. But don't start parading around like you're Patrick Bateman when it's crystal clear that you're more like a retarded Harlan clone. Costa Rican accounts my ass! If you are truly a super millionaire, you should throw a huge Fugly party. If you do, I'll let you take a big huff out of my glue bag. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Sorry. First,its only a fucking computer forum, second I was a music performance major, playing music doesn't call for a lot of written assignments. The only things I had to write were sonatas, fugues and things of that nature. I'm not a super millionaire, all the money that I have was gotten in the true american style, in a lawsuit. The costa rican accounts, any one can start those, all that you need to do is put $6,000 dollars a year away in a bank there for 17 years, its fucking Costa Rica, you don't need a great deal of money to live like a king there. Have you ever seen documentaries about those people, they live in shanties have few teeth, and never owned shoes. I'm, by no means, any different from the people you pass on the street every day, I just have the rest of my life planned out so I don't have to worry about it.

    I think I've gone Insane, I can't remember my own name.
  15. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    PimpDaddy's guide to killing without weapons... for dummies... v1.2

    1. TEMPLE- if struck with sufficient force.... may cause unconsciousness or death....

    2. NASION- this is the summit of the nose.... if struck with sufficient force it may cause death....

    3. PHILTRUM- this is the area between the upper lip and the bottom of the nose.... attack to this area may also cause unconsiousness or death....

    4. HOOK TO JAW- a powerful hook punch to the front side of the jaw may snap an enemy's neck....

    5. ADAM'S APPLE- a sharp blow here may cause enemy to asphyxiate......

    6. SOLAR PLEXUS- the small of the back.... may cause death....

    7. TESTICLES- a strong, vicious blow here may cause shock... resulting in death.... (hopefully... emasculation will do instead)....

    8. BASE OF CEREBELLUM- a powerful blow to the nape of the neck... causing mortal damage.....

    9. COCCYX- a powerful blow to the tail bone..... fatal.....

    10. FULL NELSON- stand behind your enemy..... put your arms under his.... and lock your hands behind his head..... bending the neck forward may either break neck.... asphyxiate enemy.... or cut the supply of spinal fluid to brain.... causing brain damage or death.....

    11. HALF NELSON- again.... standing behind the enemy.... but one arm is used to pin one of the enemy's arms.....

    12. BRAIN BUSTER- bend enemy over towards you.... placing him in a headlock..... grab the back of his belt and haul him into the air vertically... upside-down.....
    allow yourself to fall backward.... landing on your enemy's head... which will absorb your combined weight.... most effective on concrete or gravel.....

    13. RUSSIAN OMELETTE- cross enemy's legs.... fold enemy by pinning his shoulders to ground upside-down and placing his legs above him.... sit on his legs.. folding the base of spine.... fatal....

    14. HEART PUNCH- a strongman's attack... it is simply a powerful blow to the heart....

    15. UPPERCUT- an upward strike to the bottom of the jaw with the heel of the hand.... causing the enemy's head to snap backward..... may shatter vertebrae.... fatal....

    16. ABDOMEN- a substantial blow to this area may rupture a vital organ... causing death.....

    17. RIB CAGE- a vicious shattering of the rib cage may cause grave internal bleeding.....

    18. HEAD-TO-WALL PUNCH- a swift... hard... cold-cock punch to an enemy's face while he is standing near a wall may drive his head into it... causing the back of the skull to shatter fatally....

    19. PINNED DROP KICK- standing behind enemy.. holding his arms straight back.... a drop kick to the back without releasing arms may severe spine.. causing death.....

    20. HEAD WRENCH- grabbing an enemy's head by the mouth and the back of the skull.. then twisting with a sudden.. violent jerk to rend vertebrae.. may easily cause death......

    21. CHOKE HOLD- the right arm goes over the enemy's right shoulder.. and grips the back of the head...... the left arm comes over his left shoulder.. reaches across neck.. and grabs own right forearm..... with enough pressure applied.. causes brain damage or death.....

    22. HEAD YANK- bend enemy forward.. grab head.. and pull back with aggressive force..... may seperate delicate vertebrae.. causing death.....

    if anyone knows of any i missed... feel free to add 'em...

    oh and BTW... AnalDischarge...
    just because i do not practise what i preach.. i.e. go out and indiscriminately maim and murder people... does not mean i do not know how... i spent many of my formative years in gyms being tutored in.. and practising quite a few combatative arts... i just prefer not to go out and fight anybody who looks at me the wrong way...
    i prefer to let petty niggling annoyances pass... secure in the knowledge that if anybody decided to attack me.. i could disarm them and leather their pussy arses all over the street...
    mind you tho... i can't dodge bullets.. but i'm working on that one...

    [This message has been edited by PimpDaddy (edited March 07, 2001).]
  16. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

  17. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PinkorBrown69:
    6. SOLAR PLEXUS- the small of the back.... may cause death....

    Sorry P.D...But the SOLAR PLEXUS is located nearer to front of the body and is most easily(and efficiently)attacked from the front, by stiking with the palm of the hand, making contact just below where the ribcage joins together.Can cause internal bleeding/torn stomach,usualy only buy extreme force or when 'Chi' is exerted<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    my bad.. i had kidneys in mind when i was typing that....
    speaking of which.. i forgot that one...
    a blow with sufficient force to the kidneys will rupture them and make pink weewee .. and may cause eventual death

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>21. CHOKE HOLD- the right arm goes over the enemy's right shoulder.. and grips the back of the head...... the left arm comes over his left shoulder.. reaches across neck.. and grabs own right forearm..... with enough pressure applied.. causes brain damage or death.....

    One of my favourites...


    yeah... one of mine too.... 'cos while you're holding some sap in that hold it makes it quite easy to lower your head slightly and bite their fuckin ear off...

    not that i would mind you...
  18. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    Only the strong survive. That statement still holds true after thousands of years, except strength is measured in much different ways now. Just being able to kick someone's ass will only get you so far in life. Unless you're a Mike Tyson, or some super star for a football team or whatever, your physical strength really has nothing to do with how strong you are. Strength today is measured in how much bullshit you can take before you finally say fuck it and lash back at society. How much knowledge you've obtained, and how you interact with others. Or it's measured in how much control we have over ourselves in regards to things we shouldn't do in excess or at all, i.e. drink, use drugs, rape, kill etc......
  19. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PinkorBrown69:
    Only the strong survive. That statement still holds true after thousands of years, except strength is measured in much different ways now. Just being able to kick someone's ass will only get you so far in life. Unless you're a Mike Tyson, or some super star for a football team or whatever, your physical strength really has nothing to do with how strong you are. Strength today is measured in how much bullshit you can take before you finally say fuck it and lash back at society. How much knowledge you've obtained, and how you interact with others. Or it's measured in how much control we have over ourselves in regards to things we shouldn't do.. rape, kill etc......


    very well put...

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I'm sure i said something like that:
    just because i do not practise what i preach.. i.e. go out and indiscriminately maim and murder people... does not mean i do not know how... i spent many of my formative years in gyms being tutored in.. and practising quite a few combatative arts... i just prefer not to go out and fight anybody who looks at me the wrong way...
    i prefer to let petty niggling annoyances pass... secure in the knowledge that if anybody decided to attack me.. i could disarm them and leather their pussy arses all over the street...
    mind you tho... i can't dodge bullets.. but i'm working on that one...

    i sorta edited out the drink n drugs bit... hehehe....
  20. Skully

    Skully New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PinkorBrown69:
    Only the strong survive. That statement still holds true after thousands of years, except strength is measured in much different ways now. Just being able to kick someone's ass will only get you so far in life. Unless you're a Mike Tyson, or some super star for a football team or whatever, your physical strength really has nothing to do with how strong you are. Strength today is measured in how much bullshit you can take before you finally say fuck it and lash back at society. How much knowledge you've obtained, and how you interact with others. Or it's measured in how much control we have over ourselves in regards to things we shouldn't do in excess or at all, i.e. drink, use drugs, rape, kill etc......


    "Only one thing in this life matters: get them to sign on the line which is hear me you fucking faggots?"

    - The Eternal "Blake"

    Money is the only measure of strength in this world. With money, you can fuck up you life a hundred times over and still manage to retain power over your enemies. You can be the biggest prick on earth and get away with it.

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