Since Barry's forum got hacked. What was that book on sexuality that you recommended again? I spent an hour at Borders yesterday perusing the "Sex section" just on the chance i'd remember the title when I saw it. Unfortunately it did not jump out at me.
The title is "Talk Dirty to Me" by Amy Tisdale. I think it may be in the philosophy section. If the cover's unchanged, it's got the sexiest picture of a peach--ever.
Barry it just donned on me the answer to your question about ideas for the forum. Why be stuck to a specific genre i.e. Psychology. Ferine mentions anything on a sexual level and every dick is standing at attention with bated breath and you have an instantly popular forum. Ferine I do not mean that in any way as an insult its just human nature. But my point is you could have the forum rotate around topics of sexuality one week and before it starts to get old change the whole theme again. Other ideas could be Sports, Cooking, Cars or consumer items. I don’t know.
Back on topic Ferine I'm a regular Barry White/Cyrano de Bergerac wrapped up into that slightly older and wiser while still fit and in excellent and healthy shape 5'7" white guy. So ask away with your sexual questions I will be glad to endow you with my knowledge. Ah just for clarification that’s slightly older than yourself not Cyrano de Bergerac.
Your seeing that was all part of my game right? Sensitive guy who likes little cute puppy dogs. :wink:
Freud . . . psychoanalysts have dwindled. THere are about 1500 world wide. Freud had a few good ideas and I think he did some good for psychology in the big general sense, but other than that I don't put much stock in his stuff. Him of fucking Erikson.
ok then pscchology of: Sex, Sports, Cooking, Cars or consumer items...... Wasn't I even just a wee little bit convincing? Hold on I should be asking ferine this.
I was just asking for a book referral. The only sex-lives I am concerned with is mine and my partners. The rest of you can fuck* yourselves. But..I do love you guys.... *You can edit that Barry if it'd make u feel better.
ANOTHER!!! At some point all of this is going to catch up with you. Probably at an AA meeting. With fresh grouper.
I'd go to an AA meeting for fresh grouper. They'd probably kick me out when they found out I don't drink...
Nah, they have an all drunks are welcome policy. The definition they use for alchoholism is rediculous.