lol Joeker is a Sheenie roach, who whould have guessed it? You know, hitler "supposedly" gassed 6 million jews, and out of all of those, Joekers grandparents were overlooked.. Oh well, you sure do harp on "arhabs alot hershel (if that's your real name!):
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children: lol Joeker is a Sheenie roach, who whould have guessed it? You know, hitler "supposedly" gassed 6 million jews, and out of all of those, Joekers grandparents were overlooked.. Oh well, you sure do harp on "arhabs alot hershel (if that's your real name!): <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Let's the Jews' own documentation of their bloodline, Arabs are half-Jewish. Maybe Joeker is just bitter about some bastard relatives of his?
I'm a ZIONIST. The bottomline is it's the Muslims/Arabfucksheads and their backward violent religion that is going to cause the war. It will be an easy win for Israel/US. The Arabs are horrible fighters....they can't even beat themselves in a war. If there's a WWIII it will be: America, Britain, Israel, Turkey, Russia and India vs. the Muslim world and China....and they will be crushed. Yes, Turkey will side with the West. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ~pimpchichi~: wtf are you quoting me for?.. i'm not a nazi, i only hate the zionists and far-right fundamentalist christians and their agenda of provoking prophecy by precipitating a final war between israel/US and the muslim world<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Thank God Irv Rubin is fucking brain dead...worthless piece of shit. Now, if only Morris Dees, Abe Foxman and the rest of the whiny ass ADL and SPLC would follow Rubin's example, then the world would really be a better place (and a lot of Jews agree with me on this).
If there's any justice in this world then when Joeker and Ulfer meet each other in that dark alley they'll kill each other. Hopefully someone will reveal where they're buried so I can piss on thier graves.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ulfur Engil: Very quick history lesson...the original NSDAP uniform standard was a brown shirt, which was used by the SA. When the SS was created, the black shirt standard was adopted, and after the "Night of Long Knives" (when the SS shot a number of dissidents in the SA, including Ernst Rohm, who was the head of the SA at the time), the SS were placed in the forefront as the primary force in the Third Reich. After that, the other significant use of the brown shirt was in the Hitler Youth uniforms. Figuratively speaking, black prevailed over brown in Germany. And that was Prof. Ulfur Engil with a quick history lesson....sponsored in part by: (Because sometimes Raid just doesn't work well enough!)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ZYKLON B GIFTGAS! Cyanpräparat! Kühl und trocken lagern! Vor Sonne und offener Flamme schützen! Nur durch geübtes Personal zu öffnen und zu verwenden TRANSLATION: Zyklon B POISONOUS GAS! Cyanic preparation! Keep cool and dry! Protect from sun and open fire! To be opened and applied only by experienced personnel!
Thanks for proving the point of this thread. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ulfur Engil: Let's the Jews' own documentation of their bloodline, Arabs are half-Jewish. Maybe Joeker is just bitter about some bastard relatives of his?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>