Bummer of a story

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by moremetal4mepls, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    You're becoming more and more militant lately... Have you been hanging around the wrong people? Do you need a hug?
  2. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Actually, I could use a hu... hey, wait a minute. I'm not falling for that one again.
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Don't worry, I'll catch you on one of those minute-long periods when you stop breathing at night. Then I'll slip Schmed in to give you a hug and leave you with a little present.

    Seriously, though... What's with all of your recent posts regarding firearms?

    First, you propose going to Washington and now you're asking what caliber to use against police officers? Did someone get a speeding ticket recently?

    Honestly, I've had a few run-ins with police back in my day, but they were never for any 'harmful' activities. Even now, if I'm anonymously faced with talking to an officer of the law, I'm treated as if I have broken a law.

    Take the other day, when I pulled into a retailer on the corner of a busy intersection to buy some smokes. I entered through one side, parked, bought my shit, came out, and tried to exit the other side, and the cop at the exit didn't believe me when I told him I was a customer. (There was road construction, and he was there to make sure people weren't cutting through.)

    He asked me for a receipt, and I told him I didn't have one - and he just said I needed to turn around. I stopped him from walking away and said, "but - I need to go that way."

    "Why don't you have a receipt?"

    "I never keep 'em."

    "Why not?"

    "Why would I? It's just more trash to throw away once I get home. Besides, I didn't know I was going to be asked to present it when trying to leave the premises."

    He still didn't believe me, even though I showed him the unopened packages I purchased while inside, and left waving his hand, "sure, sure... come on through."

    Now, I don't give two shits what other people think most of the time, but when I'm telling someone with authority the truth, and they treat me as an average slob trying to bend the rules, I tend to take it personally. But, I didn't, and this is why:

    ---The main point is this. Cops deal with so many people breaking the rules on a daily basis that they are psychologically trained to look at someone and automatically assume they're guilty. At first, I took it personal, but when logic kicked in, I realized that he was just another simple-minded person that was trained to make broad generalizations, due to the line of his work.

    Scary, when you think about it. The same legal framework that boasts: "Innocent until proven guilty" has classically conditioned it's lowest grunts to adopt a Pavlovian psycho-analytical view on everyone.

    But, at the same time, I don't hold any ill will towards the poor slob. He's just thinks he's doing his job, and probably goes home each night to an abuse-prone woman that loves a slap with the nightstick every once in a while. After he sodomizes her in handcuffs, he's probably straight off to the bar to engage in an evening of drinking in plain clothes with his work buddies.

    Nothing I would ever shoot a person over.

    Break into my house, however, and you will, albeit briefly, find yourself on the wrong end of something fatal.
  4. beenjamin

    beenjamin New Member


    He's fucking dead!! .. . ...!...wait...did i miss it/something
  5. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member


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