Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by DangerousD, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    No wonder China has the highest number of cases of Rabies related deaths. They deserve it.
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I don't see how you could treat another living thing (that has done absolutely nothing to you) like that. Those animals can feel pain. They have emotions and they get scared just like a human would. I saw another video one time of a dog freaking out that was about to be killed. I think it was in China as well. It was on a back of a truck and it could hear the other dogs being killed. It was awful.

    I hate watching that stuff, but I will make myself do it. They have to experience it. The least I could do is watch it and feel helpless and sad.
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh, so now I am freaking out over this. I realize that my Skechers sweater clogs have a 'faux fur' lining and that they are made in china. So I am probably wearing raccoon dog fur and that makes me sad. It would be stupid to throw them away, but at the same time, I feel like a piece of shit.
  5. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Kitana's spirit, be gone from these poor souls!
  6. GAS

    GAS New Member

    You'd be amazed what you would eat if you were ever truly poor.
  7. GAS

    GAS New Member

    What he said, kimchee fucking rocks!
  8. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    I don't think I could eat my own dog but the neighbors had better keep theirs inside if things go to hell. I alaso think those douchebags in the video that gut the dog while it is still alive should have the same done to them.

    I won't be contributing to the HSUS because they're as bad as PETA. They want to take away my right to hunt and make me (and you) into a vegan. Nothing more American than eating a pile of red meat along with mashed spuds and corn for color (wink, wink).:biggrin:
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    The HSUS is not even a fraction as bad as PETA! I don't get where everyone thinks they are against hunting. They are against inhumane hunting... ie for trophies. The are against canned hunting, contest killing, etc. And so am I. I agree with their stance on hunting. My family has always hunted and although I would never join in and I would cry when I would see the deer hanging gutted, I understand why it needs to be done and I have a lot more respect for people who hunt their own meat than go down to McDonalds and get a burger.

    This is where the HSUS stands on hunting:

    They don't try to make everyone vegan nor do they try to hide the fact that they are forced to euthanize animals and they try their best to find the animals a home, unlike PETA who kills them in the van as soon as they are picked up and dumps them in dumpsters behind Walmart. No self-respecting animal lover should support PETA. Although I appreciate what they have done on exposing animal cruelty, I do not agree with some of their bullying tactics and their hypocrisy. They are a fucked up bunch of people who actually want to wipe animals from the face of the earth entirely. They do not believe in companion animals and that cunt Ingrid Newkirk has already started campaigns to kill every pitbull or pitbull mix in the world. I truly hope she is mauled to death by animals. My pitbull mix wants to shit in her face. :)
  10. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    this is quoted (read copied) from the top of the page you put the url up for.

    "The HSUS's Wildlife Abuse Campaign promotes the humane treatment of wildlife by educating the public and lawmakers on the cruelty inherent in sport hunting and targeting the most reprehensible practices."

    Tell me again that they don't want to stop hunting. they use the word cruelty for a reason.

    They want to stop parents from taking their kids out hunting at an early age so that the HSUS has a chance to spread their propoganda first and make hunting objectionable in the kids eyes.

    Baiting bears is not cruel, nor does it bring in bears from different regions, it just helps the hunter know where a bear from a specific area will be. Bears are territorial and do not cross into another bears area for a twinkie.

    The HSUS is as insidous as Obama, it only wants a little at first, then it will take more when it gets the chance.
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Sport hunting is not the same as hunting for food. Most hunting today is done for "recreational" purposes -- for the pure pleasure of pursuing and killing an animal. Hunters generally target trophy animals; i.e. those with the largest racks (antlers), the biggest horns, etc. Often the prized parts are removed, while the rest of the body is left to rot in the field.

    Baiting is cruel. It's putting the animal in an unfair position. Then you have the bears that escape wounded and face a slow death from blood loss, gangrene, or other infections, dehydration, or starvation. Mother bears who are killed leave behind orphaned cubs who are completely dependent on them for food during their first 17 months, and when left in the wilderness alone, they often cannot survive. In many areas there are few restrictions against shooting mother bears with nursing cubs, leading to the destruction of entire families.

    Why should you push your love of stalking and killing animals on your children? I think if I kid is old enough to decide that they really want to do it and fully understand what they are doing, then whatever. But taking you kid out there to hunt is just like pageant moms and football dads. I guarantee that some of those kids are only doing it to please their parents. I don't think parents should shove anything on their kids and that includes going to church.
  12. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member


    Nobody hunts just for food, if they did they'd be at it all year long, which is called poaching.

    My last boss hunted trophies and didn't bring the meat home, he donated it to local people in need and charities.

    Why should we let the HSUS tell us what to teach our kids. They aren't worried about future pageant stars or hockey kids.

  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Well there is a reason that you aren't allowed to hunt all year long.

    The HSUS isn't about stopping everyone from hunting but they do want to stop cruel hunting practices like internet hunting... for rich, lazy, no skill having, piece of shit bastards.

    As far as kids go, anymore, give them access to a gun and they will just take it to school and kill each other. :biggrin:
  14. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    wrong, here's a quote and the url the quote came from, read the first line


    As a matter of principle, The HSUS opposes the hunting of any living creature for fun, trophy, or sport because of the animal trauma, suffering, and death that result. A humane society should not condone the killing of any sentient creature in the name of sport. As a practical matter, The HSUS actively seeks to eliminate the most inhumane and unfair sport-hunting practices, such as the use of body-gripping traps, baiting, use of dogs, pigeon shoots, stocking of animals for shooting, and fee-hunting on enclosed properties.

    Unfortunately, the welfare of animals may, on occasion, necessitate the killing of wildlife. When such killing is permitted, it must be used as a last resort, be demonstrably necessary, and be conducted by responsible officials, and the methods utilized must result in an instantaneous and humane death.

    The legitimate needs of human subsistence may also sometimes necessitate the killing of wildlife. In such cases, killing should be accomplished in a humane and non-wasteful manner. Individuals of endangered or threatened species must be protected from subsistence hunting.

    They don't want us to hunt but know they can't stop it yet so they are doing it incrementally.
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Just as a point of interest, this thread started out trying to guess Dans real name.

    FYI - it's Hubert.
  16. BullGod666

    BullGod666 Member

    I know how it started but it seems as though after post #6 things changed direction.

    I'm saddened to hear his name is Pubert

  17. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I feel the same way every time a damn traffic cop gives me a speeding ticket because he's hiding behind *anything* and just waiting for someone to cross that threshold.
  18. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    That's not wrong. They say hunt for food and kill if the animal us going to die anyway... like if you hit a deer. They want you to kill it quickly and not let it suffer on the side of the road and if your state permits it, you can always take that deer home and eat it. I would encourage meat eaters to do that.

    I agree with everything they say and I am proud to be a member. I even have my membership sticker in my window. I got all of my dogs from there and will get any future animal from them.
  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Cops do hide. You have to look out for their hiding places.
  20. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Then don't speed!

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