I sent you a PM to, hopefully, un-bunch your panties. I love how everyone's reaction to any kind of percieved criticism (rightly or wrongly) immediately turns to, "boo-hoo I'm leaving and just delete my posts". What a bunch of fucking pansies.
BTW Reiz, I really do appreciate any help you've given to the site here. I hope I didn't neglect to thank you for it. I know you made a bunch of icons and a new theme for the forums and I'm sorry if I didn't thank you for that.
And I dont think I was even talking to him, but anyway.... A lot of this entitlement crap has gotten to the point of idiocracy. Companies are forced to dumb down products and make them 'safe' for the idiots that dont know its not a good idea to lick the chain of a running chainsaw. People were told to evacuate days prior to katrina hitting the gulf coast, then when they didnt, and it washed out the levees its the governments fault, and respsonsibility to 'save them'. Then if it doesnt happen quick enough they want to sue, what was the amount posted before 3 trillion something dollars? Then FEMA gives out these nice little debit cards that they put so much money a month on and the jackasses are out buying purses. Forgive me if Im not 'saddened' for them. How many FEMA trailer or debit cards ended up in Alabama or Mississippi?
The ones that survive the gauntlet are allowed to stay. It's like a gang initiation. Fernando took a good beating but he dusted himself off and got back in the game. Some noobs poke their heads in here, get smitten, and retreat. Perhaps its better that they do. A) She doesn't wear panties B) THAT IS NAME CALLING, SIR!!!
Johnny Ringo was a daisy according to Doc Holliday in "Tombstone". Is it such a bad thing to be a flower of some sort? Wouldn't the world be a better place for all of us to live if we were more peaceful like our cousins in the plant world? Nah, fock it.
Don't worry. She'll be back once she's grown some pubes. Or "boo-hoo, i'm looking a complete asshole, i'm deleting this 25 page thread".